Frat boys in prague season 1
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The 99 problems they are having.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The 99 problems I‘m having because of working there.
Just don't produce a frat boys in prague season 2.
I have never seen a conglomerate of people with a max live-achievement of an undergrad degree and what seems to be a personal development peak in middle school, thinking so desperately high of themselves. Thus, creating a top-tier toxic working environment.
If you feel the need to talk to your colleagues, make sure to hold your watch into their faces, so they can decide whether you are worth a "Good Morning", a nod, or plain ignorance.
You better be joking part 2.
It seems to be the natural habitat for your overly compensating corporate enabler, who thrives off the tap on the shoulder on a Friday night at 11 pm on Xanax from all mighty management, for aligning the numbers in the PPTX of his superior, who btw couldn't be more unfazed by the critical mental state of his employees.
Whenever there was a leadership position open in this firm it felt like, around the world, old, white men, hysterically called in favors, agents, and religiously reminded everyone of their handicap 20.
Interessante Aufgaben
If only people were as good at their jobs as they are gossiping and bad-mouthing, maybe sales would actually back the megalomaniac behavior widely spread among employees and constantly rewarded by the management.
If your qualifications don’t speak loud enough for themselves, just like in a fraternity, apparently publicly hailing your superior does. Don’t expect anything too original though.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Not found.
Emotional Damaged.
You better be joking.
People getting paid so much and still have neither style nor taste. What a shame.
I am afraid there seems to be a disconnect between the excellent image of the brand and the average employees' attitude, integrity, track-record, star-sign, English skills, and last but definitely not least, karma.
Roses are red, violets are blue,
do the bare minimum,
drink Negroni,
and a promotion shall come through.
I was under the impression, that that seemed to work pretty well for a career step here.