12 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The spirit in the team and the diversity of tasks one can work on.
open office space in a nice area in the centre of Munich
internal trainings + budget for external ones
employee benefits
in the core of the business model
great support within teams and across departments
open feedback culture
open feedback culture
strong focus on DEIB
Great, familiar vibes in the office. You can easily get in touch with everybody. High motivation to reach the goals together
In general very flexible, but during high season it is also important to go the extra mile.
In house training for all levels
Very good collaboration with all teams and there is always someone willing to help.
Very transparent communication within the company. Updates are shared with everybody on a regular basis. As we are growing sometimes information might get lost on the way.
Would be great to have more female leads. But overall we are diverse in terms of nationalities.
Due to fast changing environment there is always something to do and everybody has the chance to take ownership for a topic, doesn't matter the level.
I really love the vibes in the office, the motivation from each and everyone to grow our business, the good coffee machine of course, the challenges that keep the work exciting
As a start-up we sometimes need to go the extra mile, but overall fair and you'll probably always find company when you want to go for a bike ride before or after work.
In-house trainings and more
We're a start-up, so of course there's room for improvement in the salary. But they make every effort to be as transparent and fair as possible.
Rather young but also very open and welcoming team
You feel that you are treated with respect and are given a lot of responsibility and room for your own ideas
Very transparent communication. Even though it get's harder with a growing organisation, everyone is still trying to be as transparent as possible
The leadership team could do with a few female managers, otherwise everything is great
We are a start-up that is growing fast and also brings some challenges, but most of all very interesting tasks and opportunities
I’ve been working at this company for some time now, and I can honestly say that I enjoy coming to work every single day.
One thing I’ve noticed is that whenever I tell my friends about working at buycycle, they think it’s super cool and always ask lots of questions. It’s exciting to be part of a company that captures people’s interest so much!
Work often doesn’t feel like work here, so it's easy to stay a little longer. But we make up for it by going to the gym together or cycling as a group in the mornings or evenings.
buycycle offers in-house training and coaching sessions, and we have access to an annual training budget. We also have performance reviews every six months to ensure personal and professional growth is continuously supported.
We’re a startup, and while that sometimes reflects in the salary and benefits, we make up for it with a great culture and some unique perks. We have access to Wellpass for health and fitness, as well as a monthly vegetable box to promote healthy eating—small but meaningful extras!
We’re committed to the responsible use of resources, and it really shows in how we operate. - We ride the change!
The work environment is incredibly positive, and the team collaborates really well.
We don’t have many older colleagues yet, but age doesn’t really matter here. Everyone works together seamlessly, regardless of age or background.
I’ve had great opportunities to grow both professionally and personally. My manager is supportive, and there’s a strong focus on individual development.
We have a fantastic office that makes working here even more enjoyable. The workspace is modern, comfortable, and designed with sustainability in mind. Just the chairs could be more comfortable ;).
We have all hands meetings twice a week where we receive all the important updates. It’s a great way to stay informed, though of course, sometimes a piece of information might slip through the cracks.
Our corporate language is English, which means we have people from many different nationalities working here. This diversity makes the teams really interesting and dynamic, bringing together a wide range of perspectives.
What I appreciate the most is how varied the work is – no two days are the same, and that keeps things exciting!
Typische Start-Up Atmosphäre, mit guten Vibes
An Arbeit mangelt es nicht, es wird aber die Möglichkeit geben seinen Arbeitsalltag zu gestalten und Freiräume werden eingeräumt.
Zusammenhalt im Team is top, es wird sich unterstützt und zusammen auf ein gemeinsames Ziel hingearbeitet.
Führung auf Augenhöhe.
Kommunikation durch alle Teams hinweg einfach. Kurze Kommunikationswege, die produktives Zusammenarbeiten ermöglichen.
Aufgaben sind vielfältig und eigene Ideen können eingebracht werden.
Das ganze Team ist sehr sehr motiviert und arbeitet an den gleichen übergeordneten Zielen. Es macht super viel Spaß zu sehen wie jeder die Themen voranbringen möchte und einen wertvollen Beitrag leistet. Es ist schön zu sehen, dass das Team wächst und sich das Unternehmen so positiv weiterentwickelt, ich freue mich auf alles was noch kommt!
We all work for the same goal with the same passion.
The goals are clear, feedback is heard and interpreted. Execution is set in motion, so I can/will not complain.
Good vibes überall
Die Firma ist sehr jung, und das reflektiert sich in Work-Life Balance
Wir haben alle das gleichen Ziel
Immer offen für alles
Direkt, ehrlich und punktlich
So verdient kununu Geld.