Stay away from this company...
In many departments there is neither constructive approach to problem solving nor an effective team work, whereas "finger pointing" and "backstabbing" are the words which best describe the atmosphere.
So called "management briefing" sessions are organized on monthly basis. Unfortunately the quality, level and detail of the information provided is "tailor-made" and mostly does not match the reality. Management evidently thinks that all employees are naive...
Many experienced, professional, knowledgeable and pleasant individuals (obviously not in management positions) work at Comfone. At the same time, there are many other people who don't really bring any added value to someone's working day.
Micromanagement is constantly implemented at all levels of the hierarchy and there is the tendency to merge private life and work.
Employees almost never get awarded, promoted and recognized based on their skill set, professional achievements and hard work, but rather based on other "parameters": feeding the (low level) company gossip, pleasing the CEO, organizing apéros and avoiding to express any honest or direct opinion which might go against the mainstream.
Interessante Aufgaben
The Roaming business is very interesting, multifaceted and moving very fast.
Getting in touch with business partners and customers from all around the world is an amazing experience.