A lot of promises but in the reality....
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Global concern => plenty of contact with different countries
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
They didn't understand that GenY and genZ work in a different ways than boomers and GenX. And they didn't addapt their policies
Putting theory in practice with strong engagement of leadership for D&I and People Development issues (communicating indicators and putting it as objective of managers
Better respect Work Life Balance and offer more Flexible work / work from home even after COVID Phase. (let the people choose like by Novartis : they are adults !)
even if some people still micromanages their peer
depends on people
most are sympathic colleagues
Planning is most of time too optimistic
nice but not focus on people devlopment
Not in Selzach site ! They are late on that !
Despite plenty of message about their inclusive and diversity policy, the FACTS are that more than 95% of leaders are white men ! From a statistic calculation, there is an evidence that it is not a policy in the reality !
It seems it is a little better in other Stryker Location !
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
even if some didn't realize that working style of 2020 is not the one of 1960 !
new building but noisy place and air cond not working
eg no program for car-sharing or incitation to use public transportation !
very low salaries for med tech !
Fidelity is not considered !
No salary realignement policy.
Big global company !
in theory yes, in practice no especially for people representing "diversity"
Quick progression in some department, very slow in other => there sould be an alignement
All is about political games and hasardous decisions !!!