Innovative biotech company with some "growing pains"
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
One big pro are the nice and competent collueges and the friendly atmosphere. The mindset is output-driven but not too overwhelming.
Furthermore, the management is learning form mistakes in the past and is adjusting the organization as well as the capacities of the company to its fast growth.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The business grew faster than the manpower, machine capacities and workspace did which lead to overloading and unhappiness within the staff. Fortunately, the situation has improved drastically.
Please proceed the taken path.
Nice, friendly and cooperative atmosphere in a yet output-driven mindset with sometimes challenging projects
Communication is fair and obejctive, between the different departments sometimes improvable.
Very friendly and competent colleagues. Even in times of high workload (which may occur) atmosphere is nice and supportive. Occasional team events firm the team spirit.
Somtimes workload is pretty high. Fortunately, situation has improved over the last years.
Superiors are committed and take care of their team members. They do not only demand and encourage performence but also support in critical job-related and privat situations.
Interessante Aufgaben
Projects are interesting, highly relevant and sometimes challenging.
Very international team with equal chances for everybody
Salery is ok.
Employees are encouraged to learn new methods/techniques. Experienced empoyess gain more responsabilities. Relevant further training is supported.