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House of Cans / Gives you chills in Ice-Cold ambiance / conservative last century leadership / Good days are Gone

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Geschäftsführung bei Red Bull GmbH in Fuschl am See gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Food and drinks.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Conservative Leadership playing power games. Welcome to the House of Cans.


Start realizing that when you fire long-term employees overnight for doing what is right that your other employees understand they might be at the wrong place.

Start showing some basic appreciation for your employees even if you dont care who is working for you - which obviously is the case.
Human Resources are seen only as a short-term, anytime replaceable resource.


Used to be great. Now it is silo thinking and your department becomes part of the ego-fights between high level management


Leadership thinks communication is not necessary. Some board member does not want his direct reports to communicate with any other person than him - if you do, you are out. Sounds great, right?


Amongst your level and department it is great. Overall really great people working there. Enjoyed this. But Top-Executives fight each other like in House-of-Cards and this creates a really chilly ambiance.


There is terrace in HQ: but no one is allowed to use it - this should explain quite a lot already.


There are some conservative Austrians in power that have no clue about contemporary leadership. Just read what happened during BLM in US.
And being a young woman I would really watch-out during evening events if a certain CC-Level is present.

Interessante Aufgaben

This is the great thing about Red Bull. You can create thing. Although it has to be said that now it is more and more about fine-tuning and optimizing. When did you see the last real innovative Event-Format from Red Bull - exactly!


You might see things you won't believe that this is accepted by HR. But Austria seems to have different rules. In US this would have severe consequences.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Majority is young. If they are older they are Austrians.
Whats clear is that there is no recognition for what you do. No praise, nothing. And if someone leaves no ones cares or speaks about it.


Workplace, Equipment, Food, Drinks is all 1st class. But if the ambiance around you is like in a refrigerator this only makes you happy short-time.


F1, MotoGP. It is still a fuel-based mindset and culture.


Salary is good but you need to endure a lot. Also Benefits are good.


Thats the funny thing. Red Bull has a fantastic image but once you are inside there is nothing absolutely nothing of this image integrated in daily work-life. No fun allowed. You just function, work and obey instructions.


There is good career opportunities for young hard working talents if you are willing to fit to the conservative Austrian leadership. Which includes to follow blindly and most of all don't dare to challenge how things are done. It has become very political.
