Can do attitude based on positive changes
Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?
Weekly communication, transparency on the impact, no employment impact - well done
Was macht dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation nicht gut?
More inspiration and hope would be good.
Wie kann dich dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation noch besser unterstützen?
I received all I needed - weekly communication and clarity by the top management is being delivered
Work atmosphere may depend on the department but generally very positive
Regular communication by the management board and regular updates within teams support transparency
Very direct and hands on approach - also during the Covid-19 crisis
Trust based working hours and encouragement to use up all available holidays
Challenging targets that support to grow
Interessante Aufgaben
Company is present in growing markets and supported by enviromental trends. Lots of room for own initiatives.
Hardware and software state of the art but the office could be refreshed
investments were done into envormental awareness in the last year and further actions are taken and measure d(e.g. company cars are hybrids)
Corresponding to the level of responsibilities and expirience
Very competent team of experts and well percived by Fortune 500 companies. Some room for improvement on marketing and communication
Potential to get more responsibilities and grow. Internal and external training options available.