3 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
3 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen3 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Nach 3 Monaten seit meiner Bewerbung für eine Stelle bei diesem Unternehmen habe ich bisher leider noch keine Rückmeldung erhalten. Obwohl ich eine Bewerbungsbestätigung erhalten habe, die darauf hinweist, dass meine Unterlagen geprüft werden und ich bald weitere Informationen erhalten werde, gab es seitdem keine weiteren Kommunikationen. Diesbezüglich bin ich enttäuscht, dass über einen so langen Zeitraum keine weiteren Updates oder Kontaktaufnahmen seitens des Unternehmens erfolgt sind. Eine transparentere Kommunikation während des Bewerbungsprozesses hätte meine Erfahrung verbessert.
The first interview was ok. The next step was a coding challenge, which I could prepare during the next days and send it back once I was done. The challenge has something to do with the Pimcore software itself. It was stated that you should take roughly 3 hours for it, also do not over-engineer but still write some tests for your solution.
So far, so good. I've even spent a few hours more than that, simply because I was genuinely motivated and interested and I took my time to read the official documentation, look into the open source repositories of theirs, etc.
Long story short: I did what the challenge expected from me, the solution worked fine, I followed the official docs, I wrote tests. And I may remind: the precondition was: "do not spend too much time (verbally it was communicated roughly 3 hours, the written instruction mentioned "less then a half day"), do
not over-engineer it". So in my personal opinion I did exactly that. Oh and by the way: the written instruction actually said, that it's not even expected that you write tests. Also do not consider all possible edge-cases, do not implement bullet-proof error handling. All this sounds reasonable, I mean it's just a small coding challenge, right?
Anyway, a few days later I got a call from HR and they told me, that the person reviewing my solution was not happy. That's it. No further explanation, no comments. I was told, I can write an e-mail to ask for details, if I was interested in details. Of course I was! I've spent hours on this and get such a response?
So yeah, I wrote an e-mail to the technical person and also HR in CC. That was over 2 weeks ago. I never got any response. At this point I have no interest anymore to ask again, but I just wanted to leave this feedback here.
This is really just constructive criticism to your hiring process: for a company that markets itself with slogans like "putting people first" and "respect", etc. you should really live up to that, also (or especially) to people that are interested in your company. Especially considering the fact, that those people are expected to spend so much time and effort for the hiring process. Knocking them off like that without any explanation or comment is - IMHO - not really respectful.
A few other things unrelated to the topic above:
during the interview there were some short but weird situations and statements that were made. First thing: the two persons talked about some internal meeting that they had the next day or something like that, which was a bit weird for me in that situation. I mean it's a job interview, you can talk about that afterwards as well, right?
And the other one was - I don't remember the exact context - some statement about gender identities "nowadays". Something along the lines of "male, female or a tree or whatever people nowadays identify themselves as". It was mentioned just briefly as an aside. This is also something that you simply can not say... come on it's 2023. Whatever you think about this topic privately, keep this to yourself.
Unternehmen sollten es schätzen wenn Arbeiter interessiert sind und sich bewerben. Gar keine Rückmeldung zu bekommen wirkt sehr unprofessionell.