Frustration, chaos, stress, ...
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Colleagues are nice
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Management, work-life-balance, office space, company philosophy, ignorance, lies, pressure, ...
Take care of employees desires, create a comfortable working atmosphere, value those sacrificing their time to work for you, they don't need you but you need them. And when you make mistakes, just admit them instead of insisting to be right while everything goes down the drain.
Unbearable, too much pressure
Save your breath, you will be ignored anyway
Colleagues suffer together, so strong bonds are built
Work-life-balance none-existent. Working over-time is expected. Group-pressure regarding working hours? You bet!
Doesn't acknowledge own mistakes, no management skills, does not listen to advice
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Nobody stays that long. Almost everyone is below or around 30.
Everybody cramped into one office like cattle, loud, wifi not working properly
Does this create revenue? - then probably nobody cares.
there are no social benefits, low salary
It's all about money, customer or employee satisfaction don't count at all. It tries to appear as a great start-up, but this image does not reflect the atmosphere in the office. In my opinion, it is also very surprising how after every honest, critical review magically a very positive review appears here.
"flat hierarchy" not only means you have to work full scale even as an intern, but also that there is nowhere to rise to.