6 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
6 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
6 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The Lab is an intense and nice place to work. Great colleagues, lots of benefits, lots of possibilities to get involved. Working lean and agile, as far as possible due to corporate constraints.
Nothing really to complain. The office is set up for high frequent software development therefore tight schedules.
In general for Volkswagen: Less politics. Often the focus on a great product get's lost when people fight for personal advantages (in the top management positions)
Most colleagues like friends. Working in cross-functional balanced teams to build software products.
Volkswagen had some image issues I have had experienced with friends not working there.
Work is intense and you get informed about fixed working hours. You have per week some paid free time to explore topics you are interested in. This job requires an opt into fixed working schedules.
Most career paths include leaving your expertise (e.g. coding) and become a classical manager.
Very high salary standard especially for Berlin.
There is breakfast offered but with a meat selection, that's why I give it a 3.
If you want to there are lots of possibilities to network - also doing after-work activities.
Senior colleagues are very valued as they know a lot of stuff.
I have worked there for 3 years and it is the first servant leadership I have experienced. Former jobs had managers than leaders.
Nice fancy office, lots of possibilities to influence if you want to get involved.
Like in any huge corporate communications from the headquarters can take longer. If you want to stay informed all the time you have to put some effort into it to know things first.
Inclusion and diversity programs exist and people working there are highly engaged.
Due to politics, it can happen that exiting product opportunities got allocated to other offices. Such is life in big corporates.
I really like the team spirit and respect that people are treating each other with here. The recruitment process also seems to take compatibility to existing teams into account, so being technically good is not all you need to get hired. I appreciate this a lot because the result is a very positive environment with lots of interesting people from all over the world to meet.
That most of my friends are not working here :)
Some reduction of the noise level in office would be great!
Opportunities are there, but you have to push for them a tiny bit.
Balanced team approach, cutting edge technologies, interesting projects, least but not last: the people working here
Work Life Balance improvements: More flexible working hours, home office
Very strict working hours from 08:30 to 17:00, but at 17:00 the workday is really over!
No specialist career program
Great team spirit with people from all over the world.
Open space office with free breakfast, snacks, drinks, fruits and vegetables. There is also a foosball and ping pong table
Some decisions are not transparent
Depends on the project you are working on. It is possible to change projects according to your wishes
The Digital:Lab is living software crafsmanship like I have never seen it in any other company. We are doing Extreme Programming, including nearly 100% Pair Programming, which is perfect for learning and knowledge sharing and shared responsibility across the team. Test-Driven Development allows us to confidently deploy new features to production multiple times a week and collect immediate feedback from the users.
In previous jobs I got piles of paper specification to implement, here the product manager collects collects the problems to solve from the business side, and the team designs, implements, tests and delivers the solution. It's working like in a lean startup, but with the market share and ressources of Europes largest car manufacturer.
Administrative processes at Volkswagen outside the Digital Lab are typically enterprise-like slow and heavy, luckily we are quite independent from that and hardly have to deal with that.
Volkswagen should ramp up way more places like the Digital Lab Berlin... which they actually do.
Flat hierarchy, autonomous product teams with designers, developers and product managers collaborating to create great products. The office manager trusts in the teams to deliver the best possible outcome, no overwatching or blaming involved.
Fixed working hours (8:30-17:00) and no home office, so that the whole team is available to collaborate. No extra hours and no calls/messages after five.
Beatiful rooms with startup flair, cutting edge hardware, free snacks and drinks. Noise is an issue though.
Developing and launching new products, with latest technologies and in small teams. The developers are responsible for all technical decisions, no constraints from managers, no 'architecs', no constraints from outside the team.