21 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
21 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
16 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen21 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
16 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Parkplatz und Sodexo ist super, die Möglichkeit direkten Einfluss auf den Erfolg zu haben ist auch spannend
Infoweitergabe sollte verbessert werden
geht an KUNUNU: die Firma ist in Innsbruck, nicht in Wattens
angenehm, guter Umgang auch von Führungspersonen
Überstunden nur wenn es unbedingt nötig ist und am Wochenende eigentlich gar nichts. Home-Office ist auch möglich
Auch wenn es die Möglichkeiten zur Weiterbildung gibt, werden diese wenig genutzt bzw. kommuniziert.
man unternimmt viel gemeinsam auch außerhalb der Firma
sehr junge Firma in jeglicher hinsicht
respektvoller umgang
großes, modernes Büro
bis Infos weitergegeben werden dauert es oft
Lohnniveau ist sehr gut, dazu gibts Sodexo und Parkplatz oder Klimaticket
alles was man macht hat unmittelbare auswirkung auf die Firma
The company has a great international culture with people that are inclusive, open minded & professional. I have never seen that in any company before.
Modern & open culture
Strong culture of trust. People help others from day 1 or even before :)
Flat hierarchy, always open for feedback
Good communication in and between the teams
Amazing technology & products, great customers
Da gibt es so vieles, dass es schwer ist das alles zusammenfassend auszudrücken also hier in Stichworten:
WIRKLICH flache Hierarchie - jeder wird gehört und hat direkten Einfluss, keine Chef-Allüren, sehr familiärer Umgang, JEDER wird ausnahmslos mit Respekt behandelt, Gehalt ist super, goodies wie Teamevents und co gibt es mehr als in großkonzernen, Mitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten, Teamzusammenhalt - jeder zieht an einem Faden und der Erfolg ist ein Teamerfolg,das Büro,... Das kann noch ewig so weiter gehen
Kann da außer den Verbesserungsvorschlägen nichts mehr hinzufügen!
In Richtung Nachhaltigkeit könnte noch was gemacht werden und noch ein bisschen was an Teamübergreifender Kommunikation - sonst kann ich hierzu aktuell nicht wirklich was sagen.
Bo honest and fair to your employees. Much more and better communication. Get away from your investors that are ruining your culture…
Deadlines are to meet.
Promising things that are not kept. You will likely be tried to be ripped off. Do not beliebe you get any shares until you have the contract signed. Also, do not beliebe you will get a promotion soon when promised in the interview. Try to get straight away a contract for (promised) shares and for guaranteed promotion (after time X) if promised in the interview. Believing in the good and trust is in this company not really a good choice… just saying.
There are none left.
Worst, most uncharming office ever. Grey in grey. Moreover, in the rush hour it takes forever to get by bus back into the city centre.
Worst communication i‘ve ever experienced in a work environment.
It‘s a men‘s world. Investors (which are unfortunately part of the mgmt -> MAD) are sexist.
Great place to learn and grow.
Do not change goals so often
Management tries to make everyone be able to have a voice. People are very open but always professional. The environment is very nice
Very little times we were asked to do over time and it was not mandatory but with benefits.
Company payed German classes for willing employees.
The company offers a average salary and provides a sodexo card for lunch.
The company does not have social awareness (that I'm aware).
Colleges are very friendly and united. I enjoy a lot working with them
There are no old workers, the average age is 33 years.
Juniors are clearly rewarded on their improvement, seniors not so much as the company is small but still, some things do get rewarded. And it's faster than a big corporation in that regard. Super interesting place to learn.
There has been a lot of ups and downs. A lot of changes in manager positions.
They were trying to find their way of working and experimenting, which is something good.
Bosses have always keep an ear open and welcoming feedback. My boss, in particular, was super keen on keeping us happy and always helping on our improvement.
The equipment is top notch, computers are with the best specs available, notebooks are very modern ones. Every employee gets a state of the art machine.
They are trying to do it but end up being a bit counterproductive.
The company is composed of men mainly, and all the directors are men
Working with VR is extremely interesting! Definitely a nice task!
When i started all work was done remotely, but everyone was helpful and supportive to get me started with the ongoing projects.
A good balance is easy achieved with the current structure and goals.
A huge journey lies ahead of us. Let's see what the future holds.
With a very flat hierarchy everyone is on the same boat and working together for a huge goal. If someone gets stuck another one is supportive or takes over.
Communication is one cornerstone as every team member is focused to finish a common goal, so ideas are spread and discussed. and everyone can participate.
If you are a VR enthusiast like me, you will love the daily challenges. more of them...
Modern StartUp with good approaches. You can learn a lot and you can get hired even with less work experience if you are motivated.
Time pressure and elimination of flexible working hours.
Integrate learning and professional development opportunities. Create fair and transparent payment in the company. Employees should be offered home office equipment. This should be the employees' own choice. Make flexible working hours possible again and hire more employees. Currently, finances are often felt to be the reason for low capacity and thus overtime that employees have to work.
Employers trust in the work of employees and also praise them. However, an attitude of expectation is noticeable.
There have been some difficulties in the past. Today the reputation is better.
Originally recruited with flexible working hours. However, due to new meeting structures, it is not possible to take advantage of these. Overtime is a prerequisite for fixed deadlines. Many employees also work on weekends.
Unfortunately, hardly any offers for further development. Fixed learning times like in other companies are not scheduled. The hackathons are great, but have been rare lately. Opportunities for advancement are hushed.
Salary is good and paid on time. Meal benefits.
Not a common topic here.
Colleagues are awesome! During all my time with the company, I always had a great interaction with my colleagues.
Employees who have been with the company longer enjoy leaps of faith.
Decisions of the management are of changeable nature. The behavior of the supervisors towards the employees is always endeavored and friendly. Goals are sometimes unrealistic. Parts of the management try to present themselves as very integrated, but contribute little.
Office space is impeccable. Technical equipment is adequate.
SAFe framework has been established to keep everyone updated. Unfortunately, the most important decisions, such as the direction the company is taking, are made without transparency.
Almost exclusively male in development, but this is probably due to work and demographic distribution regarding the choices of study subjects.
Compulsory tasks alternate with interesting research phases and opportunities to contribute. Varied work!
Start-up like.
Eine angemessene Balance zwischen der Arbeit und dem gesund bleiben zu finden, ist immer möglich.
Aktuell ein kleines Start-up mit sehr viel Wachstumspotenzial!
Hervorragender Umgang zwischen allen Mitarbeitern und Teams.
Immer auf der gleichen Augenhöhe - Sehr wichtiger Faktor!
Umzug in ein neues Büro mit Ausblick auf eine atemberaubende Bergkulisse steht kurz bevor. Monitore, Tische, High-End Computer, VR-Headsets und weiteres Zubehör wird alles bereitgestellt - Einfach Top!
Vor einem Jahr noch sehr holprig aber mittlerweile etablierte Unternehmensstrukturen und Kommunikationswege geformt durch die Agile Transformation.
Überdurchschnittliche Gehälter!
Gute Ideen werden wahrgenommen und evaluiert!
Es wird auf einen guten , unterstützenden Umgang geachtet. "Unity" ist eines der Unternehmenswerte und die "Gemeinsamkeit" wird auch gelebt. Bessere Idee zählt, nie bessere Stellung. Trotz kaum Hierarchie sind Aufgaben klar definiert und verteilt.
Innerspace achtet sehr auf Ausgeglichenheit und faire Arbeitszeiteinteilung. Auch wenn es manchmal stressig wird.
Die Gründer und das Management haben sich gut eingespielt – man wird unterstützt die beste Leistung zu liefern. Vorgesetzten wünschen sich Teams, die sich wohlfühlen.
Spitzen Büro!
Nach der Gründungsphase sind die Strukturen so, dass die Kommunikation zwischen Teams gut läuft.
Innerspace baut ein Produkt, das es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Der Release braucht neue Ideen, Herangehensweisen. Persönlich Weiterbildung gehört zum Arbeiten bei Innerspace dazu, ist wichtiger Teil der Unternehmensphilosophie.
Such a nice team to work with!
Building a startup is not a 9 to 5 job
For most of the employees it might be better to be located in Innsbruck than in Wattens to save CO2 and also traveling time!?
Great to learn from such a diverse team of artists, developers, ux- and trainingdesigners.
All in all we are quite a young team!
Flexible working-time, a lot of benefits like coffee, fruits, lunch vouchers etc; Very nice colleagues, overtime is always paid if necessary etc.
As the company and the team grows, it needs to also grow in terms of communication of strategy, goals etc. which will also foster the team alignment. We started several initiatives regarding that.
For a company in that growth stage the salary is more than fair. Also there are benefits like coffee, fruits and Sodexo Lunch vouchers which make it even more attractive.
VR as a technology is amazing. Building trainings with that technology is even more amazing. And building that trainings for the regulated life-science Industry is one of the most amazing things i have done so far :-)
So verdient kununu Geld.