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Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Very bad Team with Perticular Manager, Since Feb.21 She tried to me accusation use her power to reproach.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Internal Learning Development mit kontakt, Elearning
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
AGB : Alle leute sind gleich
Right place for Right People
Unfriendly Team, no more care for each other within The Team, searching accusations. Less Responsibility & Ignorance.
Indirectly the perticular manager pulling Nose() from me
As the working time as shiftleader
{Feb.2021 => Aug.2021 PS: Then i gave my side resignation letter to the Firm}
I had almost 12-21/22 shift
Continually 6 days or 7days worked included weekend, i have no contact day with my children: i mean when i coming to work children r @ School & go back from work to home they r sleeping weekend time must forget you have children & they need to me....
I have no more hope
On my Really Lifetime as an Employee this Firm. Inclusiv i had more 20 years work experience & Qulaified Examcertificate "Specialist in Catering" included more than 3 years working experience McDonalds Deutschland LLC included Internal Course participated in Germany. The way in Germany Educational System through IHK Exams & Certificates would like to have easyier way as this Firm working(keep it up), the main negative think is from Perticular Manager accusation did...
13.44 my Tarifgroup(TG3)
Environtment Security
Everyperson as a worker between one bridge
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Less care for the old collegs
Not rightly handelt for me personal,
She treat me look like i'm one of the small girl & try to my position reproach(Note i've completed IHK Duisburg exam as Specialist in Catering & Several years Work experience 22years in Germany in Systemgastronomie
She wouldlike to change my position within 4 eyes contact(oral)Angestellte in Restaurant Management to reproach as a crewworker at the same time on another branch...
Then she makes sent warning letter....
Unfortunately @ the firm no workingcomitee Employee side is no more supportive chance.
Not effective communication, no strong Decission making
I'm in Germany since 1996
Within this 25 years experience as a employee @this Firm indirectly me treat not gut. I had the working experience years 22 years in this field & especialy German Education way ithrough IHK succesfully completed my exam(Carier)., in the Firm more than 3years: the perticular manager gave presure @ the working time until last 6 months. Even i'm one of the citizenship with my kids: 3.2014.
Interessante Aufgaben
Thats my Dream Job as Specialist in Catering, i have so many threats not right people sorrounding (whole team: Management), i give to me self strength Beleive & Dont give up, i could go through with my skills @ that place. I could friendly treat guest and the same time on our same workers from all over the world with my pleasure.