Multicultural, modern, great leaders
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Very open and honest communication from management, you feel valued as an employee
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
That you don't get a raise when you take on more responsibilities and work.
More transparency in terms of salaries, when you move up you should also get a raise. Big anniversaries should be celebrated more.
Communication from above very good. Within and between teams communication suffered during pandemic remote work, but will hopefully be better soon.
Very good support within in team, we survived the pandemic isolation very well
Very flexible work ours, flexible superiors in case of private appointments and family emergencies
Open for honest communication and discussions on eye-level. Empowering and participative leadership
Interessante Aufgaben
My team leader tries his best to challenge me and give me interesting work and trainings
I can see different nationalities and genders in team leader roles. Highest management level all German.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Recognition of seniority not good, big anniversaries were forgotten or barely celebrated
very nice new office, sufficient amount of home office
pension fund payments seem to be very good compared to what I see from friends at other companies. Salary is not the highest as it is often the case at Lufthansa. Moving to a different position with more responsibilities doesn't mean you get a raise.
Company supports trainings and also offers a lot of material for self-schooling