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Abysmal company leadership, trapped inventor, scheming "colleagues"

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei ready2order GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There are some really inspired people working there, just not in a position where they can make a real difference.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

People who've been there for years or ingratiated themselves aren't let go if their performance is lacking. Actually, individual performance isn't really that big of a factor, as long as you "talk the talk" you get to stay, "walking the walk" is not required. On the other hand, people who try to change things and rock the boat are vilified and pushed out off the company. I get it, change is scary, but it's been proven historically: Things that don't change die!


Start trusting the experts you bring in to fix your problems, don't be immediately discouraged just because the organizational changes didn't happen overnight. These things need time!


The working atmosphere is characterized by two words: Fear and indifference. Certain colleagues are feared because of their undue influence on upper management, and people are generally indifferent about the company or the product.


Upper management outright lies to cover up their own failures instead of owning up and trying to do better.


It's basically a free-for-all, but the older colleagues have an advantage by teaming up against any new hires.


Certain colleagues pretend they're managers and want others to work weekends.


Apart from some notable exceptions who have already left upper management is either ignoring their employees's worries or actively deriding them to coworkers.

Interessante Aufgaben

There's one manager's pet who gets all the interesting tasks, all others just deal with menial tasks like fixing bugs no-one wants to acknowledge even exist. Only the inventor creates new features, which in turn messes up all planning and timelines because he just does whatever he or his closest friends (early adopters) want instead of considering the needs of the product.


Upper management is playing favorites and generally older employees are treated preferentially.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No one really around.


All the expected green-washing is done, no actual effort is put into being socially or environmentally conscious.


People either don't care about the company, or actively dislike it.

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