Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
My team is great, the atmosphere among each other fantastic and the cohesion among many wonderful, but unfortunately only on the lower levels.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
An HR that doesn't take care of employees, people who are given too much power even though they shouldn't have any (janitor, for example), the feeling of being a number on a payroll, a lack of respect for achievements, blinkered thinking, micromanagement, too much pressure on too few shoulders.
Management should exemplify what they expect from employees and set themselves apart from employees to a lesser extent. This applies also to extended management.
rather frustrating
Communication is slow
great with my colleagues
Work life balance is a matter of organizing yourself having a balance not a matter of my employer - but they make it easy for me to organize
My superior is correct, decent, friendly and direct – in other departments, it's completely different.
Interessante Aufgaben
Well, if it wasn't I wouldn't be there.
It feels as if women in leadership positions are more likely to fulfil quotas than to really have the chance to make a difference as a woman.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
They tend not to treat older employees with much respect. I hadn't expected that in a company like Mammut.
more green wash than actual caring. Socially - difficult - Mammut is not a social employer unless you complain enough.
not great / not bad
The image to the outside world is great – not necessarily among the employees.
Talent is neither recognised nor nurtured. Even if HR shows an interest, no one else is interested... HR is purely administrative in this company.