9 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 5,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 5,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Bloß nichts an dem status quo ändern und genauso weitermachen.
Arbeitet man gut und überdurchschnittlich, wird man auch gut und überdurchschnittlich entlohnt.
Sehr kollegiales, hilfsbereites und freundliches Umfeld.
Gerade die Einbindung der älteren, sehr erfahreren Kollegen ist einer der größten Pluspunkte des Unternehmens. Man kann sehr viel lernen und findet mit diesen Zusammen die besten Lösungen für den Kunden.
unterstützend und fordernd, verständnisvoll, kollegial, respektvoll und höflich
Klare, kurze und effektive Kommunikationswege. Ziele, Anforderungen aber auch die Probleme werden ruhig, sachlich und lösungsorientiert diskutiert. Über alle Führungsebenen und Abteilungen hinweg werden optimale Lösungen für alle beteiligten gefunden.
Alle Geschlechter, Nationen und Religionen sind bunt gemischt vertreten.
Auch aus teilweise eher tristen Kundenprojekten werden interessante Herausforderungen gemacht. Das Team macht's aus.
The leadership and team are receptive and always ready to provide help and support to one another. We maintain the highest ethical standards regardless of the situation. We carry out tasks to completion and value partnerships built on mutual trust.
Working remotely and being task oriented gives you the possibility to manage personal and professional responsibilities
The managerial behavior is based on honesty, fairness, and responsibility
I'm working remotely.
Erfrischender und respektvoller Umgang. Man kann solch einem Arbeitgeber nur weiterhin den verdienten Erfolg wünschen.
Flexibility, open minded work culture, team spirit, informal communication ways, respectfully atmosphere, way how the company is growing, introduction of administration tools (Personio, Asana, etc).
Taking into account, that the company is quite young, there are a lot of things which are being done already. For the future it will be great to implement additional side benefits to attract new people.
Open minded management and team, always ready to support and help each other.
Thanks to the broad experience, know how, engagement, and responsibility of the management and the consultants, the company has an excellent image within the customers.
We are all working remote, which give the chance to have a very good work-life balance.
Since the projects have a broad variety of topics and challenges the possibilities to enhance the know how on the job are numerous. Trainings to improve the knowledge necessary for the projects are offered.
Salary is very good and payments are absolutely punctual.
Home work contributes to avoid transport / travel activities. The company makes regularly donations to social foundations.
There is a great connection with all members of the team, which is part of the company culture. We understand us, as a whole team and support each other to reach common goals.
There is no difference in the behaviour depending on the age of a team member. In this great team, you have the feeling we are all the same age :-)
Open and informal way of communication, there is no feeling of hierarchy. Topics, ideas, improvement suggestions can be placed and the will find always an open ears.
Since we are working at home, the working conditions are given by each team member. Other than that, we receive from the company the necessary tools (best quality) to develop our job.
Collaboration is promoted by regular team communication and team building events, which makes easy to keep close contact with colleagues, even if we are working in different projects from multiple locations in Europe.
We understand us as a big team, in which every member is equal!
Due to the broad experience and network of the management with top financial / automotive companies, the project portfolio relates to interesting and challenging projects in an international framework.
His trust in me.
We all get along very well among Qmission’s teammates, no feeling of hierarchy.
I work full time remotely and have very rare travel abroad. Therefore my personal/working time is therefore perfectly balanced.
I consider that working on remote is a smart gesture for environment, it prevents to build new offices, it avoids to consum fossil energy or to participate to the overall human noise.
Qmission managers expresses their will to make the company grows on added-value mission, so far it is a success. I hope it will continue.
Every time I have to cooperate together with one of the Qmission teammate on any topic of a common project, it is very polite and respectful. It is as well efficient because we provide each others the most accurate information to achieve our shared goal.
I'm in this category, I do not feel treated differently from others.
Everything is fine, we are all experienced therefore in case of a tense or stressful situation we have a common perception of the actions to be taken, which allows us to stand together and go beyond the emotional aspects to remain pragmatic and efficient.
This question is not relevant for me as I'm working on remote.
I have the feeling that everybody is confident enough to talk freely. The managers of Qmission are showing a will for balanced relationships with all teammates and transparencies during the regular meetings.
It is always possible to improve on that topic.
I got the chance to support customer teams that were implementing a solution on which worked a lot. Then I was able to support the building of all methods and processes by sharing my knowledge and by proposing proven solutions. Later I was recognized as a strong support by the international "internal customers" as well as by the customer management. I'm doing what I love to do.
Create working conditions with create colleagues.
There is a high flexibility of work schedule and understanding by the company if private topics has to be prioritized.
The management is very open for trainings.
With the regular offsides the team has the opportunity to grow better together. You are able to ask every colleague in the team if you don't know something!
Very diverse team as the team is build up with a high knowledge in the sector.
Very open communication and a minimized hierarchy.
Q Mission has establish an open and constructive communication. The knowledge within the company is shared which helps to achieve the goals of our customers.
The salary is over the average in that business.
As the company is focused on the transformation of Financial Services/Mobility and Automotive sector the projects are create and mostly in a big scale.
No micromanagement. You get your tasks and are free to choose how to achieve your targets. Moreover you're offered the flexibility to work fully remotely which is great for international projects.
It's a rather new company which has a great image in the financing and automotive consulting space. In the projects I'm involved in I often get the feedback that Q Mission consultants are far more reliable and competitve than other competitors.
You can work fully remotely and schedule your time as you demand as long as you achieve your project goals.
The payment is great, a truly attractive compensation for a freelancer and you can definitely rely that you'll get paid punctual every time.
Be prepared to work with an international teams of highly skilled individuals from various countries. It's truly a lot of fun, especially on afterwork events or onsite team events. I myself highly appreciate all of the colleagues and can only confirm that you can always count on a good advice in case you need one.
The management is great in person and they have a very good understanding for their colleagues as you can tell they've worked in the international project space for decades.
Regular team meetings to stay up-to-date with the option to bring plenty of feedback which is discussed in an open round.
The projects are top notch for tier 1 companies around the globe. I personally work in several projects in the automotive captive sector for various markets which is challenging and fun at the same time.
I really enjoy working remotely and the working atmosphere is great.
Our expert team from the mobility sector consists of highly qualified employees and executives.
Due to the flexibility of work schedule, the work-life balance is very good.
Training opportunities are offered and also very much supported
Corporate benefits are also offered.
The company attaches great importance to environmental awareness. Our remote activities provide great added value in this respect.
We have a very good team spirit and appreciate each other.
Contact is also maintained with previous employees.
Respectful behavior prevails between managers and employees.
Remote work with high-quality Apple devices
The flat hierarchy ensures fast and uncomplicated communication.
We are all equal and fair with each other.
Everyone has the opportunity to work on interesting tasks in their specialist area.