Great people, nice projects but low payment and old thinking
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
the people
the projects
great for first steps in the industry
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
low pay / no bonus on sundays
working hours
equipment and pipeline
the stubborness to improv things, simply because it could cost money
Pay better salaries
get an AC
less weekend work or pay bonus
improve equipment
improve pipeline
dont delay appraisel talks to save money
Depending on crunch time ofc but mostly nice
With other facilities confusing or chaotic.
Locally everything is fine.
The people are great. After work activities. New friendships built.
You sometimes need to be adamant if you want to leave on time. Vacations always got approved. Lots of overtime near deadlines. weekend work
artist leads and sups are great. nice people. you can learn a lot. company lead... appraisel of performance often gets postponed for weeks/months.
Interessante Aufgaben
most of the time the projects are interesting. Didnt get bored
salaries can be different for the same artist job. man and woman are equal
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
"old" people dont really exist. The leads/sups are probably the oldest.
No AC, old chairs and desks, old pipeline. no drive to improve things in the long run. save money where ever possible..
different trash cans, dont know of anything else
the salary is to low for the work you do, the time you give and this expensive city
you can learn alot from others, but promotion usually goes to whoever is liked by the boss i guess. not really about the skill