Salary injustice / Poor Management/ Don't care about employee growth
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
You can learn technically. Generally friendly kind of people. Open for proactivity. Flexible working hours. Respects to personal space and good work/life balance.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Very poor feedback culture. Bad communication btw senior management and employees
introduce a salary range and fix this injustace. Pay more attention to employees, determine paths for career growth.
The management is not honest with employees. There are unnecessary secrets, which will not affect business but trust of employee against management
Very good collaboration with in the team. Interteam communication is still in progress but getting better
Managers are under pressure of performance and statistics. Employees are just assetes for the company. They don't care about career growth of employees
Depending on location, the benefits are changing. Ie. teams in poland have free fitness studio benefits but teams in germany have not.
good office location, working equipments are okay. People in the office are kind
No social benefits. Salary is highly depend on your initial negotiation. There is no set salary range for positions. Mid-senior emloyees can be paid more than Senior Employees.
There is no set path for getting promoted. You can be a junior developer for 10 years and no body would mind...
Recently, company start paying online courses which is a good sign