19 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
19 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen19 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Work-life balance, support during the pandemic, people who used to work there
Unrealistic goals, priorities twitching like a polka dance, no clear mid- and long-term vision, deadline-based waterfall delivery
Choose few items as the next plans, start pursuing realistic goals, given your current team
After the pandemic the atmosphere in the teams changed completely. Working with other teams did not feel cooperation anymore but rather sorrow to support a newly formed team that has zero knowledge about the domain and tech stack. At times it felt as a competition about who knows the tech stack best
That's maybe the only positive side: during the pandemic the work-life balance is/was very supported with lots of support materials and understanding from the management
Career development? Yes. Personal development - not really. With so ambitious goals it’s hardly possible to find the time to experiment and learn something on the job
Social benefits and the salary are ok
Colleagues from my team are usually friendly and helpful. Colleagues from other teams are sometime hostile or just very busy with whatever "important" topics they work on
Good: conflict management is on a good level, never really finger pointing.
Bad: the team goals are far from realistic, changing the direction of development literally every month or two
Top-down communication is only nice when it is not directly work-related such as general company news. Otherwise there is zero to little communication on the vision and mid-term plans (or maybe it never existed?). The work is presented through a waterfall planning with deadlines set to a few months ahead
Cool company
If I take it that we have in the meantime 3 companies which were put together and adding our collegues in places like Milan and Madrid really really good working atmosphere. Really positive and flexible with working mobile or in the office with appropriate measures.
Really flexible and really common sense work-load. A lot of crunches still especially because of PSD2! but alot of appreciation of the hard work.
I just got access to an online program without even asking for it. Howevermuch it cost the act is well done.
the office is modern but people leaving trash all around and cleaning people who need to run after to clean it up is not really something I like to see. And apparently except some people this seems not to disturb the majority. Not so nice
Great. I work with Hamburg people, being from Berlin the beginning was not great but now really enjoying supporting each other and learning from each other.
Very fair environment regardless of age, background.
Some managers are great but my manager is a generalist and people manager and completely lost trying to implement stuff from Medium articles. But we have great people with great experience.
4 because of the crunches done but they are required and management informs us enough and transparently.
Enough management communication with alot of vision mission but also sharing success. Day to day work I gave 3 stars because there is alot of meetings, far too many. Maybe this is because of COVID and cross-sites but it can be better
so many people with so many diversified backgrounds. I really like it.
4 stars because we are stuck with PSD2 but also we are doing alot especially with DevOps on k8 deployments which is realy very cool.
Er zählt gut, geht mit seinem Mitarbeitern gut um
Er hat zu wenige Parkplätze für die Mitarbeiter
Er soll einen größeren Parkplatz für die Mitarbeiter kaufen
generell sehr junges Team
Good team spirit.
Bad long-term career options.
Developers opinion never matters
Listen to developers, or you loose them all.
50/50. Good team but lots of pressure from different stakeholders to get stuff done
The company image within industry is quite good
50/50, depends on how much responsibility you take. Don't put too much on your shoulders, and you maybe be fine.
No good chances to grow, unfortunately many employees find their promotions elsewhere
Average, somewhere in the middle of market
Using bicycle and in-company sports are encouraged and supported
Great colleagues, who can do awesome stuff
Developers teams are young, management teams are older. But no problem regarding age at all.
Managers love to make changes in what you are doing, so it can take form of micromanagement sometimes. But this tends to be better lately
Good equipment and working place, but very noisy neighbors which ruin concentration
Communication goes well inside team, but not beyond that. Developers opinion is not important at all.
Teams tend to be a bit more masculine, but in general company is very open in this aspect.
A lot of routine, more than 50 percent of time. Other part of time is consumed fighting with software complexity.
A lot of great folks are working here. Colleagues are helping each other. Lots of activities are possible and always nice. As the overall mood gets worse there are some cracks within these spheres, too though.
Unclear vision and company goals and an overall lack of leadership quality within the c-suite.
Work on communication and leadership attitude and knowledge. Make sure decisions are being made and understood by the staff.
Atmosphere is good in terms of colleagues and on the surface. That actually makes it ok to work here when you are not having too many ambitions. A lot of the colleagues are skilled, likeable and gifted with a good sense of humour.
Good image within industry.
Depends. Some have too much to do, some are having tough times to work effectively cause the company is not taking not enough care of the necessary processes. Some can totally hide and work under the radar and get comfortable with a very positive work life balance. It's a bit random but if you want a good work life balance it is mostly up to you.
You have to be very pro active but it is possible. I can't say much about how it is being dealt with paying for it but I am sure you can get what you need as long as it's not crazily expensive.
Good for a startup.
More social than environmental awareness. But a lot of people are cycling and not driving which is nice.
Extraordinary between most of the colleagues. Some manage to inject a relatively toxic attitude but mostly the people here are really helping each other out.
C-Level is a bit older so no problem here.
That's where it often gets a bit weird. On the one hand, leadership positions are likeable people. But the needed reflection and true leadership including communication, trust, motivation and knowledge about the "how to build" a company appear to be very poorly developed. That's widely influencing the overall mood within the teams as they have to fight against randomness coming from the top level. It is also very dependent on who your direct leader is as there are quite big differences from very good to ok to very poor - so people perceive the lack of overall good leadership very dependently on their actual leader.
Fruits, water, table soccer, events, sports, nice open plan office in lovely Ottensen. Overall good conditions.
The communication is one of the issues. There is not much understanding within the top management about what effective and motivating communication means and what type of infos people need to do their jobs well. Sometimes feels like no one knows what we want. Goal orientation gets almost impossible like that.
Mostly they are aware of the issue and proud about having more females than the usual fintech - keep up the good work on that front!
If you grab them, they might be yours. But be aware that you have to fight for doing the right things at the right time. But if you are very pro active and experience you can absolutely find and do cool tasks.
Design team collaboration and communication
Improve goals matching to available staff
Nice start-up flair with options to individually work
Work hard, play hard
Employees recycle a bit of their garbarge
Employees need to take care of special training, training costs are in a range of small business,
Colleagues are collaborative and talkative where necessary
Can always come and talk when available
Office has a nice flair, large open-plan office
The flow of information is flux and stakeholders are clarified as business is growing
Challenging tasks of a small business
Natürlich gibt es mal schlechte Tage, wie überall. Aber ich habe vorher selten so ein nettes und offenes Miteinander erlebt, wenn man sich aktiv auf die Teamkultur (hands on, offen) einlässt (4. Arbeitgeber).
Proud to be a figo, wenn ich da draußen bin.
Hallo Realität! Es ist - wenn auch in einer weit entwickelten Phase - immer noch ein Startup. Im Gegenzug für große Freiheiten der Arbeitsgestaltung hat man je nach Aufgabenumfeld auch viel zu tun. Dessen muss man sich bei jedem Start up bewusst sein. Dienst nach Vorschrift funktioniert nicht in einer Umgebung, wo es auf Eigeninitiative, Motivation für das große Ganze und auch das Verantwortungsbewusstsein für das weitere Wachstum ankommt. Selbstdisziplin und Eigenorganisation schützt vor Überforderung.
Auch hier gilt mit Eigeninitiative und Verantwortungsbewusstsein zur eigenen Weiterentwicklung. Niemand behindert dich, wenn du aktiv Dinge einforderst. Große Freiheiten, dadurch dass noch keine "Konzern-Fortbildungsagenda" festgezurrt ist.
Insbesondere wenn es darauf ankommt, eine Selbstverständlichkeit unter den figos.
Immer offen für konstruktive Kritik. Mit Eigeninitiative und Verantwortungsbewusstsein kann man seinen Arbeitsbereich sehr frei gestalten. Vorgesetztenvertrauen ist groß. Damit hat man je nach Verantwortungsbereich, viele Möglichkeiten, sich selbst zu entfalten und auch persönlich zu entwickeln. figo-Führung ist wenig "weisungsgetrieben". Dinge muss man auch selbst voran treiben. Wenn man erwartet, dass einem die To Do Liste vorgekaut wird, ist man hier wohl falsch.
Es wird immer darauf geachtet, trotz des rasanten Wachstums ausreichend Fläche und Ruheraum zu bieten.
In schnell wachsenden Teams immer ein Thema, hier hinter her zu kommen. Aber jeder kann sich einbringen und das Management ist offen für Kritik und Anregungen. Austauschplattformen sind da. Man muss diese nutzen, um offenes Feedback zu geben bzw. Informationen aktiv einzufordern.
Startup! nicht Großbank. Aber dennoch fair!
Multi-Kulti und ich kenn kein FinTech mit höherer Frauen-Quote! Altersdurchschnitt "jung/dynamisch".
Nie etwas Spannenderes gemacht (wie gesagt, 4. Arbeitgeber und figo ist der kleinste in dieser Runde). Die aktuell rasanten Entwicklungen in der Banking und FinTech Branche kann man hier quasi täglich erleben und anfassen.
Klasse Leute und super Zusammenhalt. Wir wollen was erreichen und gemeinsam sind wir stark!
Langsam nimmt das Büro im schönen Ottensen Formen an! Schöne Räume und die eher erträgliche Variante des Großraumbüros.
Noch keine festen Programme aber offene Ohren!
Meistens sehr gut. Ausnahmen gibt es ja immer. Hier sind die Teamplayer stark in der Mehrzahl.
Klassische Vorgesetzte sind hier eher weniger vorhanden. Der Umgang mit allen ist sehr kollegial und ohne großes Hierarchie-Geplänkel.
Super Aufgaben. Typisch Startup immer jede Menge Aufgaben auf einem noch unbetretenen Land. Große Spielräume.
Offen Umgang miteinander sowie die großen persönlichen Freiräume
So verdient kununu Geld.