8 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I’m really proud I was a part of this exceptional team, and I think that if you're a tech-savvy individual seeking a dynamic and innovative work environment, I highly recommend considering joining the n-fuse team!
The 'Engineering First' culture fuels constant innovation, supported by motivated and skilled colleagues which add to the vibrant mix.
From day 1, as a Backend Engineer, I was involved in captivating IoT projects, powered by cutting-edge tech and overall this was a thrilling and unforgettable start to my career journey.
One thing that these ratings don't really touch, but what I believe is very important especially in this industry, is the continued readiness to try new things and push the envelope on the technology side. The focus there is on what is the *best* tool for the job, not the safest or the most well-known one.
Perhaps the company would benefit from increasing the level of inside communication a bit.
Nothing but excellent. Basically unlimited scheduling flexibility as long as you get your work done in a reasonable time window. As a working student not once did I have any issues with moving work around my lectures/schoolwork. As a matter of fact, I often used the office (even on weekends) for doing my schoolwork (strictly separating work/school activities and time spent, of course) simply because I preferred the working atmosphere there and no one ever batted an eye.
Had a great project lead/senior engineer, who knew how to ease me in as a beginner and provide feedback, while giving me more and more independence with time and eventually allowing me to take over most of the development in that particular project. At the same this person was always open for discussing any aspect of the project.
Also I don't think that during all this time I ever felt "under direct fire", even in problematic situations the communication was calm and constructive.
Roomy office, lots of space, quiet environment, large windows with a great view, natural light (or not - use the blinds if you don't like that, but I love it), ergonomic equipment (best chairs, I can absolutely vouch for that, I have a sensitive lower back), great office location. I am pretty sure we had free coffee too, but I only drink water. Great laptop, never had any problems. In short - no distractions to take your attention away from work.
Very oriented on the tasks at hand and very lean regarding anything else. In my personal experience very few meetings in general. If something had to be cleared up, one would simply reach out to the responsible person directly. I actually enjoyed this approach very much, since there was very little time wasted. The only issue I can think of now looking back at it, is that we probably missed out on some positive feedback as well, since most of the time one would be approached only if something had to be done or fixed.
Of course during 3+ years while working on the same project, there is some level of repetition. That being said, I tackled interesting and challenging problems up until my very last day.
I'm sorry. It's pointless..
Couldn't be worse. Literally the worst. HORRIBLE!! Everyone there seemed to be kind of intimidated and scared of something.
Phone calls off the job. Working during the night (luckily happened only once). Overhours almost every other day. Training at the weekend.
Average, my colleagues were nice, but definitely not a team.
Horrible. I was being yelled at and insulted multiple times for no reason at all. The employees in this company are treated in a very authoritative way. If you have questions you don't get help at all. I was promised a mentorship but this seemed straight out to be a lie.
The office was a total mess.
Terrible, most people there work from home, so there is not much personal contact with anyone.
The worst project and task management I have ever seen in my life.
Gutes Gehalt, pünktliche Bezahlung, interessante Aufgaben
Freundlichkeit, Höflichkeit gegenüber Mitarbeitern ist wichtig. Die Bereitstellung von Obst und Süßigkeiten zusammen mit kostenlosem Kaffee wäre schön
Interessante Projekte, auch bei namenhaften Großunternehmen
Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Kollegen
Agile, flache Strukturen
Agiles Unternehemn, welches innovative Technologien einsetzt und interessante Projekte realisiert. Die Mitarbeiter sind sehr motiviert und es herrscht eine gute Arbeitsatmosphäre. Mitarbeiter erfahren Wertschätzung durch die Geschäftsführung.
Aufgrund des Einsatzes innovativer Technologien kann man sein Know-how extrem vertiefen. Mitarbeiter werden von der Geschätfsführung gefördert.
Gehalt und Sozialleistungen sind gut.
Das Unternehmen realisert bewusst Projekte, die umwelt- und ressourcenschonend sind. Sehr positiv.
Unternehmerisches Denken und das Vertrauen in die Mitarbeiter zeichnen die Geschäftsführung aus. Die Geschäftsführung ist nah an den Mitarbeitern dran und nimmt auch die Funktion eines Mentors wahr und gibt den Mitarbeitern hilfreiches Feedback um sich weiterzuentwicklen.
Sehr moderne IT Ausstattung. Zudem ideale Erreichbarkeit mit den Öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, da der Standort in direkter Nähe zum Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart lokalisiert ist.
Klare Kommunikation durch die Geschäftsführung, Feeback ist dabei gerne gesehen (Feedback Kultur)
Einsatz Innovativer Technologien. Es werden Projekte für Kleinst-, als auch Großunternhemen wie Daimler, Bosch und Siemens realisiert. Darüber hinaus werden eigene Applikationen, Projekte vorangetrieben - wie in einem Start-up können sich die Mitarbeiter hierbei nahezu selsbt verwirklichen. Es wird Generalisimus erwünscht, d.h. jeder Mitarbeiter kann sich auch andere Aufgaben ziehen, was der Vielfalt und die Lernkurve ansteigen lässt.
average salary - not many tasks
no process - no plan - no measures
understand management first and how to communicate with people