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A company with a good cause but no development opportunities

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei reBuy reCommerce GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Rebuy is pretty relaxed and will not control you, you are free to schedule your day the way you want.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

No development opportunities, no career paths, top down hierarchy.


Work on career paths, so people can develop. Value the employees more by actually letting them show their expertise best and not having this top down hierarchy. Improve the gender inequality, but not only in the departments where it's easy to find women.


The work in my position was not valued. The feedback was very hierarchal, even though rebuy says they have flat hierarchies. I was actually just executing orders and I was not able to bring in my own ideas and knowledge.


There is constant information from the c-level on how the company performs, but often important things weren't even properly measured in numbers, so there was no information if choices (very expensive choices) were even valuable in long term.


Of course the people are nice, but working together was tiring sometimes because there was not much support. Also the people (I can only speak for my department) do not really care about each other.


The company trusts you that you will organize yourself, so even during daytime you can go out and do personal stuff.


There was a lack of support when people pushed you and your work around.
In another department I saw the whole team leave because of a lead and even as this team tried to talk about it there was no help for them. This lead was "let go" a few months later. Not sure if that was worth it.

Interessante Aufgaben

The solutions for the tasks were mainly already served by people above you in hierarchy and then executed by yourself, so not interesting.


This company was not aware of structural discrimination of women, hopefully they change it.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I can only say this from my perspective but it seemed to be fair.


Rebuy moved to a new office during the pandemic, this new office is very noisy and it's hard to concentrate without noise canceling headphones. Also it's very dark.


Rebuy made a great development to being fully sustainable, the business model itself is already sustainable and operations as well.


Below industry average unfortunately, they are working on it at the moment, I heard.


The company does something good and I think everyone appreciates that, but the working conditions are not good at the moment.


There was no way for me to develop, also rebuy doesn't have career paths developed. They have almost no seniors (or juniors) because they don't believe in this concept. That's a nice thought but it matters for the employee's careers.
