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A big mess in one place where people play on professionals

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The experience, one can really appreciate a good job after such experience - so thank you for this.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I can only confirm everything that has already been written in the previous feedbacks.


Hire good leaders, not your friends who have no idea about management


My experience was rather disappointing, team leaders had little to no leading skills. Dedication of tasks and empowering employees did not exist. This authoritative style of employee suffocation really discouraged the whole team.


Handing over of projects is done with one word. Whereas there is a meeting for everything and these meetings can take up to 2 hours. As you can imagine, this really prevents from work being done.


Each department is completely different, some teams or co-workers help each other but there is a lack of communication across the whole company.


It is difficult to say, the team lead approves of home office, but he is the only one who can actually take it. When I planned to leave early, suddenly the meeting appeared 2 minutes before my previously announced departure.


Micro-control of everything, nothing is good enough, no motivation, no support and appreciation of the work that has been done.

Interessante Aufgaben

There is a possibility to create a new project but it is a long term run.


The working environment is clearly not equal but rather sexist. The company is male dominated.


Nice offices, beer after work, airsoft events - but the atmosphere is tense and not comfortable.


They want to look like they care about the environment but they really don't. There is 0 recycling effort and everything is about money, cheaper is better.


Very low salaries compared to the Austrian standards. No bonuses or other benefits. They still talk about how much the employees are getting payed and how hard one must work to earn this ¨Good¨ money.


There is a flat hierarchy with almost no chance of growth.¨Friends¨ and ¨yes-men¨ are favored to good workers.

