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5 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 3,7Weiterempfehlung: 60%

5 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Nice job for start, nothing more

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2021 im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

He is friendly and nice...

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

... as long as you do everything as he wants you to. After you leave, you can see that it was all a one big lie. It's a valuable lesson.


Colleagues are nice and helpful. The employer too for until...


Unfortunately, I can't describe it.


You have flexible working hours, but if something is "important" then you have to stay, sometimes on the weekend. You can also be called by the employer when you're at home.


If you're not going to learn on other people mistakes or on your own, then you won't learn much. You're going to make mistakes and none will care.


Good for the start of career. It's hard to get the full amount of your last salary, tho.


They're nice and want to help, but nobody has any experience how to do it effectively.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There is really only one person that was able to stay there long enough to be described as "älteren Kollegen". The guy is awesome. He holds the whole company in one piece.


Avoid conflicts with the employer at all costs for your own good.


You can communicate with others, but there is no system. Everybody does what they have to without communicating with others. The employer makes all decisions, which is a bit problematic, because he's often unreachable.


Everyone was treated equally, but you have to know, when you feel uncomfortable, how to say "no"

Interessante Aufgaben

You get a huge range of tasks from designing db to watering plants.




Not recommend for long term work, recommend if you want a great start into IT.

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The employer is genuinely nice and fun guy when work topics are not involved. He is also a very helpful person and if you need help you can definitely count on him.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I truly don't like how little employer cares about the quality of the produced code. Yea, sure it works, but to work with that is a nightmare. And a nightmare is a "refactor" word for an employer. Why would you rewrite the thing, when you can develop new feature in that time?


I don't really know, for me there was a little too much pressure on new features and too little focus on testing and overall in quality of the produced code.

I think someone who would work between the employeer and the developers would be beneficial as the employer now can focus on the contact with the customer, setting its requirements and passing it down to that person. That person can now handle meetings with the developers, handle sprints and so on. There is no need for the employer to be involved in technical stuff or how the app architecture is constructed.

Refactor old code, it is truly terrible to work with (it was okay a decade ago) or even put the service into "maintenance mode", fix only critical bugs and create brand new version from scratch using modern technologies and tools.


The atmosphere was great and the colleagues were awesome and super helpful. Nothing bad could be said about them


The company's image was perceived as innovative and ambitious.


Flexible working hours were great and no one can deny that. If necessary it is expected from you to work over hours (happened multiple times) sometimes to really late hours and sometimes during the weekends.


TLDR: The more you work there the more harmful it becomes for you.

There is a character limit so I will focus on the most important thing for me - personal development. It is profoundly disappointing. Don't get me wrong. The diversity is great but there is only so much you can learn. The QA was, straight up, basically non existing. No tests, no code reviews, nothing. You can create something, a feature, a fix, a piece of code, anything and you will not get any feedback about how good or bad it is. The only feedback you'll get is: It works, or not. You can create something really, really, REALLY dumb, but if it works then everything's fine and it goes to production. No one checks what you created, there's no one who could tell you "Hey listen, the thing you did, it works but maybe there is a better way of doing that, try this and that next time" or "Hey! The code you want to merge, it has a security vulnerability, you shouldn't do this and that. Please fix it". You can repeat the same dumb mistake over, and over, and over again, and you will never find out that the thing you did is wrong. After years, what do you represent? E.G. 5 years+ of experience and code with junior mistakes


The wages were absolutely fine for starters/juniors and that's it. There was no transparency in the payments. The bonuses existed (e.g. christmas bonus) but the value of such was never known and probably was calculated on some arbitrary metrics, if at all. You could try get the raise, but it was generally a hard process.


I would say the environmental awareness was quite high. The office was basically paperless. The paper was almost forbidden. A little bit more effort could be put into saving power (leaving rooms with lights turned on) I guess.


Absolutely awesome, it was a great pleasure and honor to work with them. There were many talented people to learn from.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

In general the employee retention was really low so there were only few people that worked there for more than 5 years and even less that you could call a senior. Long serving colleagues were really helpful and I personally believe that they were undervalued and not respected enough.


In general you want to avoid conflicts with the superior at all costs. Any critique sent in his direction will turn on his self-defence mode in which he absolutely stops listening you. In response he will use his speech abilities to try to convince you that you are not right but he is. Sometimes I had the feeling that superior is detached from the reality, by expecting really inexperienced people to create/fix something at the day one in code that is ancient using libraries that no one uses in a modern times. Another example, I pointed out a very serious problem with the feature and in response I heard "The problem exists only in your mind" and as far as I know the problem persists to this day. The superior sometimes made weird decisions, like buying digital board that almost no one used, placing it in the office and removing the standard whiteboard (which was perfecty fine and worked far better than this digital thing) from another room. Just why? And who asked for that?


The computers were fine and problems with ordering something more powerful rarely occurred. The rooms were bright, nicely illuminated and quiet in general. There were coffee machines for employees to use. Lots of snacks. In the summer it could be a little bit to hot (no AC in the office)


Communication in general was awful. The requirements, if there were any, rarely were clear. In general you would get a task and immediately go ask questions to know anything about the task. If you were lucky you could get some details, but very often you got nothing as the communication with the person was unreliable since it had too much stuff on its head (you could easily split its work into at least 3 other job positions). Often you could just get a random task with meaningless title and no description, ask about that and wait days for response. Quite often the was a situation that you were informed about an important meeting with the customer on which we want to show the Feature XYZ (which is far from being finished and the meeting organisator knows about that perfectly well) a day or two before actual meeting.

The communication with the colleagues: Simply awesome.


Everyone was treated equally and with respect

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks were really interesting and the variety of them was large. There was always something exciting to do.


Innovatives & forschungsnahes Unternehmen mit hervorragendem kollegialem Umgang

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Die sportlichen Aktivitäten, die das Unternehmen anbietet, tragen zu einem guten Arbeitsklima bei und fördern den Zusammenhalt und die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter.

Die hohe Eigenverantwortung und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bei der Umsetzung von Projekten ermöglichen es, eigene Ideen einzubringen und umzusetzen.


Den Mitarbeitern noch mehr Möglichkeiten für die individuelle Fort- und Weiterbildung bieten, z.B. geförderte Teilnahme an Entwicklerkonferenzen / Workshops...


Die Arbeitsatmosphäre unter den Kollegen ist sehr positiv und motivierend.


Das Image des Unternehmens gilt in der Branche als innovativ. Das spiegelt sich in der Neu-Entwicklung von Produkten und der aktiven Initiierung Kooperativer Forschungsprojekte mit Industrie- und Forschungspartnern wieder.


Flexible Homeoffice-Regelungen und gemeinsame wöchentliche Sportangebote tragen zu einer guten Work-Life-Balance bei.


Das Gehalt ist marktüblich.


Das Unternehmen engagiert sich für die Förderung sozialer Projekte (z.Bsp. durch die Ausrichtung von firmengeförderten Spendenläufen)


Der Zusammenhalt unter den Kollegen ist hervorragend. Man hilft sich gegenseitig und tauscht sich regelmäßig aus, um gemeinsam die besten Lösungen zu finden.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Ältere Kollegen werden respektvoll behandelt und ihre Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse werden geschätzt und genutzt.


Die Unternehmenskultur ist von sehr flachen Hierarchien geprägt.


Die Arbeitsumgebung ist modern und gut ausgestattet. Das Arbeiten im Büro ist angenehm.


Bedingt durch das internationale Entwicklerteam werden Absprachen und Meetings meist in Englisch abgehalten.


Es wird großer Wert auf ein vielfältiges Team gelegt.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Aufgaben in der Software-Entwicklung sind abwechslungsreich und herausfordernd, sodass man stets gefordert ist und sich fachlich weiterentwickeln kann.



Wer mit Micro Management klar kommt, den wird ein wundervoller Arbeitgeber erwarten

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Die Kolleg:innen bereiten eine wundervolle atmosphäre, ob full remote oder present.


Flexible Arbeitszeiten, aber auch die Erwartungshaltung als "gegenzug" auch notfalls nachts, an Feiertagen, etc. Zu arbeiten


Generell am oberen Spektrum, allerdings werden Mitarbeitende mit den selben Spezifikationen teils unterschiedlich bezahlt, es gibt unterschiedlich große Weihnachtsboni, etc. Dies geschieht ohne Rücksprache


Alle stehts freundlich und zuvorkommend


Offenes Geheimnis ist leider, dass in Feedbackgesprächen explizit Druck von oben erzeugt wird, was natürlich unglaublich unangenehm ist.
Im Alltäglichen Arbeiten gibt es im Normalfall keine Probleme.


Viel Mico Management, keine Teamleitung, kein HR im Unternehmen

Interessante Aufgaben

Vielseitige Aufgabenbereiche mit viel Verantwortung




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Innovative geprägt, kleines Unternehmen mit spannenden Aufgaben und internationales Team

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 5 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Open Experience durchschnittlich mit 3,7 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt unter dem Durchschnitt der Branche Internet (4,1 Punkte). 75% der Bewertenden würden Open Experience als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 5 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Arbeitsatmosphäre, Kollegenzusammenhalt und Interessante Aufgaben den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 5 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Open Experience als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Karriere/Weiterbildung noch verbessern kann.