54 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
54 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
30 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen54 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
30 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Friendly, supportive
Dynamic environment- maybe not for everyone
Strong, close collaboration across teams
Strong leadership with clear and inspiring vision
Transparent, at eye level, frequent leadership updates
Solving interesting challenges every day to revolutionize banking
Nice offices at Seefeld, unfortunately That will change sooner or later
Nearly everything
Close the doors, it just doesn‘t make Sense anymore
Majority resignation
Closed to a Bore out
For doing nothing, Great salary
Majority in search of new job opportunities
Apart from the Management No elderly people
Completely incapable
Not a lot of work, just bored, But the Money is still flowing to my Account thanks to baselland
Schöne Büros im Seefeld und dass diese trotz anderer Kommunikation bestehen bleiben
Schönfärberei, Strategie ohne Zukunft, Entwicklung des operativen Geschäftes
Ehrlich sein mit sich selber und mit den Mitarbeitenden. Wir hatten das Gefühl, dauernd angelügt zu werden bzgl. der Entwicklung, welche sehr schlecht ist!
Chaotisch ohne Ende, jede weiss dass es so nicht mehr lange weitergeht
Sehr negativ, im Markt ist bekannt, dass radicant nur dank dem Honigtopf der BLKB überleben kann!
Stimmt, eher Bore- anstatt Burn-out
Für ein Start-up super, ich gehe davon aus, dass man für das Risiko eines raschen Untergangs entschädigt wird
Das Kommunizierte entspricht nicht dem Gelebten
Dauernde Wechsel verhindern ein Zusammenwachsen
Ältere Kollegen gibt es nur in der GL
Schönreden ohne Ende
War mal
das Gehalt
fehlende Motivation. Ich denke die MA haben das Unternehmen aufgegeben
es ist zu spät für Verbesserungen
Absolut schräg, keiner kennt seine Zuständigkeiten, komplette Demotivation
siehe Presse
so, so, la, la
Man redet davon...
extremer Sarkasmus unter den MA
es gibt keine älteren Kollegen
menschlich ok, aber total ziellose Führung
schicke Räumlichkeiten an bester Lage
gibt es nicht
wenn man überhaupt Arbeit hätte
Happy with the progress this year and the changes that were made to improve the culture.
No Micromanaging anymore, good opportunities to learn new things, flexible working hours, remote work
Right now there is nothing big to mention all the big problems have been improved or are still being worked on to be better.
Keep trying to improve and take feedback seriously.
Make sure the workload is not too much for individuals so people don't burn out.
Happy with the current team and management tries to make changes to improve but it is also the responsibilitiy of each employee to make an effort to have a good atmosphere.
Sad to see people who just were not right for this company to be so angry online, as the company tries to improve, which not all companies care so much about making their employees happy. Of course "Rome was not built in a day" and if someone does not have the patience or is not willing to let the company grow and learn from mistakes then I guess they are in the wrong place.
Very free to manage my time (as long as work is done and deadlines are met) and I have a lot more flexibility to prioritize my health than I had with other jobs and not have to work strictly between 8-5.
Overall ok but not that much contact/interaction between all the teams.
Everyone gets treated the same.
Management has improved! Very happy with my line manager, he is very supportive and trusting
Has improved a lot over the last few years!! Management has put effort into improving and the teams have improved communication between each other. However always room for improvement.
I get to learn new things and have opportunities to ask for other tasks that might not be within my normal job description, but I would be interested to learn more.
Slimming down, staying motivated
Poor reaction to criticism
Stay consistent, stick to a plan
Pretty normal, everyone just wants to move past the drama of the past few months and working hard to achieve it
Polarity, disgruntled ex employees, negative press. Annoying!!!
10 stars, chilling like a villain
Too many shifting parts - not transparent enough about financing and support from the owner
Best place to work on side hustles. No pressure
Very woke
Due to the nature of my job as a warning
- Gute Arbeitsverhältnisse
- Supper offenes und kommunikatives Team
- Gute Arbeitsatmosphäre
Teilweise noch etwas Chaotisch - dies ist meiner Meinung nach jedoch normal bei einem so jungen Unternehmen. Dies bedautet aber genau, dass man viel bewirken kann um das Unternehmen mitaufzubauen.
Die generelle Atmosphäre in der Firma ist gut. Die Leute sind grösstenteils motiviert und wollen die Firma aufbauen und weiterentwickeln.
Meiner Erfahrung nach, hat radicant ein besseres Image verdient als es vielleicht zum derzeitigen Stand hat. Es macht Spass hier zu arbeiten.
radicant bietet einen 100% remote Job und es können die Arbeitszeiten auch selbst gewählt werden (natürlich mit Rücksicht auf das eigene Team und operationelle Voraussetzungen.).
Dadurch dass radicant noch sehr jung ist und sich künftig noch stark vergrössern wird, gibt es entsprechend auch gute und schnelle Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten gerade im Vergleich zu langjährigen Unternehmen.
Die Entlöhung ist meiner Meinung nach fair, allerdings nicht mit gewissen Löhnen (vorallem aber bei hohen Positionen) bei Grossbanken zu vergleichen. radicant ist noch immer im Anfangsstadium/Start-up Phase und kann entsprechend nicht "Manager-Löhne" bezahlen.
radicant legt extrem viel Wert auf Umwelt- und Sozialbewusstein
Die Leute sind aufgestellt und generell kommunikativ. Im Client Service Team ist die Atmosphäre und der Zusammenhalt sogar sehr gut und es macht richtig Spass zusammen zu arbeiten.
alles gut
Mein direkter Vorgesetzter legt sehr viel Wert auf Transparenz und Vertrauen. Die Zusammenarbeit ist hervorragend. Man weiss immer woran man ist und kann seine Gedanken, Sorgen oder Vorschläge jederzeit teilen.
Jeder Mitarbeiter hat die Möglichkeit von zu Hause oder im Büro zu arbeiten. Es erhalten alle einen Labtop , Tastatur und Maus, welche auf dem neusten Stand sind.
Es gibt wöchentlich eine Infoveranstalltung wobei alle Mitarbeiter regelmässig über firmenweite Themen informiert werden.
Es werden alle gleich behandelt.
Dadurch dass radicant noch ein wenig in den Baby-Schuhen steckt, ist jeder Tag anderst als der vorherige. Es warten immer wieder neue Aufgaben und Herausforderungen auf einen und Langeweile ist kein Thema.
Nothing comes to mind
Nearly ecerything
Poor atmosphere, not fit for the future, weak management
Outside shiny, closed zu greenwashing
Changes all the time
Nice Space in Zürich Seefeld
The essential things are hushed up. Especially with regard to the future (what happens next? When will the Blkb turn off the money tap?)
Was once
We adapt quickly when we realize something isn’t working. Constant change is essential in a scale-up environment. We need to experiment, learn what works, and what doesn’t. Expecting a fixed strategy from a company that’s only been in the market for a year is unrealistic.
We're still too risk-averse, especially when it comes to external communication.
People with the wrong mindset and too much ego should be let go.
After a few toxic individuals, who still haven't moved on and continue to express their anger on this platform, were let go, the internal spirit has improved significantly.
Unfortunately, a few unnecessary haters who can't move on continue to work against us, putting everyone's jobs at risk. This isn’t the reality, but some people just lack dignity.
Full freedom to manage work duties with private responsibilities, lots of work, but healthy balance
In a flat hierarchy, there aren't many opportunities for career advancement in terms of titles, but there are always opportunities to expand your knowledge. I've never learned as much in such a short period of time as I have in this job.
For a young company fully ok, not competing with banking salaries, but that can't be the expectation
Could be better throughout the team, when it comes to recycling, food waste etc
Some organizational changes have led to much better collaboration. The removal of artificial bottlenecks caused by a few egocentric individuals has positively impacted the overall atmosphere and spirit. People are regaining their positive energy and morale.
age doesn't matter here, all are the same
I wish I could get a bit more time from my manager. There’s a lot happening, which leads to shortened meetings and less focus on my topics. On the positive side, I’m not micromanaged and have the freedom to get things done independently.
flexibile remote work, great office set up
Leadership has improved in transparency; we receive regular updates and are fully informed about what’s going on.
No difference between gender
I have the opportunity to shape my role into what I want it to be. It’s very broad, and I can choose which topics I want to focus on next. I really enjoy this flexibility.
Taught me about the kind of company I don’t ever want to work for.
If you are glass eyed, naive and submissive you will be celebrated as a rocket scientist - capable of propelling the company to new heights. All you need is positivity and an uncanny ability to sell nonsense as facts to keep the BLKB dollars rolling in.
Too many to list.
It’s pointless unfortunately. There’s been no change in C-Suite level since launch…interesting? Considering high turnover on the employee level. But those ego maniacs won’t ever talk about that.
Orwellian suppression and bending of the truth. “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”
Just google.
The toxicity transfer to your family and partner at home. Otherwise twiddling thumbs as usual.
There’s probably some degree of career and skill regression happening
Don’t fall for the worthless stock options. If you’re lucky after years of service you may be able to buy your kid a ticket to the Zoo and some Dino Chicken nuggets.
You need rhinoceros skin on your back to stop the penetration of knives - CEO has just given an old time pal that’s been with him at the last 2 companies a full time job. (With a product management background) after firing 2 product manager leads. We are all talking about it.
Management hates one another - constantly undermining each other. Very uncomfortable on the employee level. No one has anything good or real to say about each other. Career Politicians.
Nice office, nice equipment. May as well be part of a movie set since everyone is acting like meaningful work is being done.
Funny anecdote - there was an actual film
set that got sold for cents on the dollar and another soul that was promised creative freedom was let go.
2 stars for the incredible skill of manipulating truths and not addressing the current state of business. Always doing great and always a new amazing initiative from our over energetic marketing leads.
There’s the comfortable upper employees who get paid too much to do too little, highly incentivized to stay quiet & keep up the facade.
and the quiet, frustrated majority.
Somewhere in a galaxy far away…
So verdient kununu Geld.