13 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
13 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
7 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen13 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
7 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Interessante Tätigkeit, Hoher Innovationsgrad, gutes und effizientes Teamwork, hohe Flexibilität (zeitlich und Tätigkeitsorientiert), gute Work/Life Balance, Familienfreundlichkeit
Die Kommunikation des Managements zu den Mitarbeitern ist zuweilen suboptimal - etwas mehr internes Kommunikationsmanagement wäre wünschenswert um Missverständnissen und "Tratscherei" vorzubeugen.
because of the basically unlimited homeoffice, one does not need to go to the office often
salary is below industry standard, there are personal attacks sometimes, the benefits are ever-shrinking, the workload is not divided fair, some people do three jobs because there is no new hire, while others walk the offices with their coffees, doing nothing.
management style needs to improve in a substantial way. stop changing priorities every day. truely value your employees and do not treat them like disposable items.
The environment is loud, lots if people talking loudly, no basic office etiquette, making being in the office not bearable full-time. there is just constant interruption of the work, so I used the homeoffice opportunity extensively. I also observed inappropriate behavior like colleagues making degrading jokes about other colleagues, shouting, outbursts, and other insulting, unprofessional behaviour.
local people either do not know the company at all, or have heard negative things about it.
In my case good, because of homeoffice opportunities. Other colleagues do lots of overtime, also all-in contracts are common.
absolutelly no regard to any part of sustainability.
Your responsibilities are mostly growing if someone else leaves the company and you have to take over their tasks. Due to the flexitime, it would be possible to hold a job there while studying, but they do not really support you in any other way.
My immediate team was awesome and actually the reason to stay in the company. Working with other departments was challenging from time to time, because there are some people there who have the need to share an opinion about the quality of your work, but being neither your superior nor have a qualification in the same field.
In my case, my direct managers were mostly behaving respectfully and were alright. I did however witness that other people in the company were not that lucky.
apart from loudness in the office, there are basic laptops and the desks are ok, but nothing fancy. If you want ergonomic or better quality items, like headphones you can actually wear for a whole day of meetings, best to take care of that yourself.
Constantly changing strategies and opinions. Often doubling the work, because during the time a task or project is being worked on and finished, opinions of the management change again and one has to start over again. Also, in my opinion the information flow regarding the state of the company and the goals for the near future could be vastly improved.
a little bit over the minimal wage of the collective agreement, but all-in contracts. there is flexitime, but if you use it, people will look at you funny, unless you belong to the small circle of people who have all the liberties in the company.
women are somehow mostly viewed as assistants, no matter the title and experience level. there is some casual sexism going on.
interesting because constantly changing. there is no chance to develop a true routine.
die sozialen Leistungen
Organisation ist eine Katastrophe, zu viele Teilzeitkräfte, nur mit Freeware arbeiten ist nicht zielführend.
nicht am Personal sparen und qualifizierte Vollzeitarbeitskräfte einstellen, Dinge besser organisieren. Produkte herstellen, die funktionieren und sich verkaufen lassen. Prozess und -qualitätsmanagement sollte auf Firmengröße angepasst werden - man sollte sich selbst keine Steine in den Weg legen
ewiges Start up Unternehmen
kleine Firma, wird nicht wachsen - deshalb keine Karrieremöglichkeiten
Essenszuschuss top
Sozialbewusstsein groß, Umweltbewusstsein nicht vorhanden
nichts besonderes
Dass jeder Mitarbeiter geschätzt wird. Dass man für Ideen ein offenes Ohr hat. Zudem die sozial Kompetenz des Arbeitgebers, dass man Verständnis und Unterstützung zeigt für schwierigere Lebensumstände.
Bei den grösseren Projekten, würde ich mir wünschen, dass die Geschäftsleitung den Mitarbeitern offen sagt, was der Plan ist, falls dieses Projekt doch scheitert. Es ist zwar in den meisten Firmen so, dass solche "Pläne" nicht für alle sind, dennoch würde ich dies schätzen, dass keine Gerüchte sich in der Firma verbreiten. Aber dies ist eher ein kleiner Verbesserungspunkt.
Für die technische Seite des Unternehmens kann ich nur sagen, machen Sie weiter so. Eventuell weniger unterschiedliche Projekte auf einmal, dass einzelne Projekte rascher Voranschreiten.
nette, zuvorkommende ArbeitskollegenInnen, flexible Arbeitszeiten und nicht all zu grosser Work-load
Durch die flexiblen Arbeitszeiten, Home-office und wenig Überstunden ist die Work-Life-Balance optimal.
Ich konnte Online Kurse absolvieren und auch andere KollegenInnen konnten Schulungen besuchen.
internationales Team und man hilft sich gegenseitig
Mein direkter Vorgesetzte und auch CTO sind sehr verständnisvoll, zudem herrscht eine flache Hierarchie (zumindest kann ich dies vom Standort Wien beurteilen)
Von der technischen Seite sind natürlich aufgrund der Firmengrösse die Messinstrumente limitiert. Dennoch gut ausgestattete Messmittel, wenn man die Firmengrösse mit einbezieht.
Es wird über aktuelle Arbeitsprojekte gesprochen und auch zukünftige Projekte. Arbeiten werden vom vorgesetzten klar definiert.
Man arbeitet an neusten MEMS Devices, welche ein immenses Potenzial aufweisen. Dennoch gibt es genug Entwicklungspotenzial und Ideen von MitarbeiternInnen wird stets Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt.
No discrimination at all. Very supportive also during pandemic times.
Company grows and so all teams must grow as well.
Some colleagues treat newcomers not the way they should.
Total flexibility.
Not a typical austrian way of leading, but there is nothing bad in it. You are very appreciated if you are working hard.
es war mal eine gute firma
Wahrheitsgemäße Kununu-Reviews werden aktiv von der Firma versucht offline zu bekommen.
Innerhalb des Teams gut, innerhalb der Firma, sofern Management involviert ist, extrem schlecht.
direkte Vorgesetzte gut, oberes Management unfreundlich, unfair, beleidigend, cholerisch
gleiches wie oben.
innovative with great team spirit
working hour highly flexible - homeoffice
top, great colleagues, everybody supports everone
my manager does everything right and leads by setting a good example
Flexible hours, home office, etc. No one controls your presence only your performance :-)
well structured - sometimes quite dynamic
In my opinion, female employees are particularly encouraged here
very interesting and exciting challenges
Not so many so exciting and well financed high tech start ups out there.
Use more careful internal communication in case of big changes in priorities or company strategy.
The working environment is demanding toward tough goals and motivating trough empowerment. If you like technology and product development this is the place to be. Times are not always easy and situations can become stressful.
The image of the company in the MEMS and High Tech communities is very visible and strong.
Company did always offered, even before covid, completely flexible working hours, no presence control and home office opportunities. Completing task is such a flexible environment requires self motivation. Peak periods of extra hours are compensated short after whenever possible.
The company offers continuing education to everyone, typically in form of language curses and seminars; of course the topic must be aligned with the company values and interests.
The career opportunities are excellent if the company is successful and grow. Even if it does not grow and you find yourself not advancing, the areas and topics developed by the company are highly interesting for the job market and you will find excellent opportunities in the future.
Salary is in line with local levels. Being in a start up your financial success is linked to the success of the company through compensation packages that include benefits beyond fixed salary. In addition, you get voucher for meals and yearly public transportation.
This Company works as a family. In the vast majority of cases team work and relations between colleges are the best I have seen in my career.
I am seeing very good cooperation and knowledge transfer between older colleagues with experience and younger colleagues.
All team leaders in the company are there to help and it shows. The management can be tough at times as it should be, do not expect much difference in any successful companies despite their external image.
Flexible hours and home office are the standard. No one controls your presence, but you performance must rise to the specific challenge you and your team are facing. If not you have to expect consequences.
Great communication is not easy in a start up high tech company. Priorities can change quickly as competitive environment and technology advances.
The Company hires Women whenever possible. The success in what you do and deliver is only up to you, not your gender.
The whole company is busy with cutting edge technology activities, whatever department you are in. So, no shortage of exciting directions in which you can make a difference.
No fear to take risk
The style to manage doesn't bring expected success, it has to be adjust. The resources are underused
Employees want to be listened and treated just normally, without insults
autocrative way "to lead" the company, impulsive reaction, unpleasent comments and irrational expectation, doesnt give a space for a nice work atmosphiere.
Image doesn't match the reality. The website seems to discribe a different company
Possibility of home-office is very nice to escape from the bad mood in the office
Are ok
It's not important
In and between departments colleagues are nice and supportive. The cooperation,exchange or dialog do not exist with directorship.
Work of experienced colleagues seems not to be valued in the proper way
Not realistic goals, chaotic not clear decisions, no space for dialog.
Conflicts are never discussed or solved which create big frustration.
Are ok
It seems that the communication happens only on kununu. Unfortunatelly feedback of the emplooyes are not listened or taken serious. Our voices are just outshouted by fake superlatives. I wish it will change.
Women are involved and respected in every position
That is a good part of the work
In the beginning it started out very good, everyone was super motivated but then it all went down.
Compared to other companies the work load is okay. Nevertheless, now the management expects new employees to work lots of over hours
Not sure it even exists.
Top management sometimes feels like shouting at employees and insulting them in a very personal way.
Definitely under industry average. Some workers even got paid under the collective agreement.
Some men in the company think they are superior to their female colleagues and see the women more as their secretaries. Not all of them though!
So verdient kununu Geld.