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Bitpanda Gmbh Logo

als Arbeitgeber

Wie ist es, hier zu arbeiten?

kununu Score155 Bewertungen
WeiterempfehlungLetzte 2 Jahre
Details anzeigen


    • 3,5Gehalt/Sozialleistungen
    • 3,5Image
    • 3,4Karriere/Weiterbildung
    • 3,6Arbeitsatmosphäre
    • 3,1Kommunikation
    • 4,2Kollegenzusammenhalt
    • 3,2Work-Life-Balance
    • 3,4Vorgesetztenverhalten
    • 3,9Interessante Aufgaben
    • 4,1Arbeitsbedingungen
    • 3,5Umwelt-/Sozialbewusstsein
    • 3,8Gleichberechtigung
    • 3,4Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Branchendurchschnitt: IT

Mitarbeiter nehmen bei diesem Arbeitgeber vor allem diese Faktoren wahr: Kollegen helfen und Schnell sein.

Die vier Dimensionen von Unternehmenskultur

JobFür mich
Branchendurchschnitt: IT
Unternehmenskultur entdecken

When crypto, then Bitpanda!

Wer wir sind

Bitpanda is on a mission to reinvent the world of finance and bring investing closer to everyone, everywhere. Today's financial ecosystem is complex, exclusive and expensive, and we're here to change this as the #1 investment platform in Europe and beyond. Our platform is rooted in the belief that investing should be safe, easy and accessible to all. With Bitpanda, everyone has the freedom and flexibility to invest in what they believe in — commission-free stocks, cryptocurrencies or even precious metals — starting from as little as $1.


Mitarbeiter700+ people

Social Media

Was wir bieten


Die folgenden Benefits wurden am häufigsten in den Bewertungen von 107 Mitarbeitern bestätigt.

  • HomeofficeHomeoffice
  • Flexible ArbeitszeitenFlexible Arbeitszeiten
  • DiensthandyDiensthandy
  • Mitarbeiter-EventsMitarbeiter-Events
  • EssenszulageEssenszulage
  • KantineKantine
  • Gute VerkehrsanbindungGute Verkehrsanbindung
  • InternetnutzungInternetnutzung
  • BetriebsarztBetriebsarzt
  • RabatteRabatte
  • Mitarbeiter-BeteiligungMitarbeiter-Beteiligung
  • Gesundheits-MaßnahmenGesundheits-Maßnahmen
  • CoachingCoaching
  • BarrierefreiBarrierefrei
  • ParkplatzParkplatz
  • Hund erlaubtHund erlaubt
  • Betriebliche AltersvorsorgeBetriebliche Altersvorsorge
  • KinderbetreuungKinderbetreuung
  • FirmenwagenFirmenwagen

Was Bitpanda Gmbh über Benefits sagt

Being part of Team Bitpanda is more than just a job. It's an investment in yourself! Our business is fast-paced and demanding which means our Pandas work hard — but we also want to give them the flexibility to play hard too. And since there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to people, we're introducing new opportunities for Pandas to add their twist to work and life. Find out more: https://blog.bitpanda.com/en/invest-you-bitpandas-world-flexible-work


Was macht es besonders, für uns zu arbeiten?

Think big, move fast

We're the new kids on the blockchain, and this is what we do best — we spot new opportunities and make bold moves to shape the future of investing. At Bitpanda, we'll never hold you back or close the door on your ideas. Instead, we'll empower all our Pandas to stand up, talk straight and create real impact — right from day one! Ready to invest in you?

Empowering all to grow

We're a team of almost 1,000 people, working across different cultures and time zones. We enable each of our Pandas to be their authentic selves, fostering a sense of belonging across all our “dens”. We believe in equal chances and career opportunities for everyone, knowing that our technology, products, and company are better for every user when built for every user. This is intrinsic to our Bitpanda DNA, and we welcome everyone!

Where we work

Along with our incredible Vienna HQ, our Talent Hubs are spread across multiple European cities: Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Bucharest, Dublin, Krakow, London, Madrid, and Milan. We ensure that our diverse, international team of Pandas have access to state-of-the-art workplaces. And guess what — that means your home too! With our Hybrid Working Model, we're blending the goodness of working together in an office with the innate freedom and flexibility of working from home.

At Bitpanda, we follow 8 core principles on how we work this is the Bitpanda DNA:

  • Build for all users
  • Act with integrity
  • Think big, move fast
  • Win as a team
  • Keep it simple
  • Speak up, talk straight
  • Own your impact
  • love what you do

Sound like the right fit for you? Then come and join our team!

Wen wir suchen


Bitpanda is a fast-paced environment where proactive self-starters thrive. We are results-oriented, although often the fastest way to good results is failing the first time and learning from our mistakes. We deeply value craft across all areas and skill sets, we have high expectations of our team members, but we are also quick to give kudos for a job well done. Our team is dispersed across Europe, although that hasn't stopped us building a unique culture and shared camaraderie.

Für Bewerber

Hilfreiche Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess bei Bitpanda Gmbh.

  • Feel free to reach out at any time to our Team
    we're always here to help!


Our hubs are 10+ coworking locations across Europe including Vienna (HQ), Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Bucharest, Dublin, Krakow, London, Madrid, Milan and Zurich

Was Mitarbeiter sagen

Was Mitarbeiter gut finden

Bitpanda thrives on a result-oriented, data-driven, and hands-on approach. It’s a place where radical candor is valued, boldness and competency are rewarded, and unnecessary politics take a backseat to action and innovation. For those who thrive in a challenging and fast-moving landscape, Bitpanda offers a rewarding and fulfilling workplace.
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Recharge weeks, office food, and company events are amazing perks that add great value to the company’s benefits package.
It’s also worth mentioning the growth opportunities, which make a real difference for professional development.
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If you like working in a fast-moving, ambitious company where you can take ownership and grow, Bitpanda is a great place to be.
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Office is amazing, work-life balance and perks are really great. I like stock option program and being part of the big schema.
Transparenz, Geschwindigkeit, Chancen und gegenseitiger Respekt.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch gut finden?

Was Mitarbeiter schlecht finden

Place for improvement: the need for efficient, effective and energized Product managers / Project managers is still there. There are several talented Products and Project managers - but the for the company of this size - still should be more. And they should be experienced superstars and doers who deliver.
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Freunderlwirtschaft, Amerikanische Arbeitskultur, mir kam es so vor als würden die Vorgesetzten gegen einem arbeiten anstatt gemeinsam
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Arbitrary hiring/firing, promoting people based on sympathy rather than skills, not recognizing the problems highlighted by the worker’s council over and over again (even causing some members to leave the company), no dogs allowed unless you’re the boss
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Bitpanda has no flexible working hours. It is flexible for them, because in the end you have to be available and reachable until late at night and during holidays. Holidays are impossible to take because there are not enough colleagues who would jump in for you. It does not appear good if you leave work on time and dont work overhours (you do not get paid for them) - they do not respect that you want to have time for ...
Other than everything mentioned above, the treatment of their ex colleagues after laying them off. No support whatsoever through the whole off boarding process, missing payments for remaining vacation days. And after chasing the company for missing payments/information due to their failings, you’re ghosted, need to double text and get no transparency at all. Very untrustworthy behaviour.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch schlecht finden?


Interne Kommunikation transparenter gestalten und Entscheidungsprozesse etablieren.
Förderung der Work-Life-Balance anstatt Erwartungen von unüberschaubaren Überstunden oder Rufbereitschaft während Abwesenheiten.
Um langfristig Vertrauen und Bindung aufbauen zu können, ist die Investition in ein faires und nachvollziehbarea Personalmanagement essentiell.
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Work on your reputation by checking why the call keeps coming from inside the house. Live by your own five rules and standards, as well, instead of using them as excuses for firing competent people and never doing anything about fixing the rot that is coming from the head of the fish…
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Lets please be very careful with hiring during potential hypergrowth periods. This could lead to wrong profiles onboarding.
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I don't see much topics to improve. Maybe more social events and parties can be organised as before.
Ein gesunden Misch aus Amerikanischer und Österreichischer Arbeitskultur wäre empfehlenswert.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch vorschlagen?

Bester und schlechtester Faktor

Am besten bewertet: Kollegenzusammenhalt


Der am besten bewertete Faktor von Bitpanda ist Kollegenzusammenhalt mit 4,2 Punkten (basierend auf 43 Bewertungen).

Especially in the last 1-2 years, there is really an amazing recruiting process followed. That ensures to bring only high-performers to the family. Really happy about the collegues and learning a lot from them as well.
Teammates from all around the world - truly bringing the best to one company
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Der Kollegenzusammenhalt ist einer der größten Stärken dieser Firma.
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Colleagues are by far the highlight of our environment.
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no competition inside the team
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Kollegenzusammenhalt sagen?

Am schlechtesten bewertet: Kommunikation


Der am schlechtesten bewertete Faktor von Bitpanda ist Kommunikation mit 3,1 Punkten (basierend auf 46 Bewertungen).

So many weird decisions when it comes to promotions, hiring, firing, budget allocation…. I feel like high-level, the communication is good, but as soon as you break it down to a more granular level, you find a bunch of managers running around like chickens with their heads cut off seemingly doing what they want and getting rid of whomever questions them or doesn’t “swear allegiance” to whomever is manager that month.
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There is lots of talk, but mostly motivational speeches and self-praising. Little that helps you understand the strategy, bigger picture and why certain decisions are made - both on department and company level.
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Very pretentious, you have to be a master of corporate talk and big words just to keep up
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Regular town halls but only high level information
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Absolutely non-existent. Instransparent. Townhalls you see people start yelling or annoyed at questions/uncertainty. You get gaslit when asking about your career or told vague quotes about impact...but you never communicated WHAT that impact is and how to drive it. Feels like being inside madhouse.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Kommunikation sagen?

Karriere und Weiterbildung



Karriere/Weiterbildung wird mit durchschnittlich 3,4 Punkten bewertet (basierend auf 32 Bewertungen).

Company invests a lot in trainings and education. It provides every employee with a free access to Udemy Business accounts with thousands and thousands of training courses.
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Bitpanda rewards efforts and initiative by offering a good workplace to grow your career. A practive approach is always rewarded.
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Theoretically you would have options but then there is hardly any time next to daily business to use these
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Company always supports learning and career development, but you need to take the initiative
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Hard split between career opportunities and education offering needed here.
New all-you-can-learn online course offering is great, doesn't help your inhouse career though
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Karriere/Weiterbildung sagen?

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Bitpanda wird als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit durchschnittlich 3,4 von 5 Punkten bewertet. In der Branche IT schneidet Bitpanda schlechter ab als der Durchschnitt (4 Punkte). Basierend auf den Bewertungen der letzten 2 Jahre würden 61% der Mitarbeitenden Bitpanda als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Anhand von insgesamt 155 Bewertungen schätzen 56% ihr Gehalt und die Sozialleistungen als gut oder sehr gut ein.
  • Basierend auf Daten aus 74 Kultur-Bewertungen betrachten die Mitarbeitenden die Unternehmenskultur bei Bitpanda als eher modern.