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I cannot *not* recommend MoGi Group enough

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung gearbeitet.


High-stress environment with passive-aggressive pressure by everyone above you


Changes are never communicated in advance; you're always told to "man up" and deal with whatever is being thrown your way


Huge churn, high burnout quota, nobody can stick around for longer than two years - however, within the team, the personal - and work support is amazing. People already at the edge of what they can do will go out of their way to support you..


Late shift, weekend shifts, holiday shifts, all without additional compensation


You are never part of decisions, if they may concern your team or you directly. Conflicts are not addressed, and only redirected to HR when under dress. Any higher-up will let you feel like the insignificant cog you are. You will receive emails reminding you of that fact, dressed up as motivational team mails.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depending on the outsourcing partner,


Can't speak about that in public, but people from West-African countries have definitely been treated differently.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

My teams have always been quite young, with nobody over 50, so I can't say for sure. MoGi needs to take advantage of young, inexperienced workers.


The absolut bare minimum. Hires interns for 500€/40h-weeks, and paid less than 1k for a full-time freelancer on our team. Greatly relies on staff not talking about how little they earn. Always bordering as close to the lower threshold of legal as possible.


Any time a promotion came up, clearly personal friends were chosen over experience, qualification, or other peoples' support.

