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38 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 4,3Weiterempfehlung: 82%

38 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

31 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Great place to work! Near-full autonomy, great and passionate colleagues, and room to grow while shaping the company.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Great place where ideas are valued. We build products that support all relevant user types, and feel that our work is helping customers achieve their goals.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The start-up paradox: sometimes communication flows are a bit hazy due to the start-up nature of the company. However this is generally a good thing, because there's freedom to tailor one's work for the betterment of the company in a way that the employee feels is right. In other words, the bottom-up approach is great, and sometimes communication becomes overcomplicated in some instances as a result.


Follow up on career paths and make it clear how employees can leverage their skills to certain career outcomes that are to their preference.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben




Dear employee,

Thank you for sharing your feedback and giving us a 5-star rating in many areas. We are happy to hear that you enjoy working at ecosio!

Best regards,
The ecosio team

They don't know who to hire. they hire then work two days then fire.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

there were a few very friendly people in office and HR who were very helpful and supportive during the whole hiring steps which make you feel more interested in getting into this company.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The company has a deeply unprofessional hiring process. They fire employees without providing any clear reason or prior discussions about expectations, leaving no opportunity for the employee to understand or meet their requirements. There is no communication about what they want, and they don’t give employees a chance to address potential concerns before being dismissed.

During my interview, I raised questions about the negative Kununu ratings. They assured me that those low ratings were not related to their team. However, this was misleading. I can confirm that the negative reviews are accurate, at least when it comes to the main messaging team. The work environment is extremely pressured from day one, and the lead lacks the ability to properly assess candidates before hiring, which can lead to significant damage to people’s lives.

Another issue I faced was that they used their internal problems as interview assignments, essentially asking candidates to help them solve their issues. This is completely unprofessional and inappropriate for an interview process. Although there were four interview stages, they failed to ask meaningful questions that would allow for a fair evaluation of the candidate's skills. Instead, they assigned a highly time-consuming coding challenge, which was poorly designed and further highlighted their lack of knowledge in assessing applicants. After hiring, they assess whether they can work with you over a few days, only to waste your time and terminate you shortly after.

During my interview, I wasn't challenged in a meaningful way. I was given two tasks: one was a time-consuming programming task that I completed perfectly, and the other was an internal issue that they later forgot to even discuss in the follow-up meeting.

The company shows no respect for your time or the impact that being hired and then fired can have on your life. They hire knowing full well they can fire you at any moment, with no regard for the personal and financial costs you may face as a result.


sending their team leads to other companies for a while and see if they can start working productively the first week on the new projects. or at least see how other companies and team leads are doing on boarding.


from the first day I could feel a lot of pressure and stress


I doubt if you can have a work-life balance there.


with the work load and the expectations they have, salaries do not match.


The worst possible behaviour. no explanation of what they want and after second day at work they start complaining about your work. They have no idea of what is their responsibility for onboarding a new comer.


too much pressure and stress. The first day I got some tasks to do regarding starting up the system. the team lead was coming to me in between meetings and asking me to do other stuff and pushing me to resolve a bug in order to assess my skills while I had no idea about the business of the company. Finaly after 2 weeks I could not finish the first day check list because team lead wanted me other things.


no communication. they say a word and want you to understand everything from the first day.





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Interessante Aufgaben

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen




We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, though we’re sorry to hear that your experience with ecosio was so negative. We’d like to take a moment to address some of the concerns you raised in your review.

First, you mentioned that the hiring process was unprofessional. To clarify, our process consists of four interview stages, which is more comprehensive than what many companies offer. Additionally, our hiring process is transparent, fair, and openly listed on our career page for all candidates to review beforehand. Once hired, all employees start with a probation period, which is a legal requirement in all the countries where we operate and hire. This period is not just for us to assess your fit with the team, but also for you to raise any concerns. If you’re uncomfortable addressing them directly with your team lead, we have various channels available, including our HR team, Heads of Departments, or Managing Directors, who are always open to listening. While it’s unfortunate that your contract ended during this time, it’s important to note that such situations are rare.

Regarding your comment about using internal issues as interview assignments, we aim to provide tasks that are closely aligned with the actual day-to-day work you would encounter. This approach allows us to see how candidates might handle relevant challenges and also gives candidates a better understanding of the tasks they might face after starting with us. We're sorry if this felt inappropriate to you, but it was intended to be practical and insightful, not burdensome.

Lastly, we understand that you felt stressed and pressured. We strive to maintain a balanced environment, and we regret that this was not reflected in your experience. We genuinely hope that you find a work environment that better suits your expectations and wish you the best moving forward.

Kind regards,
The ecosio team

What I like the most are my amazing colleagues!

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I like working here.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I heard dogs were banned from HQ office, I don’t support this decision


Only what I mentioned about salary and environmental impact.


My colleagues are always supportive and full of understanding , no one is pointing out at your mistakes. My ideas are heard and enjoy my everyday work.


Most of the time I find a good balance at work, and when I feel like it’s too much, I can speak to my team lead and ask for task rearrangement.


There is a room to grow professionally and learn new skills! Or course, big companies would have more career opportunities but they can’t compare people wise


We have some nice benefits but I feel like it could be more. Same is with salary - new hires are getting market salaries and some older employees aren’t.


We are helping through our business (EDI & e-invoicing) and we also are cautious about our travels and food choices! One star minus because we barely take part in any initiatives (but we do social actions like gifts for orphanages and social and environmental runs)


In my department everyone is super friendly and teamwork oriented. I love my team ❤️

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I know a couple of older colleagues myself and looks like they fit in nicely. Even if they don’t understand my choice of emojis in slack


I’m happy with my direct team lead , also head of department is super nice. So all good in general! And what’s important to me is that if I have an issue, I can speak to head of my department directly, even if sometimes I need to mention it multiple times but I get it, they are always busy.


Remote is nice, and I can travel regularly to headquarter. Also I got my homeoffice equipped which is super.


I would say communication works very well inside each team. Sometimes I lack communication between departments on everyday tasks and projects but it starts to change now! And on company wide events I’m always happy to communicate with new people.


We have younger and older colleagues, very international team, and so on. I love it about my company! Sometimes I wish we had more flexibility in where I can work from and how long. Also, I heard dogs were banned from HQ office, I don’t support this decision

Interessante Aufgaben

My tasks are always interesting to me, and I was able to develop my skills overtime at ecosio.


HilfreichHilfreich?1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen



Dear employee,

Thank you for sharing your feedback! We’re really happy to hear that you’re enjoying your experience with ecosio. It’s always encouraging to see positive reviews like yours.

Regarding the areas you mentioned, we understand the desire for more flexibility. We strive to offer as much flexibility as possible through our flex time and work abroad policies, which we believe provide a great balance. However, we’ve had to set certain boundaries due to legal and tax considerations for employees, ensuring that we remain compliant while supporting a flexible work environment.

As for the policy regarding dogs at our main office, rest assured we love dogs! However, we also recognise that not everyone feels at ease around them, and following an internal poll we made the decision to change our policy in order to ensure all employees feel comfortable at our headquarters.

On the topic of salaries, we implemented salary bands to ensure consistency across the company. These bands are intended to rectify any discrepancies and ensure that employees with longer tenure are fairly compensated in line with market standards.

Thanks again for your review and for helping us to improve! We’re glad to have you on the team.

Kind regards
The ecosio team

Die Firma setzt auf Mikromanagement und entlässt regelmäßig Mitarbeiter

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Ecosio gearbeitet.


Es ist sehr schwierig, in einer Atmosphäre zu arbeiten, in der die Firma jeden Monat jemanden ohne Erklärung entlässt und das Management so tut, als ob nichts passiert wäre. Ein weiteres großes Problem ist, dass die Führungsebene überall präsent sein möchte, aber letztendlich können die Mitarbeiter nicht die Unterstützung in den Bereichen erhalten, wo sie wirklich benötigt wird. Die Abteilungsleiter sind nutzlos, da sie kaum Entscheidungen treffen können. Die Mitarbeiter werden intensiv dazu aufgefordert, positive Rückmeldungen im Internet zu hinterlassen, um das Image des Unternehmens zu verbessern.


Fast jeder, mit dem ich gesprochen habe, fühlt sich unglücklich, aber nicht jeder kann gehen, da es momentan nicht viele offene Stellen auf dem Markt gibt.


Einige Personen konnten ihre Karriere entwickeln, jedoch geschah dies in der Vergangenheit, als das Unternehmen kleiner war.


Das Management ermutigt zu regelmäßigen Reisen, einschließlich Flügen. Daher würde ich nicht sagen, dass ihnen die Umwelt am Herzen liegt.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Es gibt kaum noch alte Kollegen, sie werden nicht eingestellt.


Das Management unterstützt keine offene und ehrliche Kommunikation, sondern ermutigt zu Tratsch.







Interessante Aufgaben

3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Liebe ecosioanerin,
Lieber ecosioaner,

es tut uns leid zu hören, dass du bei uns so unzufrieden bist. Feedback ist sehr wichtig und danke, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, deine Punkte aufzuführen.

Gerne nehme ich zu den genannten Punkten im Namen der Geschäftsführung Stellung.

Niemand wird und wurde bei ecosio bisher entlassen. Eine Entlassung ist die sofortige ("fristlose") Auflösung des Arbeitsverhältnisses durch den Arbeitgeber bei Vorliegen bestimmter wichtiger Gründe. Das ist ein wesentlicher Unterschied zu einer Kündigung. Im Rahmen einer Kündigung trennen wir uns in der Tat immer wieder von Team-Mitgliedern, weil die erbrachte Leistung nicht den Erwartungen entspricht. Das ist keine böse Willkür oder gemeine Absicht der Geschäftsführung, sondern ein normaler Prozess in einem Unternehmen. Wir bieten heute eines der besten EDI-Services an und das einzig und allein aus einem Grund: weil die Mitarbeiter und das Team zu den besten weltweit zählen. Wenn Mitarbeiter ihre Leistung nicht wie erwartet bringen, kann auch das Unternehmen seine Leistung nicht bringen und das wiederum gefährdet die Arbeitsplätze aller anderen Mitarbeiter. Auch wenn dies von außen aus dem Schutz von Persönlichkeitsrechten nicht immer sichtbar ist, haben wir hier stets einen fairen Prozess gelebt.

Dass wir zu Reisen “ermutigen” ist nicht korrekt. Wir machen fast die gesamte Vertriebsarbeit remote und fahren, sofern es möglich ist, immer mit dem Zug. Die gesamte Projektdurchführung ist vollkommen remote. Wenn wir als remote-first Company zu einem Team-Event einladen, bleibt uns leider nichts anderes übrig, als zu fliegen, da wir in ganz Europa verteilt sitzen.

Dass wir keine älteren Kollegen haben, entspricht auch nicht der Wahrheit. Bitte hier noch einmal genau in die Runde schauen, wenn wir das nächste Jour Fixe haben.

Dass irgendwer vom Management zu Tratsch ermutigt, entspricht nicht der Wahrheit. Wer uns kennt, wird das bestätigen.

Zum Vorwurf des Micro-Management: wir fördern aktiv die Eigenständigkeit jeder Mitarbeiterin und jedes Mitarbeiters. Wenn irgendwo eine Leistung nicht passt, wird natürlich genauer hingeschaut, aber immer konstruktiv.

Es tut mir leid, dass du so unglücklich bist. Wie in jedem Jour Fixe angekündigt: raise your voice, nutze die anonymen AMA-Möglichkeiten, geh auf das People-Team zu, geh auf die Teamleitung, die Heads oder GF zu!

Wir rocken auf jeden Fall weiterhin E-Rechnung und EDI. Die Resonanz aus dem Team und von den Kunden könnte aktuell nicht besser sein. Ich hoffe ehrlich, dass auch dein Spirit wieder zurückkommt.


Over a year here and couldn't be happier.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Everything. The remote setup is working out greatly, as well as the flex time. We are in my opinion well-valued contributors and I feel that I'm part of a nice group in here. Keep investing in nice people and trusting everyone who is showing commitment.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nothing to point out here.


Keep rocking! It's only getting better. Trust in the employees is crucial and you're doing it right.


I feel part of a great working space and nice team atmosphere in here. Never had the feeling that I really pertained to a group of individuals looking for the success of a company, and now here I am. Feels nice.


Everyone in my team has the same opinion here. The image we're sharing towards the outer world shows individual's happiness.


Remote working makes life easier. Also we have the possibility to go to the various offices if we want to.


We have various ways to keep improving and learning from everyone here. A learning platform has been set up and the company gives you the possibility to get further with your learning career if you want to.


I'm very happy with my current situation here. Always paid more than on time and there's even room for growing if you hit the targets and do your job properly.


The company has started to put in place some policies with regards to this point. Still room for improvement, but it's a hot topic now.


Top performers and nice people. Managing people are really nice professionals.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

We're a very solid team and I've not had the chance yet to say bye to colleagues with whom I have a strong relationship so far, so I can't really evaluate this point... But from the experience I've seen from other colleagues in other teams, I shall say that it's very positive.


Couldn't be happier with my Team Lead.


Top conditions. Flex time and remote policy. The equipment we got is up to date and we have everything we need to get our job perfectly done.


There's always room for improvement in the communication field everywhere, but we are always up-to-date with what is going on in the entire company and specially in our teams, so it's overall a good situation that we have here.


I feel like the entire team is equally evaluated, independently on the individual's conditions.

Interessante Aufgaben

Sales is a great task to do in here. Continuous learning, trust in the employees to overcome new challenges and all in all very interesting job.

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Thank you for the positive feedback and your trust in ecosio! Keep rocking!

The ecosio team

Great company with great colleagues and drive

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is the possibility to work 100% remote, whereby the company provides all sort of tools and also a dedicated workplace team to make the remote life as convenient as possible. Recently a hub in Valencia has opened, to allow the remote team members to from there to share a common office. Regular team retreats and company events help to stay connected with peers.

Very nice and diverse team

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Due to the growth of the company it has high workload and everyone is pushy. Still there are some obvious underperfomers on board (and everyone can literally see their underperformance). Yet the management does only slow react and lets them keep their slow pace. In my team that regularly leads to discussions - in particular at afterworks. However, most recently the management has pushed for a more stringent evaluation approach, which in particualar some of the long term team members do not like. Some colleagues have quit as a consequence.


Some of the team members who are with the company since the beginning still bemoan an "ecosio-lifestyle" they are missing. The culture team should find a way to better align the "old" and "new" team members


very open culture


Generally very positive feedback from customers


Sometimes very high workloads. The good relationship with peers helps to overcome it. The management literally seems to work around the clock. If that is so good is another question


Dedicated budget for training and self-development is available


Very fair compensation, compared to my previous employer


The management is very keen to keep a fair share approach among the employees and to not overcompensate single contributors


Very nice colleagues and a great teamspirit

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

While the team is generally quite young, the few older team members are well integrated. Although they do not show up at company events that often


Generally very fair and professional, although one can clearly tell some seniority gaps with some of the heads


My superior is very helpful and has an open ear. Sometimes the workload is very intense

Interessante Aufgaben

Almost no day like the other and everyday new challenges arise, which I prefer



1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Dear employee,
We appreciate your feedback and kind words!

Sending positive vibes,
The ecosio team

mein persönlich schlimmster arbeitgeber

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Am Anfang fand ich den Umgang gut, man hatte irgendwie das gefühl, man wurde geschätzt. Zu letzt fand ich nichts mehr gut, die wertschätzung hat meiner meinung nach extrem nachgelassen, das verhalten der gründer taten ihr übriges dazu.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Gute Mitarbeiter verlassen keine Unternehmen, sondern ihre Chefs. Darüber sollte man sich mal Gedanken machen. Meiner Meinung nach gibt es auch viel zu viele Blender in der Firma selbst, die leider (zum Teil) eine zu hohe Position (meist mit Glück) erreicht haben (meine Meinung).


Auch als Arbeitgeber trägt man seinen Mitarbeitern gegenüber Verantwortung. Das wird hier meiner Meinung nach oft vergessen. Du musst damit rechnen, jederzeit ersetzt zu werden und dass das, was man dir heute sagt, morgen schon nicht mehr stimmen muss.


micromanagement, micromanagement, micromanagement. je nach lead wird man bis ins kleinste detail kontrolliert.


marketing leistet gute arbeit - sie stehen meiner meinung nach besser da als sie sind.


bildungskarrenz oder sabbatical wird für gewöhnlich genehmigt.


bewegt sich je nach stelle eher im unteren bereich.


in meinen anfängen wurde auf nachhaltigkeit wert gelegt. seit mitarbeiter für 1-2 tage zu skievents oder nach mallorca geflogen werden, hat das meiner meinung nach nichts mehr mit umwelt oder sozialbewusstsein zu tun.


aufgrund des 100% remotes ist es schwierig, eine gute "connection" zu anderen kollegen aufzubauen. auch das einschätzen, wie ehrlich jemand ist oder ob man jemandem vertrauen kann, ist meiner meinung nach eher unmöglich.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

ältere kollegen durfte ich in meiner zeit nur kurz kennen lernen, bevor diese sich selbst eine neue herausforderung gesucht haben.


nachdem mehrere mitarbeiter in den letzten monaten von heut auf morgen gekündigt wurden, ist in meinen augen das vorgesetztenverhalten extrem gesunken. einem kollegen mit familie wurde kurz vor ablauf der probezeit gekündigt, einem anderen kollegen kurz nach einem trauerfall in der familie. feingefühl sieht meiner meinung nach anders aus.


waren vor etwa 2-3 jahren bedeutend besser wie heute.


fand ich nicht gut. auf fragen werden zum teil nicht eingegangen, es wird nur oberflächlich geantwortet. viel wird meiner meinung nach verschwiegen. oder dir wird etwas anderes erzählt, wie nachher passiert.



Interessante Aufgaben

3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen




Danke für dein Feedback, und es tut uns leid zu hören, dass deine Erfahrungen nicht zufriedenstellend waren.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Das ecosio-Team

Hire & Fire

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Ecosio gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Die Möglichkeit zu 100% im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. Firmen-Events. Ownership: Verantwortung ab dem ersten Tag.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Mitarbeiter müssen stets damit rechnen, gefeuert zu werden. In den letzten Monaten wurde in regelmäßigen Abständen gekündigt, Mitarbeiter werden nach sechsmonatiger Probezeit nicht übernommen. Gefeuert wird von heute auf morgen ohne auf die Betroffenen einzugehen, man wird sofort von allen Kanälen deaktiviert, noch während man im Meeting ist, in dem die Kündigung mitgeteilt wird.


Gegenüber Mitarbeitern (die Menschen mit Familien sind und Verantwortung tragen) ehrlich kommunizieren und sie nicht schlagartig und ungewarnt nach 6 Monaten kündigen. Damit der sozialen Verantwortung als Arbeitgeber den Menschen gegenüber nachkommen.








Da wird für 1-2 Tage geflogen was das Zeug hält. Das gilt für Management und Mitarbeiter, die in ganz Europa verteilt arbeiten.


Ungeduld mit neuen Mitarbeitern. Mobbing, indem Aufgaben entzogen werden. Diskreditierung: gezieltes Untergraben von Personen durch öffentlichen Vertrauensentzug im Team.


Man erlebt, "hidden Agendas" bekommt erzählt, dass alles gut sei, nur um dann zu erfahren dass man gegangen wird.




Schlecht! In Meetings und 1-on-1s Freundlichkeit; Im Ergebnis die unangemeldete Kündigung



Interessante Aufgaben

Fließbandarbeit von Kollegen, die die Arbeit dann nicht einmal wertschätzen.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen




Vielen Dank für dein Feedback. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass du deine Erfahrungen mit ecosio so empfunden hast. Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig, und wir arbeiten ständig daran, uns zu verbessern.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Das ecosio-Team

10/10 recommended

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.


Working at ecosio has been an absolute pleasure up until now. I cannot stress enough how incredible the work atmosphere here is. From day one, I felt welcomed and supported by everyone on the team. The positive energy and collaborative spirit are truly infectious, and it is clear that everyone is passionate about the work we do.


I am proud to be a part of a company that has such a positive reputation within the industry and among its clients. The company's commitment to excellence is evident in everything they do, and this is reflected in the high quality of our products and services.


While the company is experiencing rapid growth, the team size has remained relatively small. This has resulted in a heavier workload for everyone, which can sometimes be overwhelming. However, it is important to note that the company leadership recognizes this and has been supportive in providing additional resources and time off to help manage the workload. Furthermore, I have always felt appreciated and recognized for my hard work, and the company provides opportunities to take time off to recharge and relax. This is a valuable benefit that I greatly appreciate and that helps to maintain my overall well-being.


The company does not proactively provide extra training opportunities, but if you want to develop a special skill and address it, you get the best support in terms of finance and ecouragement, which has allowed me to grow and develop my skills even outside of my role. This has not only contributed to my personal growth but has also improved the quality of work that I am able to produce.


I have found the company to be very fair in terms of salary. While the company operates within a certain budget, I have seen some impressive salary increases for employees who have demonstrated exceptional performance and commitment to their work. However, comparing to other companies in that field, ecosio might not be fully there yet.


Personally I have not observed any significant initiatives or actions being taken by the company in regards to environmental or social awareness. While the company has not yet demonstrated a strong commitment in these areas, it is possible that they may be exploring options or considering ways to integrate these values into their business practices in the future.


I feel incredibly fortunate to work alongside such a talented and supportive group of colleagues. I was welcomed into the team with open arms and made to feel like a valued member of the group. The level of professionalism and dedication that my co-workers bring to their work is inspiring, and it motivates me to strive for excellence in everything I do. One of the things I appreciate most about my co-workers is their willingness to collaborate and share their expertise. Despite coming from different backgrounds and areas of specialization, everyone is willing to lend a helping hand and work together to achieve our shared goals. This has created a sense of camaraderie within the team.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

We are a young team, so this is not rateable.


The leadership team at ecosio GmbH is exceptional - they are approachable, supportive, and truly care about the wellbeing of their employees. They create a culture of trust, transparency, and open communication, which makes it easy to collaborate and work together towards our shared goals.


The work conditions are outstanding: The company provides state-of-the-art equipment, ergonomic workstations, and a comfortable workplace, especially considering the fact that more than 90% of the employees are permanently in home office (by choice). The leadership team truly values their employees' health and well-being, and goes above and beyond to ensure that everyone is able to work in a healthy and productive environment. I feel grateful to be working in an environment that prioritizes my health and well-being, and that provides me with the resources and support I need to succeed.


I have been consistently impressed by the open and diplomatic communication that takes place within the company. We have a cultire where employees is encouraged to share their ideas and feedback openly without fear of judgment or retribution. This has led to a positive and inclusive work environment, where everyone feels heard and valued. One of the things I appreciate most about the company is the flat hierarchy. There is a clear emphasis on collaboration and teamwork, and everyone's ideas and contributions are respected regardless of their position in the company. This has fostered a sense of mutual respect and trust among colleagues, which has translated into a more cohesive and effective team.


The team here is also incredibly diverse, both in terms of backgrounds and skill sets. This makes for a dynamic and stimulating work environment, where everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and contribute to the success of the company. The focus is always on learning, growing, and developing as a team, which is incredibly motivating and inspiring.

Interessante Aufgaben

I am constantly engaged and challenged by the interesting and diverse range of duties that I perform in my role. The company provides opportunities to work on a variety of projects and initiatives, which keeps my work exciting and engaging. I appreciate that my managers trust me to take on new responsibilities and give me the autonomy to pursue projects that I find interesting and impactful. Still, there are some repetative tasks which can be optimized by better tooling or defining new responsibilities.

HilfreichHilfreich?4Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Dear employee,

Thank you for sharing your feedback and giving us a 5-star rating in many areas. We are very happy to hear that you enjoy working at ecosio!

Best regards,
The ecosio team

Sounds googd first - reality is different

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

hard to tell. probably the team members.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- missing benefits
- high workload
- overboarding micromanagement
- missing carrier development with fisible goals


don't know where to start. I hope you read the review carefully and act accordingly.


the atmosphere is filled with too much work on a high pressure level on the shoulders of too less employees. ecosio seemingly wants to play in the field of the big service providers and sees itself as the tech leader. But thats not the case.

There is also a common culture for micromanagement and criticism for trivial points, that absolutely destroys working moral and kills joy.


marketing is doing a great job. From the outside everything looks shiny and nice. from the inside it is so and so.
Alltough ecosio is a former start up it often feels like a company with a culture from the 80s


hard topic. so far it was quite good. felxibel time, remote work and the possibility to used overtime compensation was there. But that has been shut off lately. Now support shifts, too many meetings and the very demnding workload basically makes it impossible to really balance things. Especially if you have kids.


there is no real learning culture. Good luck asking for a certification, a seminar or a training course from the outside. It is not gonna happen, eventhough it might have been promised during the hiring process
Internal trainings cover thebasics and necessities to due your job. a real personal growth and carrier development seems to be impossible.
For me it feels like a dead end job


mediocre salary no real benefits.
company events and parties are seen as benefits. Nothing more to say about that


not a thing at all


depending on the team. But to my experience it was ok'ish to good.
There are quite a lot of Team members, interested in working together

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

there are no senior collegues. the team is very young


a lot of micromanagement and a disinterest to makes things easier at many points.
Teamleads are seemigly under a high pressure tohold their team members in the line. It is more likely to get micromanaged for trivial things than getting an honest recognition for good work


Hardware is up to date. Software and tooling is heavily worked on. Alltough the wheel is reinvented instead of using already existing tools sometimes


there are some monthly townhall or all-in meetings called Jour-Fix, where stategies and goals are being shared, but you can not shake off the feeling, that not everything is being said.
Besides that, the company heavily relies on communicating over Slack, which sounds good at first, but slack channels are overused with a lot of unneccessary info and theimportant stuff can be missed very easily


can't really say anything about that. Never seen anyone getting mistreated due to gender orientation or religion. But that doesn't mean that it is not happening. It has just not happened to my knoweldge. Allthough there is no word of equality in the companies policies

Interessante Aufgaben

depending on your role and preference. EDI is still EDI it is a try topic to be honest, but can be very interesting if you find the right environment. At ecosio, unfortunately not so much, alltough management claims it to be otherwise

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Dear Employee,

We are sorry to hear that your experience has been negative. We appreciate you bringing these issues to our attention and want to address them promptly.

To that end, we will organise an anonymous poll in the near future, giving you and your colleagues an opportunity to voice your concerns and provide us with more information. This will allow us to better understand the issues and take the necessary actions to improve the situation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to address these concerns.

Best regards,
The ecosio team

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