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Loads of potential, but nothing happens

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei ready2order GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

They are great at hiring people, and the team will always be in my head and my heart. I'm still friends with many ex-colleagues. I just wish they would have a proper leadership and listen to the feedback from employees. With so many cries for help, they should listen more closely.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The leadership.


Please take these feedbacks seriously!!! You can't keep sweeping negative feedback under the rug and pretending like it's just individual cases, when almost every week we get these feedbacks!!! And please, please finally listen to the people who are leaving!!!!!!


In the individual teams and with colleagues, it's always great. Unfortunately, the leadership doesn't take feedback seriously, and instead pushes out anybody who shows "too much initiative". This breaks my heart, since you can even see colleagues who left and came back to the company, and they end of leaving again! In the leadership team, it's basically "you're either with us or without us", and if you're not best friends with someone in C-Level, you can be sure that they will shoot down all of your ideas and plans to make anything better, or different, or even just a little bit less toxic.


This depends a lot on the managers. While there are some team leads and managers who definitely communicate, there is just no room for feedback towards the leadership. Even when there are kununu feedbacks and reviews, they don't take it seriously, and downplay it like that only angry, frustrated people (who don't deserve to be heard) actually complain. If leadership can't grow and evolve and take steps back to check their own toxicity, then the company will have no potential to get better, and more and more people will leave!


Most colleagues are great! But you always have to be careful, who you're honest with. Otherwise any feedback goes right to the bosses. Even in the skip-level-meetings, all the feedback given goes directly back to your manager, and not anonymous!!


This is the best thing about the company IMO, even though this is also only the truth sometimes. Some colleagues are allowed to take "workations" and work from anywhere, whenever they want, but some colleagues aren't allowed (for random whatever reasons). And whenever there is board reporting or "do diligence" or something, you will be very stressed. Colleagues crying in the bathrooms during this time is not new.


This point is the "killer". People don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers. And for some reason, this company hires the best and most friendliest people, but the worst possible people leaders. They used to have really great people in the C-Level, and now it's a bunch of friends doing their own thing, and if you're not pro-leadership, you're kicked out.

Interessante Aufgaben

The company has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, we haven't released any real updates in our software for over 2 years, and no new products, because projects are started without proper research and then scrapped after months (or even years!) of work. It's very frustrating.


Our women colleagues are not always treated nicely here. Especially one person in the C-Level is known for constantly hitting on his female employees during company parties, as well as making very degrading comments and "jokes" about the women in the office, during lunch, and sometimes even in meetings. I've also heard him make some racist jokes during company events. This guy is very creepy also to his secretary, and I'm not surprised that almost every month more and more women from his team are quitting.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Everyone older ends up leaving (except the creepy C-Level person), I wonder why?


When you're just working in your team it's great, and working from home as well. I feel like the closer you are to the office and the C-Level, the worse it is.


The usual, but since it's remote-first, there's no real way to enforce things!


It's ok, but there's no way to really ask for more money or any courses or anything. Meanwhile, the C-Level is getting bonuses and benefits and expensive gadgets and things to use. And they always have the budget for flying the colleagues all to the office for parties, or for renting villas in Tuscany for company workations. I think the priorities are wrong here.


Either neutral or (if someone reads kununu) negative.


Nowhere to go, nowhere to grow.

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