Mobbing, bullying
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The good friends I made with other employees who are in fear of losing their jobs because of ignorant middle managers.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
After more than 10 years of outstanding performance and having an excellent relationship with previous management, the new began to systematically bully me. Other members of the team also experienced that. I had to make several drafts of brochures, all were rejected due to petty pickiness. That is just one example...
In the end, I found out that I was being bullied so that I quit my job and be replaced by a freelancer.
I talked to legal matters at Comfone and I explained my situation. I was asked to fill up a questionnaire from SECO (Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs), according to the results of that questionnaire, it was concluded that I was being bullied. The questionnaire was then submitted to the employer, who denied the fact that I was being bullied and dismissed the case.
I discussed the matter further with HR before my holidays. When I came back from the holidays, I had been fired, in the same coward way as many other colleagues who have been terminated from Comfone.
Now, after all this time I can honestly say, as the Spanish saying goes:
-> Lo maligno es de "Ayer” :-)
All bad things are past!
Some of your middle managers are ruining your company.
Toxic work atmosphere. Backstabbing.
Expect mobbing, bullying...
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Expect to get fired when you get older...