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If NYC has the wolves of Wall Street, Vienna has the wolves of Marxergasse

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Mondi Group in Wien gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Tip for you that are reading this post and going to apply: if you are below 30 years old, don’t speak German and have a very high interest in packaging&paper then apply. Otherwise stay away from this company as much as you can.
If you speak German you will be able to find much better employers in the wonderful Vienna.


Cost cutting is the mantra. The only drawback is, that it is applied only to low-mid level positions. High and top management positions keep living in their bubble.


HR department is of very low quality - and this throughout the whole MONDI group headquarter, no matter which business unit you will work for (examples: delayed communication, unclear communication flows, very high employees rotation in HR department and so on). Unfortunately the low quality of HR is so rooted that has become to hard to eradicate and almost taken for granted.
As far as uncoated fine paper business unit is concerned, let’s put it this way: they are not masters of communication.


Keeping strong and near with same level colleagues helps getting though.


Cannot complain: personally never had problems, but heard people who did.


Again: high and top management see only numbers. Whatever can make them and the shareholders earn more will be implemented - whatever it takes.

Interessante Aufgaben

Highly dependent on your position. Personally boring experience, but you might have the chance to get your hands on some nice projects.


Above average for Austrian and Vienna standards


They seem to put a lot of effort on it. The border between passion and brain washing is hard to find. On the one hand green driven, on the other hand hundreds of people laid off during 2023.


Personally below average- but of course i don’t know the salary of each and avery employee.


MONDI has still a very valuable brands name in the Viennese job market.


Highly dependent on the business unit/ department you work for.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


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Mondi Group HR Team

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your time at Mondi. We are sorry you didn't have a great experience during your time with us. We are working on improving our communication and are looking to implement actions that a working group of volunteers is currently elaborating. If you feel comfortable with it, please reach out to us for a personal conversation via Careers.Mondi@mondigroup.com so we can better understand your experience and learn for the future. Thanks again for taking the time to give us feedback and we wish you the best in your career.
