20 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
20 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
20 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen20 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
20 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Everyone is passionate about the mission, contributing to a friendly and collaborative work environment
We have flexible time and, despite having an office policy that was clearly communicated in advance, on some occasions it is possible to work from home.
No matter what role or department you are in, everyone feels on the same level. Everyone is always ready to support you or share a laugh.
Always ready to help, support and provide with feedback.
The office is nice and equipped. Fruit, chocolate and drinks are never missing!
Es werden wirklich keine halben Sachen gemacht. Alle ziehen an einem Strang und geben Vollgas. Das ist extrem cool & inspirierend.
Es gibt eine Office First Policy. Home Office geht zwar schon, wenn es wichtig ist, aber Fully Remote wird nicht groß geschrieben. Das muss einem bewusst sein.
Noch mehr in die Weiterbildung und Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter investieren. Die Firma macht schon einiges, aber könnte es noch stärker standardisieren.
Macht genau so weiter. Seid auf einem sehr tollen Weg! Und natürlich die grandiose Schokolade jeden Tag im Büro ;)
Offene und ausgelassene Stimmung
Es gibt genügend Arbeit, aber das Leben kommt definitv nicht zu kurz!
Du bekommst die Möglichkeit mit dem Unternehmen zu wachsen.
Firmenpartys und Verpflegung im Büro sind ausschließlich veggie oder vegan. Es wird auf ordentliche Mülltrennung geachtet. Für Fahrten zur Produktion wird immer Carpooling gemacht. Sehr vorbildliches Verhalten!
Eine/r für alle und alle für eine/n
Immer sehr respektvoll und auf Augenhöhe.
Büro top, Ausstattung top, Verpflegung top.
Geschäftsführung gibt alle relevanten Informationen an die Gesamte Belegschaft weiter. Mitarbeiter sind immer gut Informiert.
Die Firma wächst täglich und es fallen täglich neue interessante Themen an
Very friendly atmosphere, everyone really enjoys the work and feels part of a great mission!
The founders really set a healthy example and I was encouraged by my supervisors to look after a right work-life balance. Never worked in a startup that values employee health in this way as much as Planet A Foods does. Everyone makes sure to get their job done and is motivated to do so. But the goal is to be as efficient as possible and not work when it's not needed.
At the core of the company, not just because of the product but also in how the company works. In everything they do, they consider the environmental impact, e.g. for lunch the company pays for a vegetarian meal/ employee.
One team, within and across departments. I genuinely enjoy working here and interacting with my colleagues. Everyone pulls in the same directions and wins/ looses together. No egos and great team spirit!
Healthy mix amongst the age of the employees (from parents to students). There are not really older colleagues, but everyone is treated well, no matter the age.
Open, approachable, very friendly, caring about their employees/team members.
Great equipment, for the most part height-adjustable desks, lunch is paid for by the company, etc. They look after their employees.
The way it should be. Everyone is welcomed, valued and appreciated.
It's a young startup. There's plenty of exciting opportunities to work on!
Super relaxed atmosphere in the office. Open office policy, you can sit where you want, most people like to come to the office regularly to spend time with their colleagues.
The goal is to spend as little time working and in the office as possible and that is communicated as well. Everyone tries to do (more than) their best and works hard and efficient but still values their free time with friends & family.
It really feels like a family working together with the A-Team. You will always get support from anyone no matter what department they are from. We try to all eat together during lunch time and have regular company events to bond as a team.
Very flat hierarchies. You can always integrate your ideas and can be sure you'll be listened to.
Easy communication since most people are in the office. If someone is working remotely you can reach them easily via slack or phone. In general the communication is very open and transparent. We have tonwhall meetings on a monthly basis to update the whole company who is working on what and what the high and low lights are.
Working in a start-up you will always find some exciting and new tasks and challenges you have not been confronted with before.
The atmosphere in the office and lab is really great. You always get support if there are any problems, you are constantly motivated by the positive energy in the office and also you pick up a lot from the different departments.
Very good work-life balance, which is especially supported by the way it is exemplified by the C-level.
Is the core of our company!
Best team ever!!
Excellent! Very inspiring leadership approach. Always open for advice and discussion, and up for any fun. Huge plus are regular feedback sessions.
Open and direct communication between all employees and departments. Our regular Townhall Meetings are great, they always cover a specific topic, are very informative and bring everyone up to date.
You have a lot of freedom and can organize your working days flexibly. There is always a lot to do, which is a huge benefit if you are open and interested in learning other things.
And: all your ideas will definitely not end up in a drawer!
NxFoods has a great, spacious office site in South Munich! Working on-site is a blast since there is always time and room to play and chat! I especially like that there is always room for jokes and laughs. Individual working styles and modes are also highly valued and appreciated!
Great overall perception, but some people feel threatened by food innovations
Excellent! The founders and everyone else in the office don't just preach but live and exemplify that there is a life aside work! Love the family first policy!
Personal development is a central pillar here. You also get the freedom to book courses and develop yourself!
competitive wages
These topics are well implemented, not only as part of the company vision We actually have an "all vegetarian" rule on food paid by the company
Though the team is growing fast, everyone gets warmly welcomed in our family very quickly! Group lunches, afternoon drinks and fun company off-sites make it hard not to like these awesome individuals at NxFoods
The founders and the C-level team are very approachable and open for input, questions, discussions and suggestions from everyone!
Great environment, well-equipped with technical hardware both personal and in general office and lab infrastructure.
Communication is very transparent - from strategy to R&D, we make sure that everyone knows what's going on and gets a say in where we are going next!
The gender parity in the founder's team translates well into the other teams and structures!
Tasks are manifold in content and adapt dynamically. The startup environment may require to adapt and extend the initially defined portfolio of tasks, so definitely great for everyone who loves to be challenged!
The C-level's trust in every employees capabilities is a great driver and gets you to work hands-on on central tasks early on. Love it!
It is a real startup environment with qualified and reliable colleagues
the product and the mission is loved by everyone, I love to spread the word about it
The aims are ambitious, but pressure only occurs if it is self made. The company is supporting you in any matter
many employees are vegetarian, it is a part of the companies mission to contribute to a more sustainable world
The team spirit is amazing, everyone is supportive
trusting and open to suggestions, empowering employees to take responsibility for their own actions
you will not recognise that you are part of a start up, it is highly professional
transparent, open minded, and positive
competitive salary
multiculti and equity are no topic because it is natural
the variety of tasks in a startup is super interesting
Das die Firmenideale auch ausgelebt und von den Gründern vorgelebt werden.
So verdient kununu Geld.