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PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH Logo

als Arbeitgeber


Wie ist es, hier zu arbeiten?

kununu Score23 Bewertungen
WeiterempfehlungLetzte 2 Jahre
Details anzeigen


    • 4,8Gehalt/Sozialleistungen
    • 4,6Image
    • 4,2Karriere/Weiterbildung
    • 4,6Arbeitsatmosphäre
    • 4,1Kommunikation
    • 4,5Kollegenzusammenhalt
    • 4,5Work-Life-Balance
    • 4,5Vorgesetztenverhalten
    • 4,3Interessante Aufgaben
    • 4,8Arbeitsbedingungen
    • 4,5Umwelt-/Sozialbewusstsein
    • 4,4Gleichberechtigung
    • 4,5Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Wieviel kann ich verdienen?

Mittelwert Bruttojahresgehalt Vollzeit
Product Owner:in3 Gehaltsangaben
Ø88.000 €
Softwareentwickler:in3 Gehaltsangaben
Ø76.700 €
Teamleiter:in3 Gehaltsangaben
Ø91.300 €
Gehälter für 5 Jobs entdecken


PRISMA European Capacity Platform
Branchendurchschnitt: IT

Mitarbeiter nehmen bei diesem Arbeitgeber vor allem diese Faktoren wahr: Mitarbeiter viel selbst entscheiden lassen und Konstruktiv mit Fehlern umgehen.

Die vier Dimensionen von Unternehmenskultur

JobFür mich
PRISMA European Capacity Platform
Branchendurchschnitt: IT
Unternehmenskultur entdecken

Together we can change the energy game. One line of code at a time.

Wer wir sind

We are the leading platform for gas movement across Europe.

We focus on driving digital solutions that will support all future energy transition needs. Our platform connects more than 18 markets by seamlessly giving fair access to more than 3000 energy players in the European energy infrastructure. We envision a future where all energy markets will be connected and integrated.

Produkte, Services, Leistungen

Cloud-based solutions to connect European energy markets.

At PRISMA, we believe that innovation is essential to creating a fair and transparent market. In 2012 we began our journey, focused on reshaping the gas industry by reducing its complexity and making gas capacity trading simpler and fairer by putting people’s needs first. And that’s what we’re doing.

Since then, we have built and operated the PRISMA platform that connects more than 18 markets. Today, we are Europe’s leading gas capacity trading platform.

More about our services: https://www.prisma-capacity.eu/services

Perspektiven für die Zukunft

We work for our users, for our families and ourselves! We believe that developing digital solutions to secure Europe's green transition has never been more important.

The current European energy supply still heavily relies on gas. With the green transition being underway, we are striving to make our platform a conduit for all future energy transition needs and secure the energy supply in Europe.



Social Media

Was wir bieten


Die folgenden Benefits wurden am häufigsten in den Bewertungen von 19 Mitarbeitern bestätigt.

  • Flexible ArbeitszeitenFlexible Arbeitszeiten
  • HomeofficeHomeoffice
  • DiensthandyDiensthandy
  • Mitarbeiter-EventsMitarbeiter-Events
  • Gute VerkehrsanbindungGute Verkehrsanbindung
  • Gesundheits-MaßnahmenGesundheits-Maßnahmen
  • EssenszulageEssenszulage
  • InternetnutzungInternetnutzung
  • CoachingCoaching
  • BarrierefreiBarrierefrei
  • KinderbetreuungKinderbetreuung
  • RabatteRabatte
  • BetriebsarztBetriebsarzt
  • ParkplatzParkplatz
  • Betriebliche AltersvorsorgeBetriebliche Altersvorsorge
  • Mitarbeiter-BeteiligungMitarbeiter-Beteiligung

Was PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH über Benefits sagt

At PRISMA, we drive to provide the best experience and environment for the PRISMAtes to thrive!

A combination of deep-rooted values and a suite of enticing company perks makes PRISMA a great place to work. Above everything, we’re committed to supporting the job satisfaction, personal growth and well-being of all PRISMAtes.

What we offer:

  • Tailored Work Routine: Work in the way that suits you—as long as you’re based mainly in Germany.
  • Learning & Development: By providing access to continuous development resources, we support your growth as an employee and as a person.
  • Mobility Packages: CO2-friendly mobility packages subsidise your commute from anywhere in Germany, while visa processing and relocation support international talent.
  • Workplace Well-being: A programme of wellness activities, plus a meditation app subscription, help keep both your mind and body in great shape.
  • Flexible for families: By offering flexing working options and help with your Kita fees, PRISMA gives parents the freedom to prosper.
  • Creating Common Bonds: Our peer recognition program ensures everyone feels valued, while fun company outings create friendships that feed into the way you work.

Was macht es besonders, für uns zu arbeiten?

From experts to experts. Fresh tech stack at the tip of your fingers.

We focus on what is important.

That's why our team of expert PRISMAtes chose the tech stack that is best for solving our challenges at any given time – and ensures that it is fun to work with. But when the challenges change, we change. For a solution, we are proud of.

We don't dream it, we do it!

Grow with us. We upskill together.

As PRISMAte, you are in control of your own upskilling and reskilling strategy. We encourage you to take your time to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them. We also provide an attractive training budget to help unlock your potential and support your personal growth.

Because if you grow, we grow too.

Coding from the park? Yes, please!

With our flexible work mode and mobility package for quick and easy travel around Germany, you can devote the time you need to the people and things you love. And when you decide to be in the office, we make sure you enjoy your time in a relaxed open space and celebrate Feierabend with our PRISMAtes.

Do what you love, and love what you do.

Wen wir suchen

Gesuchte Qualifikationen

We cultivate a diverse environment where our differences lead to stronger performances and where at the end of the day, we are people who help each other thrive with empathy and excellence.

If you value working in an open, diverse environment (English is our company language), and you have a strong drive to move topics forward, we are looking forward to receiving your application!

We are constantly opening new positions on our careers website, so we encourage you to have a look at our current openings. Some positions you might find are:

  • Software Engineer—Front and Backend
  • Product Owner
  • Customer Success Representatives
  • Working Students
  • And many more...

Für Bewerber

Hilfreiche Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess bei PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH.

  • Mariana Fernandez (People & Culture Specialist)


  • We treat our recruitment process as a two-way street. That means getting to know you, but also allowing you to get to know us, so you're best able to decide whether PRISMA is the right place for you. We do this by providing all the information you need, not just about the role but our company, culture, and values. In short, we see your interview as the first step on your PRISMA journey.

    Start your PRISMAdventure and apply here!


Located just an hour’s train ride south of Berlin, Leipzig is well-connected by road, rail, and air - ideal for PRISMAtes wanting to travel home to visit family or friends, as well as for those based outside the city but want to come and visit or work at our office.

Leipzig has everything you’d expect of a modern city, but with a cute and compact central district with pedestrianized and bike-friendly streets, the city is full of great things to see and do. And for those who enjoy the rural lifestyle, you’ll also find serene countryside nearby.

Was Mitarbeiter sagen

Was Mitarbeiter gut finden

PRISMA is a great place to work. It offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to part time work, remote work and workcation. Getting budget for education is also easy.
When you work for PRISMA, your effort contributes to supporting the energy market of Europe, which in term has some contribution to better energy prices for the final consumers. And that is amazing. It is a work with purpose.
Bewertung lesen
Dynamic, agile, empowering, good salary and benefits package.
The right choice to start your career in.
Great small international team with highly motivated and skilled people. A lot of collaboration and support across departments. Good feedback culture.
Our people and having an impact
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Was Mitarbeiter noch gut finden?

Was Mitarbeiter schlecht finden

Depending on your role and the company's needs, you might have to adapt your career path.
In general, very diverse, but not so much on the leadership and top management level.
Hard to grow beyond a certain level in your professional path, due to lack of vacancies in the leadership roles as well as limited product engagement/attractiveness.
The tempo is often directed by people without families and by people who are not good examples for
work-life balance. This in terms sometimes leads to high peer pressure and to overload/burn-out for the people who do have life outside of the work.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch schlecht finden?


On the path that Prisma started now, the only thing saving them is the lack of competitors and high entry barriers.
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More coordination in the product department.
Was Mitarbeiter noch vorschlagen?

Bester und schlechtester Faktor

Am besten bewertet: Gehalt/Sozialleistungen


Der am besten bewertete Faktor von PRISMA European Capacity Platform ist Gehalt/Sozialleistungen mit 4,8 Punkten (basierend auf 4 Bewertungen).

Way above average
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The salary is higher than usual in Leipzig and I get more than before. In addition, there are various benefits and perks that has been reviewed due to the pandemic. New is for example a BahnCard50 for people living somewhere else
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Great benefits and attractive compensation
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Next to a good salary, there are several perks. For example the company bike program - PRISMA provides all employees a bicycle (you can chose what you like). If you are not a bicycle person, you can also opt for a tram ticket...
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Gehalt/Sozialleistungen sagen?

Am schlechtesten bewertet: Kommunikation


Der am schlechtesten bewertete Faktor von PRISMA European Capacity Platform ist Kommunikation mit 4,1 Punkten (basierend auf 6 Bewertungen).

This is definitely an area that needs improvement, too many parallel channels can lead to confusion and misunderstandings
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In most cases it is good, however a lot of the feedback is not direct, some of it happens at a gossip level and only reaches you very late.
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Die Türen stehen für Fragen offen, aber die Kommunikation ist immer noch schlecht. Man bekommt meistens die Informationen zu spät. Aufgrund der Sprache (einige Mitarbeiter sprechen nicht so gut Englisch andere nicht so gut Deutsch) gibt es oft Missverständnisse.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Kommunikation sagen?

Karriere und Weiterbildung



Karriere/Weiterbildung wird mit durchschnittlich 4,2 Punkten bewertet (basierend auf 4 Bewertungen).

Prisma is pretty much a dead carrer wise. There is nobody in Germany who is doing anything similar and very few who do anything similar in terms of technology.
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Flat hierarchies lead to short career paths. Personal development and education is highly valued and supported
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You can always develop, learn and explore new topics and responsibilities. As the company is not that big when it comes to number of colleagues, if what you are interested is a “managerial” role, this might be a bit more limited.
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There are a bunch of learning opportunities and learning is part of our everyday life. In former companies, my development budget was high enough to book a simple course. I'm happy it's not an issue anymore.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Karriere/Weiterbildung sagen?

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • PRISMA European Capacity Platform wird als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit durchschnittlich 4,6 von 5 Punkten bewertet. In der Branche IT schneidet PRISMA European Capacity Platform besser ab als der Durchschnitt (4 Punkte). Basierend auf den Bewertungen der letzten 2 Jahre würden 90% der Mitarbeitenden PRISMA European Capacity Platform als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Anhand von insgesamt 23 Bewertungen schätzen 100% ihr Gehalt und die Sozialleistungen als gut oder sehr gut ein.
  • Basierend auf Daten aus 7 Kultur-Bewertungen betrachten die Mitarbeitenden die Unternehmenskultur bei PRISMA European Capacity Platform als eher modern.