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Friends with some benefits

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Design / Gestaltung bei SCHOLZ & FRIENDS Commerce GmbH in Hamburg gearbeitet.


A nice mixture of cultures and personalities - across all levels good people who do their best, if needed.


Hit and miss: leadership tries to be as transparent as they can. Nothing really feels too-down, but many decisions are not explained properly to really get any learnings from them.

Only caveat: friend talks are the most convoluted thing ever. All talk no actions, and please don’t mention you want a raise, that’s not part of that convo (but they will never schedule a salary conversation)


If you engage, you can develop honest and great relationships. Some might even evolve to actual friendships


Actually more leaning towards the healthy side for once. But highly dependable on client and project workload.


Debatable, there is a general consensus that the leadership team is doing everything they can - but you don’t actually know what they are deciding or what’s ahead. On projects: some are more actively involved, some are more ominous names floating above just barely supervision work.
In the “friend talks” multiple people got the feeling that random and bogus reasons where ‘conjured up’ or blown out of proportion to halt the career advancement.

Interessante Aufgaben

No sorry.
There is one team who gets preferential treatment because of the closeness to one of the Creative directors- the rest gets mostly crumbs. In the end your job is to come up with “the same same but slightly different” sales campaigns for tobacco products.


It feels equal - but cannot say as I am a man and won’t know how woman are actually treated.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Not that many around, but those who are seem to be happy and part of the larger community


Nice office, breakfast twice a week, 2-days at office policy and an active IT department. Cannot really complain.
It’s kinda the same as in many other agencies.


Based on the clients one works for: none.
Based on the agencies own projects and initiatives: on a good trajectory.


Bad review due to the fact that it’s always the same phrase you get when asking for a raise “you are at the top of the list for the next raise”. The problem: everyone is at the top.. and I haven’t seen a raise in my salary for more than 3 years now.


The S&F brand sardines some weight.
But as S&F Commerce you are not part of that image - you are the weird cousins at family meetings that people forget exist.


Leaders will lead.
Workers will work.

You can get to a senior level and that point: any progress stops, get pushed away or not even discussed.



Team - People & Culture

Dear Friend,
Thank you for your detailed and honest feedback about your time at Scholz & Friends Commerce in Hamburg. We appreciate your openness and are sorry to hear that there were areas of dissatisfaction.
We're pleased that you found the working atmosphere and team cohesion to be positive, as well as the support from our IT department and the work-life balance, all of which are important to us.
Your comments about communication and "friend talks" are valuable and we take them seriously. Transparency is very important to us and we are constantly working to improve the way we explain our decisions and processes. Regarding pay and career development, we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We will review your feedback to ensure that these important issues are addressed more effectively.

If you would like to discuss your concerns in more detail, please feel free to contact us at kununu@s-f.com. Thank you again for your feedback, which helps us to grow and improve.

Kind regards
Lisa - People & Culture Team @Scholz & Friends
