Difficult times for the company
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- awesome swag and perks
- budget available for great activities
- "young" and innovative company with a great reputation
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- there is no clear expectation setting so whatever you do (or not do) might result in being wrong and judged
- if you want to bring in our own ideas, there is hardly any room for trying them out - the answer is always no
- people manager are not always qualified and it's being accepted by HR / senior management resulting in a poor work-life balance
- finger-pointing if goals are not met instead of actually doing a meaningful lesson learnt session
- make sure that people manager are leaders and not old-fashioned micromanagers
- other departments should be seen as people to align with and not as competitors so embrace cross-departmental positioning
- everyone should have a voice and be listened to