It could have been a great place to work but...
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Well, at least they offered free barista coffees and the monthly transportation tickets.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Falseness is a word that can sum up the employer's behaviour. No offence, it's not personal.
Start paying fair salaries. Inform clearly and transparent about the relevant news about the Corporation and the decisions made by Management. Start treating your employees as humans and not as numbers. And don't underestimate them.
Colleagues are mostly friendly and tend to be always there to help. There's a good "team feeling" in the company: the team is mostly international and young, so it's also common to go out for dinner or drinks with your colleagues.
However, the main room can get very noisy sometimes and look like a "Kindergarten" with workers shouting non-relevant personal stories (about themselves or from other employees) and messing around. You can also notice some fake people talking behind your back in order to "grow" inside the company.
Communication has been always a serious topic in the company. There's literally no transparency at all. You can discover more about your own future in the company hearing the gossips in the kitchen than talking directly with your boss. It's also very common that superiors think that you're naive and lie directly to your face in order to avoid a topic and use the corporation as an excuse for everything. Moreover, HR is practically non-present (and therefore useless and inefficient) for the Munich office.
Apart from that (which is actually a serious issue), the communication between colleagues is relaxed and the customers are mostly very nice with the employees.
The relationships I've established in this company are actually the best I got in return from Telelingua. We even had Team Events for some years before the company was sold to a bigger corporation. Anyway, we have had some nice parties in Summer and even Oktoberfest. So, after all, this is again the best part from working at Telelingua: the people.
Extra hours are not paid as many people mentioned here before. However, in this last year, extra hours were not so frequent. Still, could be improved.
You have the possibility of doing Home Office once per month (!!!!!) after working here for a year (which is nothing for a Project Manager), after two years, two days per month.
The amount of holidays is good, the common for Bavaria. You can take holidays with a relatively shot notice. If you're ill, you can stay at home for the first two days, no need for sick note. However, you will need to write a detailed handover (can take up to one hour) doing a remote connection to the computer at the office even if you're having fever and feeling considerably bad. And if you're ill relatively often, HR will not hesitate to ask you why do you get sick so often. Very disrespectful.
Bosses are exigent everywhere and they all set unrealistic goals, it's not something new. Here however, you will have an insignificant bonus every three months based on your performance (turnover, margin and something they call "customer satisfaction" which is literally impossible to measure with the current tools that they have). The system is very unfair: even though each PM has a different turnover goal, not all of them have a personalised margin goal. Other extra tasks are not taken into consideration and lead to frustration and comparison between colleagues.
Anyway and going back to the topic, the unapologetic arrogant behaviour from Management with the employees is insane. You're considered a traitor if you get a better offer from another company. Keeping the employees happy is never an option for them and that's why they're losing someone literally every month.
Moreover, since the company was sold in 2018, there have been even more non-senses every week and you could notice that there's no right lead nor organisation in the corporation, frustrating many people in the Telelingua Group, pushing them to leave the company for the decisions made by an overconfident circus.
Interessante Aufgaben
I was giving the opportunity to try new things and grew up considerably inside the company. And I'll always be thankful for that (even though I was never payed for these extra responsabilities) because I know that it's not the case in other companies. Many of my colleague's tasks could have been reduced and improved focusing more in automation and spending that saved time building stronger customer relationships, but of course, IT was always an open discussion and something to complaint about, rather than hiring new competent people that could help all teams. Priorities...
I have the feeling that Telelingua is actually a fair company for women and salaries did not depend much on your gender. However, you could see that working in the Sales team as a woman was still questioned and was not valued at the same level as for male employees (also in terms of money). Moreover, sometimes you could even hear misogynist comments from employees disguised as jokes. A well-known issue that was never addressed by the superiors.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
There's literally no old employees and I'm not just talking about age. The average age must be something like 32-34 years old, but the problem is that the "oldest" employee has been working there for 4 years maximum. Most people quit after 1 or 2 years.
The office is modern, clean and with plenty space. There's also two nice kitchen and lots of natural light with inner gardens and other fancy things. The computers are not the fastest in the world, of course, but definitively not bad. In Summer can get a bit hot because there's no air conditioning, but not a big deal. I find worse the fact that the employees work very close to each other and, if you're in a call, the other person will be hearing your colleagues talking.
The payroll comes on time and they offer you an additional pension program.
Apart from that, forget getting a fair salary in this company. They usually hire young people fresh from college because they don't want to pay a real salary that can compete with the cost of living in Munich. It is very embarrassing to have to ask constantly for a pay raise because they're reluctant to pay properly for the job you're doing for the company. And forget getting more money or a special treatment for having extra responsabilities that are not included in your job title. You're just another employee and they will never care about your life or your finances.
And it is easier to grow in this company having someone already inside. Knowing the right person can make your way to the top very fast and easily.
I don't know a single employee working here at the moment who's happy with the company. And all the people that left (many people for such a small office by the way...), agree on one thing: they would never come back.
Even though I just said I no one is happy with the company, I have to say that I was happy with the job I was doing (the job, not the company). And as I said before, I'm grateful that Telelingua let me grow and gave me the opportunity to work in interesting topics. But well, I was also doing a quite expensive job and got paid like a newcomer.