22 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
22 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
15 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen22 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
15 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Sensorberg hat nach einer schwierigen Zeit begriffen, dass sich die Führung ändern muss. Mit der neuen CEO und weiteren Führungskräften sowie einem hervorragendem Produktteam geht es nun seit Sommer 2022 richtig voran.
Derzeit ist wirklich alles gut.
Alle ziehen wieder an einem Strang.
Führungskräfte jederzeit erreichbar und auf Augenhöhe.
Tolles Team und großartige Kommunikation. Jeder darf Ideen mit einbringen, es wird nicht gejudged. Gute Bezahlung für Startup Unternehmen und spannende Aufgaben und Produkt.
Kann mich absolut nicht beschwere, ich arbeite wirklich jeden Tag super gerne.
Ist gut, könnte aber besser sein, liegt aber daran, dass momentan viel Arbeit da ist.
Es gibt Budget für Training und Workshops. Auf interne Weiterentwicklung wird großen Wert gelegt.
Für ein Start-up überdurchschnittlich gut.
Ein nachhaltiges Unternehmen mit nachhaltigem Produkt.
Einfach top! Jeder ist da, um anderen zu helfen, es gibt keine doofen Fragen und wir unterstützen uns immer gegenseitig. Außerdem gibt es viele Brainstorming-Meetings, um seine eigenen Ideen und Vorschläge einzubringen.
Super. Sowohl ältere als auch jüngere Mitarbeiter werden gleich behandelt und wertgeschätzt.
Einfach super. Es gibt kein Hierarchie Verhalten. Jeder ist per du und spricht offen mit jedem.
Super, man kann im Office oder von zu Hause aus arbeiten, wie man mag.
Ist tatsächlich echt viel bessere geworden, dank der neuen Struktur.
Sowohl Frau als auch Mann werden gleich behandelt.
Gibt es immer, man bekommt viel Verantwortung.
I really like working for Sensorberg because of the team spirit and the freedom which I have in the company regarding my work.
My work is very independent so I can choose on what days I work.
I can trust my colleagues and they are very helpful and friendly.
The hierarchy at Sensorberg is almost non existent because of the independent work ethic and the honesty
My Team at Sensorberg is very open, honest and transparent.
The people are a charm - because of the circumstances everyone worked hard to save the sinking ship, which wields the company together
* investors are doing micromanagement which hinders change and is starving the company
* new management is going on holiday as second action instead of fixing the ship. This shows a lack of urgency and is a slap into the face of the employees not gone yet.
* new management missed the chance of building trust. Instead it's carrying on with non-transparency of terminations, hiring policies or financial status.
* contract issues are always solved in the worst possible way for employees. You have to use a lawyer to get your legal rights.
become a contemporary company - apply a modern culture of work and treat the employees as people, not resources - it's the only way to save the ones which have not left yet
* too much work for too few people
* worries of employees are not taking seriously
* people get the feeling of just working so the investors can do the exit, but no to grow as a company
* most long time employees (+2 years) have left and people usually don't stay longer then a year
* top down-mentality
* heavily depends on the type of job
* over hours are expected
* remote work has been abolished recently
* people with family can mostly adjust their schedule to fit family needs
* trash separation
* in the old days the company looked for green IT, now it's only "the cheapest wins"
* training budget depends on the department
* career opportunities depend on department
* colleagues work together where possible and have a good climate
* mostly trustful and friendly interactions
* as always, there are some bad apples on the tree
* leadership worked more as wrong-way-drivers then leading
* suggestions for improvement are dismissed
* even investors were disappointed by management skills
* non-transparency is a key tool
* people providing feedback are less favored compared to "silent ones"
* unwanted employees are actively driven out
* understanding of the high tech/people/organizational-debt is rising too slowly
* everybody gets a MacBook (can be good or bad, depending on department)
* new office offers space for everyone
* nice terrace for after work beer
* communication works most of the times in the departments, but not across the departments.
* the company is structured on three silos instead of one team, which fosters segregation
* "Not my department" mentality has been improved, but is still heavily woven into the company and its products and services
* no competitive salary
* salary raises are a joke (either non-existent or way below inflation)
* salary split between C-Level and rest of company is way to high and nowhere justified
* 27 days of holiday
* new CEO is female, a sign for change
* amount of women is increasing
* very international team
* strategy shift caused many interesting topics to be dropped (but it was necessary to do so)
* topics are centered around repairing a sinking ship, so it can stay barely afloat and not being agents of change
* obvious contemporary or modern solutions require too much time to adapt and/or are dismissed as too expensive
very supportive culture even in remote only times, incredible lovely team throughout the company, but currently a lot in the process of reorganization
Yes there is a lot of work but I couldn't have wished for a more flexible employer during the pandemic. Colleagues with families abroad also get great opportunities to work remotely.
Since this year, there is a training budget. What I really enjoyed at Sensorberg was the possibility to get insights across departments and also try out new things professionally. Android developers have already become hardware specialists and project managers have been able to actively participate in sales. But for that you have to be proactive!
Very important topic that unfortunately does not receive enough attention
The company grew a lot last year, not everyone liked the change and left. but the hard core is still there and the new ones have brought in a lot of fresh air that the company really needed. The old learn from the new and vice versa, it's really a very supportive community.
The management is still growing into its role itself, but at least they are trying their best and are always on an equal footing.
The company moved in December, still a lot to do.
Regular exchange throughout the company but room for improvement
The quota of women has increased significantly in the last 2 years, also in the IT department. But there is still room for improvement on management level.
Wide playground for own ideas. I have grown a lot from the professional challenges in the last two years, which I would never have been able to do in a corporate.
Try hire leader with leadership skills.
Working Remotely, so no bonding to different teams, obviously. The managers were more concerned with making their own mark than with the welfare of the employees.
Some people do lots of overhours.
No waste separation, no investment in sustainability. The homepage doesn’t even mention it. No job ticket or rent a bike ticket for the colleagues.
No goodbye for voluntary leavers. Communication skills are incredibly bad.
We have an all-hands, where everything is about how much money we still didn’t raise.
Almost all on top are male managers.
People work alone from home
hardware quality is not good
a lot of promises are not kept like bonus etc. pp.
none as people work form home, a lot of people leave during first 6 months
average age is 30-35 maybe
there's not really any bosses, so not existent.
mainly old laptops, rooms are usually untidy, no clean desks.
job content change month to month, even things you haven't applied for.
Sehr freundlich und sehr unterstützend - nicht nur fachlich sondern auch emotional.
Die Aufgaben und Aufgabenflexibilität entsprachen sehr genau dem, was man nach dem Bewerbungsprozess erwartet hat.
Familie steht hoch oben, jeder hat seine Freiheiten solange die Arbeit erledigt wird. Gesundheit und Schutz in der aktuellen Lagen wird sehr ernst genommen.
mir fällt keiner ein
die Kleinigkeiten, die es zu verbessern gab, werden aktuell schon verbessert
interessante Tätigkeiten, tolles, dynamisches Team
Flache Hierarchien, sehr liberal, professionell und dennoch Startup
Es ist ein sehr kollegiales und freundliches Miteinander und entsprechend herrscht ein positives Klima im Unternehmen.
Auf die Familie wird Rücksicht genommen, z. B. durch Teilzeitbeschäftigungsmöglichkeit
Ein wirklich charmantes und hilfsbereites Team, alle ziehen an einem Strang
Wir haben einige 45+ Kollegen
Sehr gutes Vorgesetztenverhalten den Mitarbeitern gegenüber, Ask-Me-Anything Sessions, Transparenz
Tolle Räume, Sitzbälle, Laptopständer... Apple Mac
Es ist alles sehr transparent, alle genutzten internen Kommunikationskanäle sind für jeden zugänglich
Würde ich absolut zustimmen
Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, neue Dinge zu lernen, alles ist sehr transparent, jeder teilt sein Wissen
So verdient kununu Geld.