5 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
5 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
2 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten5 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
2 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Am Anfang sind sie nett, aber dann zeigen sie ihr wahres Gesicht und du wirst sehr schlecht behandelt. Alles wird von Emotionen gesteuert, nicht von Logik. Wenn sie dich als Person nicht mögen, kannst du nicht mit ihnen arbeiten. Die Bezahlung ist auch sehr schlecht. Sie stellen immer Immigranten ein, um sie auszubeuten.
Wenn du zu Hause arbeiten willst, kannst du das vergessen, weil sie denken, dass die Leute zu Hause nicht gut arbeiten. Und sie fragen immer, warum du zu Hause arbeiten willst und nicht ins Büro kommen kannst.
sehr niedriger Lohn
The colleagues were very nice and made the work bearable.
Payment practices, communication, management, and the way employees are treated.
Replacement of the entire management team with knowledgeable experts who understand the market and the business.
There is a good atmosphere within the team and in the office, which is only torpedoed by management on a regular basis
A hire and fire mentality. The external image is better than the internal one.
Was given and you could also do home office from time to time. However, there are much more flexible employers.
If you take care of it yourself, there is a possibility.
The salary did not come on time for one month. In some cases with significant delays. Bonuses and benefits that were advertised were not paid out either. This was a general problem throughout the company.
I have never experienced such a desolate condition. Every month it was unclear whether and when you would receive your salary.
Nothing is done for it
Was good.
There are not many.
an employee. Employees are given notice without warning or fault. Employees are fired almost every month. Communication is almost non-existent.
Die Arbeitsbedingungen sind okay. Es gibt Wasser und Kaffee + Snacks.
Communication with team members was very good. With other management levels a disaster.
There is a high proportion of women and internationality in the company.
From time to time there are separate projects.
The colleagues.
The unprofessionalism.
That the management look for proper qualifications before starting to play with people's lives.
Very toxic unfortunately. They say that people are the most important thing but soon enough you see that people are merely pawns in a game of make believe. The constant firing doesn't help with the atmosphere. Anything makes the management insecure and they are vindictive. They make mistakes all the time, which is ok, everybody does, but if you do, the slightest imperfection, you are treated like garbage.
They promise hybrid work. On the first day you see that it's not case and requests to work at home are frowned upon.
With the structures they are qualified to provide there's no growth perspectives and possibilities.
Really good, there are good people working there. But they don't stay long.
They never stay long enough. One of the biggest turnover rates I had ever seen.
In order to compensate for the management's lack of experience and qualifications, and because of their insecurity, you are constantly micromanaged. The management is not prepared to give any clear briefings. You have to be good on guessing goals that they don't know themselves. And if you guess wrong...
If you are proactive or more passive, there's no winning besides smiling and doing what you're told. You have to be good on guessing, since there are no clear paths.
Maybe the main problem of the company. Goals and requirements are not really communicated, there's no project management. You're good if you blindly follow the changes of mind of the management. If not you're out.
This for sure. However you are left with the feeling that this is only because they have no other choice.
Anything that the management makes up on the day. They will be thrown away on the next anyway.
Tolle Kollegen, super Atmosphäre und viel Vertrauen in die Mitarbeiter. Ich komme jeden Tag gerne zur Arbeit :)
Macht genauso weiter!
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