Good internationally oriented employer - a place that integrates interns to the fullest
The working atmosphere is very appreciated at Prex. Colleagues are always helpful and in a good mood. You feel comfortable sitting in the office. There is no pressure of being monitored by the supervisors. You can have good conversations which do not include work-related topics as well, leading to a way friendlier working atmosphere.
Communication throughout the company is present. Reasons for that might be the small size of the company and number of employees. In terms of language barrier, there are no problems at all because everyone is able to communicate in English.
Trips and events strenghten the relationship and team spirit within the companies. Once a year, Prex arranges a weekend trips filled with fun activities to get to know their employees and make it possible to bond and foster human relations (even interns are allowed to join). People are always willing to help each other and are not afraid to ask if they need something.
Business consultancies are known for long working hours and traveling to client's businesses a couple days a week. However, compared to bigger consultancies, Prex supports flexibility and mostly regular 9-5 work in offices.
One of the main advantage of working in a smaller-sized consultancy is the flat hierarchy within the organization. While the top management is rarely seen in bigger companies, you see, talk and work with them on a daily basis, learning from the best.
Interessante Aufgaben
As an intern, you get tasks that are very multi-faceted. Sometimes, you are involved in superficial topics where information for a specific project has to be gathered. Otherwhile you are highly involved in a project where you have to travel and visit client's businesses as well to inspect or get an understanding of their processes. All in all, tasks consisting of creating lists, excel-sheets, data analysis, creating powerpoint presentations, translating etcetera would be part of your job which makes it always intereseting and never boring.
Everyone is respected in the company. The company is known as an international corporation with locations in Belgium, the Netherlands and chances for more in the future. Thus equal rights are spreaded throughout the organisation.
The offices are quite small right now which makes it a little bit hard (mostly on fridays) to find a workstation. However, the company is planning to move to a bigger office in 2019, providing more workstations and parking lots.
you do get a little bit below the minimum wage but there are internships who pay worse. It could definitely be better though.
As an intern, I did not experience too much career opportunities yet but I know from colleagues that they have been awarded well for their performance, thus chances of career opportunities are high.