4 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
4 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil einrichten4 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I am extremely disappointed in the application process and especially how they handled telling me that I failed the final exams.
Over the course of two weeks I have invested probably like 20hr of my time to do numerous tests, e-learning material exams and readings. In any good company who has respect for their employees you would call that onboarding and people get payed for that (20hrx14€/hr = 280€). After me investing 280€ of opportunity costs in the company and the most useless onboarding ever they didn´t even care to give me any feedback, any insights in my exam results or what I did wrong or how many points I was missing. Not even thinking of a personalized response, which I by the way got at no point of the application process. It´s all automated and whenever you think you should finally be at a point where you talk to a person in an interview they just send you another learning material or test.
I have never exerienced such a disrespectfull and exploitative company. I would not be surprised at all if they just use all the applicants as free workers and give them real tasks in this "final exam", after the people already did all the onboarding on their own without any pay, and actually sell the results to their customers.
I passed all stages and tests and learning materials, even though sometimes there were lot´s of mistakes in the beginning, and then I somehow fail in the very final exam before Welocalize would have to finnaly pay me for all the work I do for them. I don´t believe them.
Welocalize should be ashamed of themself and their business practices.
NOBODY should entertain this exploitative application process!
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To open a channel to report the recruiter's misconduct during the application process.
To take applicants' complaints and raised flags seriously.
When an applicant wants to file a complaint and calls your office directly, to not cover for the colleague that behaved poorly and unprofessional; i.e., giving the wrong contact information for reporting things.
To be more professional when turning people down.
To stick to facts before making a decision and not decide based on assumptions.