8 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Really interesting products and technology
Working pensum
More home Office if possible
A lot of work and a lot of career options therefore
All options open
My was good
I had a great team
Really divers
Science Science Science
you can learn a lot because you have to do everything
not appreciated, everything we do are wrong and not good enough
not recommend if this is your first job
The offered service which is truly complex and enables interested customers to get a full solution. The potential of the technology to change lives.
No clear vision communicated to employees, constant comparison to other sites of the same comparison while barely any exchange between sites (It feels like "others can do it but you are stupid here" but no/limited information which could help improve the performance is provided.), extremely CEO-oriented, decisions are made but no explanation follows (of course when relevant and at least at the minimal level needed).
People should see and feel that their work matters. Overtimes and extra performance should be appreciated while over-performance should not become the new norm. Some basic rules (e.g. home office) should be the same for everyone and not dependent on department head's attitude - the company is too small to hide this unequalitites.
Colleagues with similar position in the company's hierarchy are nice and easy to work with. The higher the position of the interaction partner is, the more difficult everything gets - unclear and/or limited and more difficult communication, barely any feedback.
Not so well known company (yet). The image to the outside world is probably rather positive, the hapiness and satisfaction of employees is however highly questionable.
Flexible working hours are definitely a big pro (but also nothing that special as it is nowadays kind of a standard offer in many fields, including science...). However, long hours have become a standard and any extra performances ("going the extra mile") have also become a must and are not worth any appreciation.
A young company is probably expected to have fewer leading positions (may it be even a small team) however I see further growth (also mere learning) rather limited.
Nothing special - other than attempts for waste recycling - has been done in this regard.
Within a department nice relationships to most of the colleagues and lots of support. Communication or working together with other departments is less productive.
Hard to assess as most of the people are rather young. Future will show.
Little communication, little explanation and little feedback make it hard to assess own performance and grow further.
Materialistic conditions are really good.
The copmany has been trying (for example regular company-wide updates) but the information which really matter (and not just an image) are hard to get.
Positive: Definitely a company with high propotion of female employees.
Not so nice: People are treated differently depending on their department and role. Some positions are glorified, other colleagues get no attention and appreciation for their work.
Nice colleagues and Basic learning opportunities
Unorganised management, Not a long-term opportunity and Chinese work culture
Please provide more flexibility to your employees
Very interesting working topics and the trust in their employees capabilities. There is a lot of potencial for everyone to develop their careers. Motivation among colleages seems very high.
Nothing very bad, just home office should be improved in many cases and seen as something normal, at least once a week.
Allow home office should be improved in many cases and seen as something normal, at least once a week.. Increase vacation days (incl. XMAS and 31.12 as free days (now 27+1/year). Dont stop developing your employees, as this keeps them motivated. Once you start hiring managers from outside, the motivation will fall. Ask your employees to be flexible and understand the circunstances of the company. Do more employee events outside of work.
Very nice people and very nice treatment between managers and employees.
It is a small company (start up) and it was also founded in China, which still has to break some barriers in the mind of many in Europe. But their work is much better and faster than many companies in Germany.
There is no official Home Office, which is a pitty, but nobody is asking for your working hours as long as you do your job. I do get some E-Mails on weekends but I don't need to answer this back.
The career paths are very flexible and dynamic. If you show your capabilities you have everything to grow.
Compared to other companies in the field of Biotech, has a quite fair wage standard. There is a Bonus which is payed out according to goals achievements, which depends on each person's contract.
There is no special interest in this sense.
Between colleages everyone is trying to do their best to also help the others and the company
It is a very young company and just a couple of +45y and they fit very well in this dynamic.
Managers behave very polite and respectful to their employees
It is a small company and one hast to be very flexible and "build'" this company from the ground. There are for sure not all the equipments, but I understand it as a company which is still growing and acquiring their stuff.
It is a small company and communication paths are still very short. Workflows are still being twiched and not completly defined. So it is necessary to be proactive and make sure all the information has been transmited
Many cultures, nationalities, genders and every one can be on the spotlight.
The field of biotechnology this company is following is extremly interesting
Exciting, dynamic environment. Very capable CEO.
No perks. Management is trying to do everything "on the cheap". Will make it hard to attract and retain the best talent long-term.
Very CEO-centric management. Need to hire more experienced managers to unburden CEO.
Stimulating environment. Very international, English speaking company.
Not well-known.
Emails are send at night and on the weekends.
A lot of potential for career progression. A lot of flexibility to explore new roles.
Salary is acceptable and frequent raises are possible. However, no extra benefits, bonus not contractual. Salary structure not transparent.
Not a priority.
Rapid growth and high turnover.
Generally pretty young company but age does not matter.
Good work is rewarded but also a lot of pressure.
No perks. Low travel allowance, no extra days off (i.e. Christmas or Carnival), no working from home.
Responsibilities are not always clearly defined.
Female CEO, many females in management roles.
A lot of exciting projects and quickly changing priorities.
Sehr gutes Gehalt und viel Investionen in neue Lösungen und Instrumente. Sehr bodenständige Leitung
Kommunikation schneller und klarer, Unternehmenbranding und Kununu/Glassdoor Seiten managen.
Teilzeit modelle möglich, Vollzeit gut Arbeit dadurch aber auch viele Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten
Potential ist da und es gibt gute Chancen
Top und vorallem Fair je nach Fähigkeiten
In jeder Firma nie perfekt, kürze Kommunikationswege wäre nützlich für die Zukunft
Sehr durmischt und international
Interessante Projekte
Niedriges Gehalt und sehr negative Attitude vom Manager
Organisierung verbessern