30 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
30 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
23 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten30 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
23 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Super spannendes Produkt für das Management von (großer) Softwareentwicklung
Fünf Sterne - nicht im Sinne von Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen, sondern weil sich immer jemand um den anderen kümmert, auch wenn mal Probleme auftauchen.
Stets bemüht, aber ehrlicherweise gibt es hier (wie so oft) noch Luft nach oben.
Wenig Kollegalität - man(n) bzw. Frau sah zu, dass sie sich selbst in Stellung brachte
"Reinklotzen" wurde hier erwartet; es war wenig vereinbar mit dem Leben eines Vaters oder einer Mutter.
Für sowas gab es kein Budget.
Man hatte mir buchstäblich das Gehalt unter die Nase gehalten und gemeint, dass man dafür mehr erwarten würde. Und das gleich nach 2 Monaten.
Ein hoher Durchlauf an Leuten half da wenig
Es wurde von oben herunter geredet; die oberen Herren sind allwissend.
Es kamen wenig Impulse, Signale oder Worte aus dem Elfenbeinturm, in dem die Oberen Zwei residierten.
Viele Sachen waren eine Baustelle und undefiniert; daher konnte man sich über Vielfalt nicht beschweren.
Strukturierte Arbeitskultur. Das sie schauen was dir liegt und du gut kannst, wo du dich wohl fühlst und da setzen sie dich ein.
Häufiger am Mitarbeiter sein. Die Zukunftsperspektiven teilen.
Die Atmosphäre ist ruhig und fokussiert.
Die Manager sind sehr offen für Flexibilität und auch sehr verständnisvoll ggü. Familien.
Ich fände es gut, wenn statt Weihnachtspräsente für die MA's für soziale Projekte gespendet wird.
Ich habe selten so einen Zusammenhalt erlebet. Ich denke wenn man lieber ins Büro geht als HomeOffice zu machen, sagt das alles. Ich habe es das erste Mal erlebt, das ein Kollege zu mir gesagt hat, "Das hast du gut gemacht, Danke für deine Mithilfe am Projekt".
Respektvoll, nett, Sie beziehen dich mit ein.
Wir arbeiten mit einem Projektmanagement Tool. Das verändert das arbeiten und die Kommunikation untereinandner so sehr. Ich möchte nie wieder ohne dieses Tool arbeiten.
Ich habe auf jeden Fall Spaß.
- Intelligent, friendly colleagues and leadership
- A product that can be extremely engaging to work on
- Great work culture
- Nice offices
- Complex product architecture, that may require time and effort to understand
I've had very bad experience in the past but here I was glad to find out that one is considered a human being vs. a money making device. Also the serenity of the working environment which doesn't cause any stress or bad emotions. The only time I have negative emotions at Seerene is when I am unhappy about my own person and even in that I am getting support.
Nothing so far and I'm quite amazed because I'm a VERY negative person and normally address short-comings immediately.
Some processes are needlessly efficient and I would prefer classical solutions. The employer should let employees decide where working materials are acquired from. Also, a basic environmental, fair-trade concept would be great.
The working environment is perfect and beyond everything I have ever seen so far. The employees have quite some freedom to shape and contribute, everyone is very friendly to each other, I've never seen a conflict arising but I'm sure it'll be settled in a mature manner without any hint of disrespect. The operations team is very efficient at removing obstacles out of your way and addressing any issue you might have. Both the Potsdam and the Berlin offices are great but the Berlin office has an amazing view. Choose were you want to work from or you can just work remotely from home. The offices are bright, there are plants, height-adjustable desks, comfortable chairs. The hardware is modern, ergonomic and fast. I still can't quite believe the balance that has been struck at Seerene.
The work life balance at Seerene is absolutely perfect. The company will work with you to find a symbiotic model and will not push one onto you to drive you into madness and despair.
You could have a career at Seerene if you want to. Taking responsibility is encouraged and you can absolutely expect a fluid progression.
Payment is extremely fair.
There is no company consciousness regarding the environment and social topics although on the individual level there is. Things are done in the easiest way for the company. A lot of room for improvement here for sure.
The relationship between colleagues is superb. The cohesion is great, nobody is excluded and you'll find yourself spending time with colleagues outside of work almost every day because they are nice people with very diverse personalities. We help each other in case of problems without hesitation and help each other to expand our knowledge.
Age doesn't bear any significance at Seerene.
The relations between the different levels at the company are friendly, productive and efficient.
As already outlined, nothing beats the working conditions at Seerene. I'm still very excited to be part of the team even after working here for quite some time. Everybody is contributing to make this a great place to work. You are free to find out a model that works for you, you can always talk about your concerns with someone.
Communication is great. It's actively encouraged and the routes are short. The company pays attention that nothing gets lost and combines modern channels to ensure fluid information exchange. This is how I imagined the 21st century before coming to Seerene.
100% guranteed
The tech stack is great, modern and very professional. The work is challenging and never boring, employees are encouraged to learn and progress. I'm a technical person and I'm able to learn something new every day in a gradual manner.
I always felt welcomed. The people really care for each other in an international and diverse team. Seerene does everything so that you can focus on your work and achieve great things.
Shifting working hours was rarely a problem, independently of the reasons that one might have.
We were actively offered education opportunities like visiting a conference, or asked if we are interested in certain webinars/seminars.
I have never heard of anything related to protection of the environment, green energy or fair trade (except maybe some snacks in the kitchen). There are a few energy saving things installed in the office, but the Environment is no focus for Seerene, yet (or it was just not communicated).
definitely! within teams and overall
When I started working here in 2018, it was a chaotic time due to several reasons, but Seerene managed to improve greatly! Decision making got transparent and comprehensible and, as far as I could grasp it, adequate and appropriate in the long term.
I got great equipment and workplace furniture (e.g. ergonomic), the kitchen has fresh and healthy stuff, and Work From Home was easy to implement even before Corona. Summary: Seerene really cares for your wellbeing!
Communication is a big plus here - efficient and productive meetings, concise ticket writing, regular management updates and nice "watercooler talks", without interfering focused working.
Tasks are overall interesting and challenging, and made me learn a lot, but the topic/technologies I had specialized in had too little priority in the long term (decision making was transparent!), that's why in the end I decided to change jobs. Task management was great.
If you have a problem, private or professional, you will immediately find an open ear with your manager. Together, you will look for a solution that is satisfactory for everyone involved. That is very important to me, especially at this time!
I don't know what you could do better here.
It has never been a problem to make private appointments during normal working hours, as long as the manager is informed. Since I have a family, this is very important for me.
It doesn't affect me, but I know from colleagues that they are encouraged and challenged and they are happy with it.
The team spirit is very good.
Cooles Unternehmen, in dem es Spaß bringt zu arbeiten
Sehr familär
Immer pünktlich auf dem Konto
Sehr direkt, aber dadurch weiß man sofort was Sache ist.
Kollegial und harmonisch.
Vorschläge sind gerne gesehen.
Sehr gut.
Offen für Gespräche.
Meistens klappt es.
Verbesserungsvorschläge gibt es keine.
Seerene ist noch sehr jung und daher ist der Altersschnitt noch relativ jung. Bin aber davon überzeugt, dass jedes Alter dort gut aufgehoben ist.
Meine Arbeit war immer sehr abwechslungsreich.
So verdient kununu Geld.