A den of bureaucrats: no go for anyone who is looking out for a company that embraces diversity, innovation or change
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
the offices are spacious, toilets are clean, great coffee and water service, the
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Hire managers that can lead and are professional with work experiences in their field of practice. The company requires to restructure the older staff that hold managerial positions because they lack expertise in their field. They basically hold these positions due to their long period of working at Activest
a serious structural change, the Munich staff is way to large, high professional people, open to technology and change, put away that bureacratic way of thinking that just hinders progressiveness. Oh yes, hire a better and healthier lunch service
This applies to the staff at the Munich office: The marketing department have always shunned innovation, creativity and are basically used to working as standard bureaucrates. They work and think within the box and hence if you are new with different ideas, it would be very difficult to be accepted. If you are young or looking for inspiration or a challenging work environment, the company in Munich would not be the best choice to apply for a Marketing position.
The staff works in a very bureaucratic manner and hence are in and out of various committee meetings that is used as a way of communication. Instead of a direct approach, they prefer organizing and filling your calendar with numerous and unnecessary meetings that could go on for hours
As you have staff members that have been working in the Munich office for over 20 years, the staff very rarely accepts an outsider.
Most of the staff are 50+ with families and ususally work on a 9-5 bases and it is not unusual for them to leave work at 3pm even on a Wednesday or Thursday, or run private errands, or visit a doc or are offered a home based work contract
Here I must say that the management staff (not all but most of them) lack professional and leadership skills and basically have been given the job since they have stuck to the companies for mammoth years. Learning or getting mentored from your bosses in Marketing especially, you can forget about that!
Interessante Aufgaben
It basically very routine and there is no risk taking. Most projects are routined with less scope for creativity. Evolving with the times, flexibility, innovation, creativity are terms that are a taboo at Pioneer.
very hierarchical . The company in Munich lacks diversity
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
If you have worked there (especially in the former Activest company that was taken over by Pioneer Investments after the merger UniCredit and Hypo) then the sledge sisters' "We are Family" would be their anthem
They earn way too much for the little they can offer
Tommy Hilfinger, Wolfskin,Espirit, Opel, VW and all the spießige Brands that I could think of
If you are the "staying in your comfort zone" type, not ambitious and shunn diversity, innovation and creativity then go ahead.