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Unfortunately worst company ever

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Not much. There are some really awesome people, but it was heartbreaking having to watch them getting bullied and personally discredited. Nomoko has so many wrongs, the rights just disappear.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Pretty much everything.


I would recommend asking help from a professional consultant. Basic infrastructure is missing due to lack of experience of the management team.
Also, when there are multiple and similar complaints against one employee's behaviour, please stop shooting the messenger and take care of this problem. Employees got systematically bullied, management hs been made aware of this
repeatedly and chose to ignore it.
You have to be open to criticism if you ever want to create a professional environment for a longterm company.


Mobbing, insults, lies, gossiping are just all part of daily life.


Everyone communicates, noone listens. Any rules can also be considered as guidelines, so it is up to each employee to define channels of communication.


Unfortunately and this is systematic, management team will disagree with all your inputs without delivering any arguments. If you dare question this, you will get personally attacked. I had to observe this mutliple times and experienced it myself. It is til this day one of the worst experiences I ever had to li e through. I found out an employee I had to directly work with made up the entire CV, which was also reflected in the results(non-existent). It was difficult to bring up the subject and tried to have a first talk discretely with management to see how this could be handled peacefully. It ended with me being personally attacked and discredited, while the scammer got a promotion.
Being forced to tell management compliments on their physical appearance is just one of many cringy situations that you will experience here on a daily basis.


The HR department did one thing: introducing home office without regulation or requiring reports. The work-life-balance is good as you can go whenever you need or want to.


It is the typical flat hierarchy startup that promotes equality, but in reality a select group of people are taking all decisions, despite being unqualified to make any decisions or lacking all information on subjects. This causes constant friction and frustration. Employees regularly leave or get fired.

Interessante Aufgaben

You can do basicay whatever you want, just do not expect good work to be recognized or implemented.


There are two category of people: the select group of management (they are friends in private life) and the rest of the company. Everyone is the same and gets treated well as long as they do not disagree or criticise anything.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Expertise, experience, knowledge are not valued here. They do prefer hiring younger profiles as too much expertise and facts seem to overwhelm the company.


You have to take care of yourself. I found myself working in hazardous and life threatening situations caused by the ignorance of management team. You can report this but be sure you will have to go back to that situation the next day.


They really do not care about that. Management buys all products without caring who stands behind them. It just has to be trendy and fashionable.


They are mostly fair, but often not transparent. There is special treatment for some employees.
One employee received a higher salary because somebody believed this person had a higher education. This was simply wrong, the CV showed it clearly, yet it was simply ignored.


Non-existent. To this day, I do not know what the marketing department was doing. Any questions were replied with personal attacks. Every employee would tell you a complete different view. Outside, noone knows of the company.


The opportunities are promised, but non existant. As decisions are made based on personal preferences, there is no clear guideline on this subject.

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