It was a relatively OK work place before the pandemic that turned chaotic and over-ambitious after wards
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Work-life balance, support during the pandemic, people who used to work there
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Unrealistic goals, priorities twitching like a polka dance, no clear mid- and long-term vision, deadline-based waterfall delivery
Choose few items as the next plans, start pursuing realistic goals, given your current team
After the pandemic the atmosphere in the teams changed completely. Working with other teams did not feel cooperation anymore but rather sorrow to support a newly formed team that has zero knowledge about the domain and tech stack. At times it felt as a competition about who knows the tech stack best
Top-down communication is only nice when it is not directly work-related such as general company news. Otherwise there is zero to little communication on the vision and mid-term plans (or maybe it never existed?). The work is presented through a waterfall planning with deadlines set to a few months ahead
Colleagues from my team are usually friendly and helpful. Colleagues from other teams are sometime hostile or just very busy with whatever "important" topics they work on
That's maybe the only positive side: during the pandemic the work-life balance is/was very supported with lots of support materials and understanding from the management
Good: conflict management is on a good level, never really finger pointing.
Bad: the team goals are far from realistic, changing the direction of development literally every month or two
Social benefits and the salary are ok
Career development? Yes. Personal development - not really. With so ambitious goals it’s hardly possible to find the time to experiment and learn something on the job