A company, where the MGMT cannot make decisions
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Snacks and drinks
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Nobody wants or can take over responsibility.
"Open door policy" is just a phrase, it isn't meant that you can come to talkt to someone if you have something business related.
Some departments should get a "doesn't concern me award"
Equality between departments, some are more worth than others, or at least not discriminated.
Listen clearly to your employees
Invite everyone who is affected in projects
Have a clear way where you would like to go to an communicate it in an easy and clear way.
Stop demotivating employees in 1o1's
Massage chair is not motivating when everything else is demotivation
nobody is motivated for work atm.
Not really happening, at least mostly only for orders.
In single teams it is working, cross team it's not happening
Work > Life
there is not a clear vision where we would like to go to, tasks are changing on a weekly basis.
Interessante Aufgaben
Nobody know where we would like to be in half a year, neither in 2 weeks.
The most important thing is that all work is done, if someone doesn't feel well it will be ignored
Market pay's more, nevertheless a salary increase is not possible
in german: Außen hui, innen pfui
Nearly no chance for a real development. Job titles change regularly but you're still doing the same work