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Unfortunately it is a final "out" for ready2order

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei ready2order GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

At the moment.. HomeOffice and the product

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Above already written everything


Just have the managing director sit down and think about what has really happened in the company over the last few months. What are the consequences, what is being done well and what is being done badly?
Any all-hands meetings have actually brought nothing, It was always promised only empty. And that is sad.
I personally find that ready2order has not moved forward for years, which I think is a real shame, because the product is really great and you could bring out of the some. If you don't just look at yourself... and that's the biggest problem here.
You should start with yourselves: What am I doing badly? Why does the situation look so bad? Was the sale of the 100% shares the right thing to do? What could be done better.
The management should stop thinking egoistically and work together with the teams. The company does not insist on management. The company is made up of very competent employees who are afraid to do or say anything. Start listening to them. The employees are 98% of the company and they are just ignored. Stop coming up with 100 new ideas a day that do NOTHING, that do NOTHING. Praise the employees, finally appreciate them! And stop looking at your own ass all the time. With this way of thinking, I give ready2order a maximum of 1.5 years.


I only found the working atmosphere good in my department. Every meeting with other departments has always started with a single topic: "What happened in marketing today?" The last 14 months have only brought negative changes, which has also led to a very high quitting rate (until today!). Organizational changes, which unfortunately have not brought any positive aspects and have not brought anything to date.


Communication. None at all! You are not allowed to communicate in this company. You have to be careful with whom you talk about what. After many years, I already knew who you can talk to and who you can't. And I can say one thing: There are very few people who really want to work or who you can really talk to.
One thing is clear: there is not a single trusted person at the C-LVL.
Only intrigues


I was the manager who knew exactly how to deal with the employees.
The C-Lvl of course does not know :-) especially a certain person... but everyone knows that. Even his employees don't think anything of him. Shows no respect, eavesdrops on others, especially after a higher alcohol intake. You just have to experience it yourself in this company. But of course I do NOT recommend to work in this company. ready2order has no future anymore.


You can just laugh out loud. After I was "out", I didn't even hear a "thank you" or "bye" from my manager. simply disrespectful. Everyone there should be replaced, without exception.

Interessante Aufgaben

i found my task area very exciting and very valuable. i really loved it and was very proud to have this task area. Always something new, has definitely brought me further


If I had written this review 3 years ago, I would have left five stars here. No more

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

the old ones should just get out, that's what you hear all the time. And that is what is happening. Many of my good colleagues have left the company directly. Some immediately, some later. But the ones who did it, did it right!


I can only say positive things about that. New Macbook or iPhone. Large extra screen. everything fit, I was always very satisfied!


In my position I have clearly earned too little, "unter aller sau" :-)


In this company, no one talks positively about the company. or people who dare to speak do not have a good image.
But one thing that keeps the company going is the HOME OFFICE option. If it weren't for that, 60% would have left a long time ago. I can guarantee you that.

PS me too! :-)


Career? Few opportunities. Further education? In my department, yes!
We have worked on very interesting projects together, which have also shown very positive results in the future. Also my personal coaches. I never let the employees down. They were always well looked after, also supported and praised!



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P&C Team ready2order

Liebe Ex- Kollegin,
Lieber Ex-Kollege,

vielen Dank für Dein ausführliches und offenes Feedback im Zuge der Bewertung.

Vorab sei erwähnt, dass wir bei ready2order aktiven & zukünftigen Mitarbeitern ein optimales Arbeitsumfeld bieten möchten. Darunter fallen selbstverständlich auch die Bereiche Arbeitsatmosphäre, Karriere/Weiterbildung, Vorgesetztenverhalten sowie Kommunikation, die, wie oben in Deiner Bewertung ersichtlich, leider nicht so positiv von Dir bewertet worden sind.

Wir verstehen, dass die Zeit einer Übernahme bedeutende Veränderungen und Herausforderungen darstellen können und das solche Veränderungen oft mit Unsicherheiten und Anpassungen einhergehen, die oft vielleicht nicht hinreichend kommuniziert oder klar dargelegt wurden.

Unsere oberste Priorität ist es jedoch, sicherzustellen, dass unsere Mitarbeiter bestmöglich unterstützt werden und sich in dieser neuen Situation wohl fühlen. Wir sind aktiv dabei, die Kommunikation und Transparenz bezüglich der Veränderungen zu verbessern, und wir werden Dein Feedback nutzen, um unsere Verbesserungen bezüglich der oben angeführten Punkt voranzutreiben.

Des Weiteren wollen wir betonen, dass wir daran arbeiten, die Kultur und Werte, die unser Unternehmen ausmachen, in die neue Organisation zu integrieren, um die bestmögliche Arbeitsumgebung für unsere Mitarbeiter zu schaffen.

Wir schätzen Deinen Beitrag und Dein Feedback sehr, und wir sind entschlossen, uns kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Nochmals vielen Dank für Deine offene Kommunikation.

Es ist jedoch auch erfreulich zu lesen, dass Du die Arbeitsbedingungen, die interessanten Aufgaben, den Kollegenzusammenhalt sowie unsere Work-Life-Balance und das Umwelt-/Sozialbewusstsein positiv hervorgehoben hast und auch bei manch Schwächen einige Stärken in unserem Unternehmen siehst. Danke dafür!

Für Deine weitere berufliche und persönliche Zukunft wünsche wir Dir viel Erfolg und alles Gute.

P&C Team
bei ready2order
