I would recommend Gronda without any doubt
The team is super nice. Everyone respects and supports each other. We even have personal relationship out of the work environment.
The communication in the company is open and honest. We have our communication channels and our way to give and receive feedback.
All the team knows where we are going as a company and everyone does its best to push the company in that direction. We are really a TEAM.
This is one of the best things of working in Gronda. You need to focus on your numbers and as long as they are where they have to be, all good.
You are able to work remotely, even from abroad for a while... It's super flexible there. This allows you to have a lot of possibilities regarding work-life-balance.
Founders are really nice and communicative. They are open to help or listen when you need them to do so.
You feel them as another team member more than bosses, and that is really nice.
Interessante Aufgaben
One of the company values is that you "live your passion", meaning that the company really wants you to enjoy your tasks. That's the way of not "working" never again.
No doubt.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Everyone is willing to help and guiding you.
I find them really nice.