Avoid if you have an alternative
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Flexible working times
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Read the comments above
Start working on improvements
Used to be better. Atmosphere between employees is fine, but the management tries to lower it by reducing team building activities and other benefits.
Does basically not exist, neither from the management nor between employees. Processes are often done parallel and only coordinated at a later step.
The most positive thing in the company, people are really nice and helpful.
Working times are flexible, usually it is not a problem to get days off. Work can sometimes become a lot, and the management takes a lot of time to react on increased workload.
Totally unpredictable. Recently they cut food subsidies without anyone knowing. We had a card which you were able to use in almost every shop. We will now get a cupboard instead, where we have to pay for apparently fancy food. A salary reduction through the backdoor, as we lost the freedom of choice. They also like to micro manage everything and everyone, instead of trusting employees they have hired and let their creativity thrive. Decisions made are not properly communicated, nor discussed, usually just announced via Slack when everything is already irreversible. It is the free version of Slack, so announcements disappear after some time and are not traceable.
Interessante Aufgaben
Not bad, nothing extraordinary. If you are a CEOs girlfriend you can do whatever you want, so for them it might be interesting to gain salary without actually working. They hire all of them, but they are rarely qualified for what they are appointed to, so other people usually have to take over their tasks. CEOs are the company owners, so they can of course hire whoever they want, but it would be beneficial if girlfriends wouldn't interfere in other peoples work, as it is an additional obstacle for those who have to deal with them.
CEOs girlfriends just get a salary without really working. Actually most of them just stand in the way. So they have a better status then all of the male employees. For other women it is not that easy, as they really have to work and are sometimes subject to discriminatory comments.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Older people are not hired (probably too expensive).
Until recently the company used to store dangerous batteries in the office.
Regarding social consciousness, read my text about food subsidies. The minimum wage employees lost a significant amount of their income.
Regarding the environment, i can tell that the company sells Bio BBs (plastic Airsoft ammunition) that is degradable under industrial conditions, but not under usual environmental conditions (e.g. forests, were Airsoft is played). So fostering environmental pollution is basically part of the company culture.
Most of the employees are from Hungary, Slovakia or Czechia. Compared to the average salary in these countries, it is sufficient.
Only if you are in a relationship with one of the CEOs.
If you show good results and work hard as an ordinary employee, you will still stay forever in your position. There are a bunch of team leads with questionable qualifications, that probably do nothing throughout the day. One of them is watching the screens of his team. On top of that he likes to yell at his team if they are not able to finish their tasks in time. So, once appointed as team lead you can do whatever you want, your position is protected. The lower-level employees have to do the real work, stay late and fear for their job for every minimal mistake, while team leads can crash whole projects without any consequences.