119 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
119 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
91 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen119 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
91 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Busywork, lac of strategic thinking, self-deception
The focus is on looking busy rather than ensuring the actions are meaningful
There are no clear goal agreements, as everything is constantly being changed, making it difficult to measure any
Loud open plan office, with remote work partially available
Cognitive dissonance
Plenty of room for individual creativity
Frozen until further notice
No issues with that
Micro management
No promotions, no inflation compensation, no perspective
When it comes to genders, yes
Das kostenlose essen in der Kantine
Ich kann mein Arbeitszeiten nicht selber bestimmen obwohl das in meiner Position möglich wäre
Einstiegsgehalt bei Werksstudenten unterdurchschnittlich, aber für die Interessanten Aufgaben und die gute Atmosphäre nehme ich es in Kauf.
- Free and high-quality food
- Good image
- Slowly, the employee benefits are being stripped away.
- Belittlement and poor feedback culture.
- Stop demotivating and intimidating the employee
- Come out of the delusional expectation of hiring top-notch employees for peanuts
- Trust in the ability of employees and give them opportunities to learn and grow.
Frustrating, Stressful, traumatic, insulting, and demotivating.
Lack of collaborative work. Unsatisfying.
Hardly any feedback was given. No appreciation for good work and no suggestions for improvement were given. As an employee, it is unclear if I am heading in the right direction.
Needs Improvement.
Increasingly top-down style of communication
Innovativ und cool
Umgang mit Fehlern muss klarer und fairer werden seitens Geschäftsleitung, mehr Konstruktives
Kritische Themen differenzierter angehen
Tolle, kompetente Kolleginnen
Viel Arbeit, trotzdem Raum für meine Bedürfnisse
Echter Rückkhalt
Ich finde immer ein offenes Ohr
Könnte von der Geschäftsführung besser durchdacht sein
Noch zu viel ungeordnet, aber viel Raum es besser zu gestalten
People treat others well mainly, sometimes though, due to pressure, rough. Yet this is ok if done fair
Startup like… get used to it
If you want to change role, you‘re able to. Is not as in bigger companies.
People and teams hold together mainly
Always have the doors open and hgive good feedback
You get all you need to work
Ok, but to be improved from all of us. Being in many other companies I see the same.
Well, nobody else yet did what we‘re soing
Tech stack, ev sector,tasks, i have less pros to validate
unorganised priority, no mentoring, less collaborative /inclusive environment
Evaluation and feedback policy is ill hence growth career chances not always tech there are other areas of improvement on team,impact created with an team on a member,work life balance, Work culture
Have a qualified guidance and roadmap of scope of work,ethics,growth mindset,impacting colleagues
Improve your off boarding/onboarding an employee process.
Give trainings when organisation is part of global market race then teams/people mindset also needs to be international increase your exposure,mindset to welcome people onboard and stay within your team.
Bureaucratic, and hierarchical. Many are already looking at alternatives.
Where once there was a pioneer atmosphere, today there are often bureaucrats at work.
The new management does not understand the employees and often completely ignores their needs.
So verdient kununu Geld.